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few questions about this though (and thus possible flaws):

1) just how do you intend to get them on the table? There is no other option then to either field them in set up or DS them in a LR. Corbulo does not have the deepstrike rule, nor has he the ability to get it as he can't be equiped with a jump pack so DS'ing the whole unit turn 2 is out off the question

2) I see elite's, elite's and an allied HQ, where are your required troops (though I allready know the answer, this is just a part of the army, but still)

3 the gate is really dangerous for none DOA units, you roll 2 d6 with the scatter and if you roll a double (any double) then you lose 1 termy. Sure, you can reroll once using Corbulo's rule, but one use and it's over. Second time you roll a double you're losing a unit. If that gate were to be used on an assualt squad, you only roll 1 D6 so you can never roll a double and thus never lose a unit ;)

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few questions about this though (and thus possible flaws):

1) just how do you intend to get them on the table? There is no other option then to either field them in set up or DS them in a LR. Corbulo does not have the deepstrike rule, nor has he the ability to get it as he can't be equiped with a jump pack so DS'ing the whole unit turn 2 is out off the question


Gate of Infinity allows the entire squad to deepstrike. If need be they can do that.


3 the gate is really dangerous for none DOA units, you roll 2 d6 with the scatter and if you roll a double (any double) then you lose 1 termy. Sure, you can reroll once using Corbulo's rule, but one use and it's over. Second time you roll a double you're losing a unit.


I stand to be corrected here, but I though you only lose a model- not a unit

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yes I ment model, but still, if you get unlucky and roll doubles every single time you'll lose your taskforce in no time.

And while the gate might make it possible to have models without DS rules be able to DS anyway, it still doesn't resolve the question of how you intend to set them up in the first place. The gate can't be cast when the unit isn'nt on the table but in DS reserve anyway? Or can it?

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Honestly though, I think the Librarian is over-kill. The termies are going to shoot stuff as they walk anyway, and Corbulo will help keep them alive. I wouldn't risk a unit this big with deepstrike, in case of mishap)
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yes I ment model, but still, if you get unlucky and roll doubles every single time you'll lose your taskforce in no time.

And while the gate might make it possible to have models without DS rules be able to DS anyway, it still doesn't resolve the question of how you intend to set them up in the first place. The gate can't be cast when the unit isn'nt on the table but in DS reserve anyway? Or can it?


nvm, found the answer allready to that one, it can't:


pg124 BGB - "Arriving from Reserve - At the start of your turn two" this is before start of the movement phase

pg125 BGB - "Unless stated otherwise, a unit cannot charge, or use any abilities or special rules that must be used at the start of the turn, in the turn it arrives from reserve." If you have an ability or power that is used at the start of the turn you can not use them. Most new psychic powers are cast in the players movement phase.

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You start the unit on the table, and you Gate them forward on turn 1 if need be. When you place them down, just make sure they are more than 12 inches away from the opponent. You will most likely only have to do this one time, maybe two, so the risk of losing a lot of models to Gate doubles is pretty low.
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ok, that solves that. Now on the other hand there is one more question I got. You're paying :cussloads of points for a squad that will spend most of their time shooting, as they can't assault after using DS. Not being able to assualt some turns put's you in danger aswell as you can't get yourself locked in combat if need be to lose the opponents rain of fire. I'm curiuos how you solve that problem. Sure, Corbulo can take most hits but at some point he will fail if enough shots are coming his way. That squad could be thined real quick if and when the d6 don't favor you
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There's no magic answer to this. This is 40k and things WILL die if you shoot them enough. Having Corbs in there increases your chances that you will live through it, but there is just no guarantee you will. So it's for sure you are putting all your eggs in the same basket when you go with a squad like this. Can it pay off big? Yep. Will things go wrong quick if the dice don't go your way? Yep - thats just the nature of Deathstars.
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3 the gate is really dangerous for none DOA units, you roll 2 d6 with the scatter and if you roll a double (any double) then you lose 1 termy. Sure, you can reroll once using Corbulo's rule, but one use and it's over. Second time you roll a double you're losing a unit. If that gate were to be used on an assualt squad, you only roll 1 D6 so you can never roll a double and thus never lose a unit :)


Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't have my BA codex with me in this state. But doesn't DoA only work when they're deepstriking via jumpacks? IE, I think I remember skies of blood EXPLICITLY saying that a unit using that rule with jumpacks can DoA when they pop out of the SR, again with Jumpacks.


I don't think, off the top of my head, that DoA would allow a unit not to roll 2D6 for Gate's scatter.

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Can't you have a few units with Locator Beacons (Pods, SR, Scouts) and Gate to within 6" of those and not have to roll?


In fact, couldn't you drop pod 1st turn (with LB) and then activate the librarian to gate to the drop pod without scattering? You would get the drop pod squad and the term squad in the enemies backfield turn 1...

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I don't know how Locator Beacons combine with Gate of Infinity but I do know that to use a Locator Beacon is has to be on the table at the start of the turn.


But a Pod with Beacon is all good when you have deep striking reserves coming in on turn 2 :tu:

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Once again I am trying to respond from work...


IIRC the Locator Beacon allows units that are Deep Striking within 6" of the LB to not deviate. Does Gate of Infinity state that the unit deploys as if it were DSing? If so, you should be able to use LB's as Gate points safely.

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I'm not near my space marine codex, so I can't answer if gate counts as deep striking.


But both locator beacon and teleport homer states that they only work, if they were already on the table from the start of the turn.


It is this wording that prevents you from deep striking a pod, and then entering reserves safely around it on the same turn. It also prevents safe gating later in the same turn.


Edit - As Sp4rky already pointed out, derp me for skimming the text.

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