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Thousand sons versus Dark Angels 1000pts, Brigandials fall

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Had my first proper game of 6th today, my list was as follows:

Sorcerer lord Zarathustra Suicune with Mark of Tzeentch, doombolt and Bolt of change 165pts

Aspiring Sorcerer Ptolomy with doombolt and 10 rubric marines 300pts

Aspiring Sorcerer Belshazzar with Doom bolt and 9 rubrics 277pts

Predator "Dawn of Unity" (Aka Hill Pred) with autocannon and lascannon sponsons 130pts

Predator "Spear of Ra" with autocannon and Lascannon sponsons 130pts


He was 15pts over, so I took the extra rubric that took me over ;)

His list was:

Company master with power weapon

Interrogator chaplain

2X Tactical squad with power fist, melta and missile launcher

Razorback with twin linked heavy bolter

10 Company veterans with 2 plasma pistols, a melta gun, a power weapon and a power fist in a drop pod with storm bolter.

For warlord traits, He rolled legendary fighter, whilst I rolled Coordinated assault.

For psychic powers, Zarathustra swapped doombolt for a roll on the telepathy table, getting the bonus to friendly squads, seeing as everyone was already fearless I swapped that for Psychic scream, with a similar roll making me get flame breath on Belshazzar though Ptolemy got Vortex of DOOM!

Set up was pitched battle, misison Purge the xenos. He deployed his razorback next to the tower, with a tactical squad behind it, and a tactical squad with the company master behind the tower, My squads were positioned next to each other, with a predator each side, Dawn of unity being positioned on the hill.



Turn 1

He got first turn, his forces advanced from initial positions, snap firing at squad Ptolemy, the one in the tower killing one with a frag missile shot. Razorback shoots as well, but to no effect.

In my turn, both squads advanced, the dawn of unity opens fire on the razorback, exploding it. The spear of ra kills a marine in the tower. Zarathustra starts the shooting of squad ptolemy at the tower squad, trying to cast Bolt of change, he perils, but the power still goes off, killing one of the tower marines, and another two fall to Ptolemys bolter fire, Belshazzar killing none.


Turn two, he advances, the vets don't arrive and his shooting does nothing. In response my squads advance, ptolemy and zarathustra both killing a marine each with their rulebook lore powers, and the squads bolt guns leave the company master on his own. Seeing this oppertunity, the spear of ra opens fire on him, killing him with one of it's lascannons as he fails his iron halo save, Belshazzar's boltguns take down 2 of the other squad whilst the Dawn of unity kills three.


Turn three, his drop pod comes down right next to the Dawn, the veteran destroying it despite two penetrating hits and a glancing doing nothing but roll ones and the last tactical squad moves into the tower, their shooting does nothing however. In response, Ptolemy moves back, vortexing one veteran, Shrieking 2 and the boltguns another two, whilst belshazzar botlers down one tactical marins. Ptolemy charges, the Aspiring sorcerer kill the chaplain, the squad and Zarathustra kill another 5, whilst losing 5 rubrics in return.




The game then had to end, and so I won on kill points

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