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Silly Questions (6th ed)


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So, here are a few questions I have. They are simple and probably answered elsewhere, but I was not able to find it:


1) if a rhino is wrecked, can you walk on it? Can you disembark from a wrecked rhino onto it? Does being on it grant cover?

2) Someone mentioned that Space Marines can choose to fail the test after losing combat to run away. I could not find any information on that. Is it true? Can they all do it?

3) Say I am shooting at a squad of 8, but can only see 7 models. Can I still kill all 8 like in 5th or not?

4) Is Look Out, Sir rolled before saves or after?



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OK, quick answers to the two that I do know are:


3) No you can't. It's stated on p16 under 'Out Of Sight'

4) Lookout, Sir is rolled when a wound is allocated. The procedure for this various depending on whether a rule has mixed saves.

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a) Yes (BRB p.74)

b ) No (BRB p.80)

c) Yes and no; only if the models on top are 25% obscured from the point of view of the firer, since it's not Area Terrain. (BRB ps.18, 74)


2) Yes they can choose to fail any Morale Test, the special rule is called Combat Tactics. (C:SM p.51)


3) No, any models that are not in Line of Sight of the firing models cannot be killed (BRB p.16)


4) See Feste's answer.

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1) Yes you can walk on a wrecked rhino, it is difficult and dangerous. When disembarking from a wrecked rhino you put everyone in base and then get a 3" move but it doesn't say you can't use this move to move over your own vehicle.


2) Yes they can, only codex space marines part of their combat tactics rule with certain exceptions.


3) Can't kill a model with shooting unless someone in the shooting unit can draw line of sight. So only 7 dead in this situation.


4) Before if armor saves are mixed, after if they are the same.

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Yep it is, just checked.


“If the Psychic test is passed, the unit (and any accompanying character chosen from Codex: Grey Knights) can shoot at any enemy unit within range, even if they do not have line of sight to it.
p2. top of the 2nd column.
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I'd imagine that would be an excellent example of where the Codex does trump the Rulebook


*whistles innocently*


Well, I think we can all agree that the Purgators can roll to-hit the unit out of LoS with Astral Aim.


That's where the Codex > BRB comes in.


But our Codex says *nothing* about wounding/removing as a casualty minis out of LoS.


Which is a no go by the BRB. :)


*whistles innocently*



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2) Someone mentioned that Space Marines can choose to fail the test after losing combat to run away. I could not find any information on that. Is it true? Can they all do it?



Yup, to clarify how this works, if at any point they need to take a morale test, they can just elect to fail. This this wouldn't be all that great, except for the fact that they have ATSKNF, which means they automatically rally, and don't get routed if they're caught while fleeing (they just become Fearless temporarily and fight normally). The beauty of this is that, say, a devastator squad that gets charged and loses combat can leave combat, rally, move 3" and still count as 'stationary' for the sake of shooting. Which means you're getting shot at point blank range, and if you want to charge them a second time, they get another round of Overwatch shooting.


It's a really under-used skill that was pretty good in 5th and sorta amazing in 6th due to the changes. No extra wounds due to fearless, overwatch, and the fact that there's no longer a minimum distance to rally (used to be 6" right?) means you can't just chase them off the board.


One thing to note, is that if they have vulkan in their army, THEY LOSE THIS ABILITY! don't let them forget. You don't get to do twin linked flamer overwatch shenanigans on you. Well...they mostly only get to do it once... :lol:


I should say: Yup, Codex SM only (and only if you dont take a special char that replaces it.) The other chapters have their own rules.

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I'd imagine that would be an excellent example of where the Codex does trump the Rulebook


*whistles innocently*


Well, I think we can all agree that the Purgators can roll to-hit the unit out of LoS with Astral Aim.


That's where the Codex > BRB comes in.


But our Codex says *nothing* about wounding/removing as a casualty minis out of LoS.


Which is a no go by the BRB. ;)


*whistles innocently*



I just knew you were going to say that ... :lol:

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I beg to differ on 4) Is Look Out, Sir rolled before saves or after?


BRB pg 16, 2nd column, 1st prag "(or unsaved)"


Itlooks to me like you have a choice.


Explination of unsaved wounds on pg 15, 1st column, 3rd parg., best read in context.


I do foresee problems with assault. The discription of Look Out Sir there says "As with shooting..." and does not have the "(or unsaved)" addendum.

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I had a simialr question in 5th. So in 6th If I surround the rhino with orks and wreck the vehicle, can the embarked 5 man squad deploy on top of the wreck, because all the exits are blocked?

Depends what you mean by "all exits." If "exit" means Access Point, then at least some of the squad can still get out via Emergency Disembarkation as long as you can place a model in base contact with the vehicle, more than 1" away from an enemy model. You can then move that model up to 3" and repeat the process with another model from the unit. Once you run out of room, the rest that cannot be placed are lost. See pg. 79, the rules are quite specific. Note carefully that it talks about placing one model at a time.



1) Yes you can walk on a wrecked rhino, it is difficult and dangerous. When disembarking from a wrecked rhino you put everyone in base and then get a 3" move but it doesn't say you can't use this move to move over your own vehicle.

Yes it does! Look at pg. 80 under Wrecked. You have all of the instructions for how to disembark the models first and only at the last sentence does it say the model "becomes a wreck." Up until all models in the transport finish disembarking, it is not a wreck yet. However, I think the OP may have been asking if models can disembark onto a transport that had previously become a wreck. In that case the answer is yes, since it is just Difficult and Dangerous terrain at that point. You cannot disembark on top of the transport that was just wrecked.

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Actually, I had meant "could they disembark onto the vehicle the turn it has become wrecked". Thank you for the clarification though.


Thank you everyone for the answers to my questions.


It would seem that you can Look Out, Sir! an unsaved wound. Unless of course that was a poorly written clarification. Thanks!

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It would seem that you can Look Out, Sir! an unsaved wound. Unless of course that was a poorly written clarification. Thanks!

It is not immediately clear from the rulebook, but it works like this.


Look Out, Sir! is done when a wound is allocated. Allocated wounds may be unsaved or saved depending on the composition of the unit.


If the unit contains models with identical saves, then all saves are attempted simultaneously and unsaved wounds are allocated. Look Out, Sir! may then be attempted if an unsaved wound is allocated to a Character.


If the unit contains models with mixed saves, then wounds are allocated before saves are attempted. This is in order to make sure each model gets the save they are entitled to. Look Out,Sir! may be attempted when a wound is allocated and then whoever is unfortunate to 'suffer' the wound attempts to make the save.

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dangerous terrain is done on a per model basis. i dont think that you could look out sir that, as the model that is look out siring could die to his own test. (yes i have lost an entire unit [5 dudes] to the worse dangerous terrain roll of my life)
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