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Forgeworld Petition

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So, from this thread, I think we need to start a petition to Forgeworld telling them of our intent to purchase conversion kits for Thousand Sons and Emperor's Children.


Obviously, FW has done an excellent job with WE and DG: linky. I think it is fair to say that we will all be willing to pay for similar conversion kits at the same price for both infantry and terminators.


So, if possible, please sign your petition, and write down how much you are willing to spend. For all sorts and purposes, let's assume the following:

1. Five replacement shoulder pad sets, heads and torsos for the plastic Chaos Space Marine Terminators, depicting Thousand Sons and Tzeentchian iconography - 17 GBP.

2. Ten Replacement shoulder pad sets, heads and torsos for the plastic Chaos Space Marines, depicting Thousand Sons and Tzeentchian iconography - 21 GBP.

3. Five replacement shoulder pad sets, heads and torsos for the plastic Chaos Space Marine Terminators, depicting Emperor's Children and Slaaneshi iconography - 17 GBP.

4. Ten Replacement shoulder pad sets, heads and torsos for the plastic Chaos Space Marines, depicting Emperor's Children and Slaaneshi iconography - 21 GBP.



Username: Iron Warrior w/ Servo Arm

Intent to purchase: 2 sets of Thousand Sons terminator kits, and 5 sets of Thousand Sons infantry kits.

Total: 139 GBP


Please help spread this petition as much as possible. I will send all users' names and monthly totals to FW at <forgeworld at gwplc dot com> at the end of this month, and the end of every other month.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Signed, and I don't play either legion. That said, I'd love to have at least one iconic character/lord/champ from each of the major chaos legions adorning my shelf, if not to command a small squad of their appropriate alignment, from time to time, in my army. Just to say 'hey, we're here too, messing with your front lines!'.
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Maybe wait until release of the new Codex?


The rumours are saying there is going to be an upgrade pack for Thousand Sons. (Plague Marines & Emperor's Children also).

Upgrade pack or not, the details from the FW conversion kits blow the Citadel ones away. Have you seen those Khorne Bersekers? Those are the reason that I might go back and start another WE force. But to be fair the current Berserker range is horrid.

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  • 1 month later...
and also any and all Alpha Legion sets they'd churn out! :devil:

Me too :P


Username: Doomedllamaguy

Intend to purchase: 2 sets of terminator thousand sons shoulder pads , and two sets of the marine shoulder pads.

Total: 76 gbp

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Username- Crimson Hawk

Intent to purchase- One Thousand Sons Terminator upgrade kit, two Thousand Sons Chaos Space Marines upgrade kits.

Total-57 GBP (Not all in one go though-what can I say? I'm a Scot. We're cheap :lol:)

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  • 1 month later...

I've been wishing for this for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages! This needs more people to reply and it seriously needs to be sent to Forge World!


I would buy 5 CSM and 2 Terminator Emperor's Children upgrade kits (Eventually. I wouldn't get them all at once) for £139. Please, somebody, anybody, make this happen!

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