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Stormtalon Escort and board edges


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You have a Stormtalon in Reserves that has been assigned to escort Unit X. Unit X arrives via reserves from your board edge. The Stormtalon must arrive from a poit that is within 12" of the point from which Unit X arrived.

If Unit X arrives .5" from the corner where the long board edge meets the short board edge, does that give you permission to measure the Talon's arrival from the short board edge (where Outflankers would normally arrive), or ar you restricted to the long board edge for selecting the arrival point?


I ask because if you're restricted to the long edge, your maximum board penetration with a normal Zoom move is 18". But if the Talon can arrive by measuring from a point on the short edge, it can have a maximum board penetration of 18"+11.5" (12-.5). It's of questionable utility, but could be potentially used to draw LOS to otherwise hidden targets or to capture objectives in The Scouring mission.

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I've just checked the rules and RAW it looks like you can. Although you can only deploy from within 6" of the point the unit you're escorting enters, so it's even finer margins there.
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