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2 Space Wolf clarifications on Psychic powers


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Couple of issues arose from the last game and we couldn't resolve through the rules or FAQ.


Firstly, do Space Wolves get more than one chance to stop psychic powers? Eg, Runic Weapon when power is cast, deny the witch if unit is targeted, wolf tail talisman if unit is affected and runic armour save against wounds caused? The wording for each seems to point to it being used at a slightly different time and we couldn't find anything to say you could only make one attempt to stop a power.


Secondly, if a rune priest cast Jaws of the World Wolf and it traces through 2 units, hitting 2 models in each unit. Do you roll, 1 (1st target), 2 (for each unit) or 4 (for each model) deny the witch attempts?

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Firstly, do Space Wolves get more than one chance to stop psychic powers? Eg, Runic Weapon when power is cast, deny the witch if unit is targeted, wolf tail talisman if unit is affected and runic armour save against wounds caused? The wording for each seems to point to it being used at a slightly different time and we couldn't find anything to say you could only make one attempt to stop a power.

You can get:

4+ Runic Weapon (or 3+ w/ Njal) to dispel

6+ Deny the Witch (or 4+/5+ w/ a Rune Priest in the squad) to dispel

5+ Wolftail Talisman to dispel


5+ Runic Armor Invulnerable Save (for a model equipped with Runic Armor against each Wound caused by a Psychic source)

3+ Armor save (or 2+ with Runic Armor)

only the last two are "Saves", so you get all of the preceding and one or the other of the last two.


Secondly, if a rune priest cast Jaws of the World Wolf and it traces through 2 units, hitting 2 models in each unit. Do you roll, 1 (1st target), 2 (for each unit) or 4 (for each model) deny the witch attempts?

One attempt, because only the "targeted unit" gets to make a Deny the Witch test -

"If a Psychic Power is targeted on an enemy unit and the Psychic Test is passed, the target can attempt a Deny the Witch before the Psychic Power is resolved", BRB, Pg.68

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Firstly, do Space Wolves get more than one chance to stop psychic powers? Eg, Runic Weapon when power is cast, deny the witch if unit is targeted, wolf tail talisman if unit is affected and runic armour save against wounds caused? The wording for each seems to point to it being used at a slightly different time and we couldn't find anything to say you could only make one attempt to stop a power.

You can get:

4+ Runic Weapon (or 3+ w/ Njal) to dispel

6+ Deny the Witch (or 4+/5+ w/ a Rune Priest in the squad) to dispel

5+ Wolftail Talisman to dispel


5+ Runic Armor Invulnerable Save (for a model equipped with Runic Armor against each Wound caused by a Psychic source)

3+ Armor save (or 2+ with Runic Armor)

only the last two are "Saves", so you get all of the preceding and one or the other of the last two.


Secondly, if a rune priest cast Jaws of the World Wolf and it traces through 2 units, hitting 2 models in each unit. Do you roll, 1 (1st target), 2 (for each unit) or 4 (for each model) deny the witch attempts?

One attempt, because only the "targeted unit" gets to make a Deny the Witch test -

"If a Psychic Power is targeted on an enemy unit and the Psychic Test is passed, the target can attempt a Deny the Witch before the Psychic Power is resolved", BRB, Pg.68


Yea for runic power!!


But as has been said, JotWW only treats the first model affected by the power to be the target model and everybody else just gets hit on the way through. So the initial unit gets a Deny the Witch attempt, because it has a model that was treated as the target model, however everybody else was just hit as it went through and thus not targetted and no Deny the Witch.

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Yea for runic power!!

Yeah, I've already been threatened with noogies over the Runic Weapon/Runic Armor deal we got in this edition - And I'm a 41yo, 5'9", 225lb guy who isn't typically the target of noogie threats...

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Yea for runic power!!

Yeah, I've already been threatened with noogies over the Runic Weapon/Runic Armor deal we got in this edition - And I'm a 41yo, 5'9", 225lb guy who isn't typically the target of noogie threats...


I sense a very powerful psyker based army for the Thousand Sons next Chaos codex that will put the Wolves defenses into perspective if not overshadow them....LOL!

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Thanks for the responses guys. I'm wondering if wolf tail talisman will get FAQd into a +1/+2 on the deny the witch roll? Anyway can carry on until then playing it, making Space Wolves very good at stopping powers.
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