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would alpha legion use markings


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It depends on their mission. When they are acting openly as Alpha Legion, then yes, hydra symbols are used.


But why go with that when you can put an upside down Omega on there and have Mat Ward's babies blamed?

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Unless they're specifically disguising themselves as loyalist marines, they would indeed use markings and their use of hydra imagry sometimes seems to border on being a fetish (just look at the Alpha Legion skin in Space Marine, hydras everywhere - shoulderpad, helmet, backpack). You can get some decent Alpha Legion shoulderpads directly from GW: Here


As for icons, they'd likely stick to glory for general purposes, though they're not known for summoning daemons (they get cultists to do that instead) so they'd mainly see use as teleporter beacons for their termies. However, they wouldn't be above picking up the icon of a particular god if they felt the situation called for it. You're not likely to see many cult troops in their warbands, so it would just be the basic marines, using an icon to suit their own needs when they need arose, rather than them actually carrying the icon because they were paying homage to the god in question.

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It depends on their mission. When they are acting openly as Alpha Legion, then yes, hydra symbols are used.


But why go with that when you can put an upside down Omega on there and have Mat Ward's babies blamed?


Damn right! I made an assault/raptor squad with the upside down Omega. So far all they have done is managed to die, but i think with the new rules and an additional five they'll be pretty awesome.

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Isn't the Alpha Legion rather silly? I mean, the idea of secret agent GIANT 8 FOOT TALL GENETICALLY MODIFIED POWER ARMOR WEARING SUPERHUMANS just a bit silly?....


Secret agent? A bit, yeah. But the Legion SOP doesn't really end at manipulative confidential encounters. Sabotage, terrorism, assassinations, deliberate ops, black ops, pinpoint teleportation strikes, headhunting, dynamic entry, asymmetric warfare.... there are tons of different ways the Alpha Legion strike out at their foes, and many of them don't require the son of Alpharius to run around, pretending to be an Ultramarine. If anything, considering the Imperium's stance that the Legion is extinct, being decked out in blue and green and howling 'Hydra Dominatus!' has the benefit of being a form of psychological warfare in itself, sending tremors throughout an entire sector that suddenly realizes that their security may not be secure enough, Inquisitors going on witch hunts for any sign of the Alpha Legion (causing all sorts of collateral damage in itself), and generally spreading distrust simply through proving that 'reports of their death being greatly exaggerated'.

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Isn't the Alpha Legion rather silly? I mean, the idea of secret agent GIANT 8 FOOT TALL GENETICALLY MODIFIED POWER ARMOR WEARING SUPERHUMANS just a bit silly?....


They don't have to be in their power armor, and Several books mention 'cloaking' fields of a sort, that cause the wearer to look like a normal human(or anything for that matter.) Several Horus Heresy novels mention them.

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Isn't the Alpha Legion rather silly? I mean, the idea of secret agent GIANT 8 FOOT TALL GENETICALLY MODIFIED POWER ARMOR WEARING SUPERHUMANS just a bit silly?....

was it just me that read this as modified suits of power armour that was wearing superhumans?



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Isn't the Alpha Legion rather silly? I mean, the idea of secret agent GIANT 8 FOOT TALL GENETICALLY MODIFIED POWER ARMOR WEARING SUPERHUMANS just a bit silly?....

was it just me that read this as modified suits of power armour that was wearing superhumans?




Now that you mention it ... :lol:

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Isn't the Alpha Legion rather silly? I mean, the idea of secret agent GIANT 8 FOOT TALL GENETICALLY MODIFIED POWER ARMOR WEARING SUPERHUMANS just a bit silly?....


They don't have to be in their power armor, and Several books mention 'cloaking' fields of a sort, that cause the wearer to look like a normal human(or anything for that matter.) Several Horus Heresy novels mention them.


Its not just a matter of 'cloaking' fields. Its a matter of volume and weight as well. Space Marines couldn't go through human sized doors. Good luck walking through crowded hallways. (just think about all those spikey bits) And there is no way a space marine could take an elevator.


And then even if you did all of this stuff it doesn't really make sense as far as a use for genetically modified supersoldiers.

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As has already been mentioned, the Alpha Legion has a huge variety of tactics and strategies, not just being "secret agents." That is, after all, one of the meanings of the Hydra as their symbol. Also, "secret agent" type stuff is done by the Legion's non-Astartes operatives for the most part. Trickery, deception, manipulation and carefully timed and planned strikes are the modus operandi, not sneaking around like James Bond (although the Legion's operatives and cultists could have lots of fun w/ the James Bond stuff).
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If you read the Horus Heresy books on the Alpha Legion, it describes them doing some pretty cool secret agent stuff, and believable (in the 40k universe) at that. They also have some psychic shielding that causes people to perceive them as regular people, or forget that they saw them at all. And for 8 foot tall power armor wearing soldiers, Space Marines (and Alpha Legion in particular) are extremely nimble. Oh, and they have a special "black ops" armor they wear that has no markings on it at all, and they have special sound dampening technology, light absorbing paint, they don't trip alarms, all kinds of stuff. It's pretty cool, actually. But most of the book has them not wearing their power armor, so they just look like really big dudes.
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Operations requiring the involvement of marines aren't really that stealthy overall. So whenever there are marines on the battlefield there is a need to have them there instead of just mortal men. There would be no use having super-stealthy marines running around in the shadows when what you need their bolterfire!


There is a time for stealth, and there is a time for action...

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