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Ad Mech themed chapter name?


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Hi all,


I've been working hard on converting my Space Marine army to be either an Iron Hands successor, or just a chapter with close ties to the Ad Mech. My force is always led by a master of the forge, and I make use of plently of dreadnoughts and thunderfires. *every singe model* is being heavily converted to have bionics and servo arms or similar, you will get to see pics eventually.


I'm struggling to settle on a name for this chapter and so could do with some help from the B&C. So far i've been toying with Iron Guard or Iron Immortals, but i'm not sure. I quite liked Iron Souls, but have discovered that there is already a similar chapter out there with that name. Do you guys have any thoughts or suggestions on a good name for my heavily mechanically augmented chapter? (It does not have to include the word Iron!)



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I like the themed army ( hence my Sig) and for the names I liked the Iron Souls, but it reminds me of shoes for some reason.

And Iron Immortals is to long winded. It would be cool for just being called the Immortals. like: "look over there the Immortals have arrived!" . That just sounds like a butch of bad ;) dropping in to destroy the enemy.


Also please do post pictures asap. I have internet ADD, and like shiny pictures to look at. :D

What about their personality? Ok, they're tech-heavy, but how do they think? Are they stubborn/cold+calculating/ferocious/etc? Thinking about that might give you more ideas for a name.


That said, I quite like Marines Adamant for a IH successor.


Edit: Agreed that the conversions sound cool and pics would be good!

Thanks for the replies so far, I will post pictures, but I want to post their chapter name in the thread title which is why I'm trying to get that worked out first.


As a general feel for the chapter, apart from being tech-heavy, I imagine them as stubborn and unyielding, although not sharing the cold attitude of the iron hands. They are better suited to being durable, level headed & strategic rather than offensive or quick to anger. I dont imagine them to be as arrogant as some chapters and are more accepting of working with IG/similar forces than other chapters migth be.

I started an ad mech themed army several years ago and had the same problem.

Eventually I came up with two names depending on whether they were played as loyalist or renegade.

As loyalists I called them the Children of the Machine.

As renegade they are the Brotherhood of the Red Redemption.


I tossed about other names of which you are welcome to use.

Brotherhood of Iron

Brotherhood of the Machine

Children of Mars

the Iron Guard

Must sound like im being really picky!

Brazen makes me think of arrogance, which isnt what I want the chapter to be associated with, and as much as I like Brotherhood of Iron type names it's sooo close to Brotherhood of Steel from the Fallout serious of games that people will be thinking I just ripped that off. Keep the suggestions coming - i'm looking for that eureka moment when someone mentions something that just feels perfect to me!



How about using some of the lesser known alloy names rather than sticking to Iron or Steel?


So melding them (see what i did there?) with your characteristics for stubborn, durable, implacable monikers how about some of the following:


The Invar Bulwark

Talonite Wardens

Kovar Golems

Zamak Immortals

Angels Electrum


There are plenty out there so mix and match to your hearts content until you hit something that rings true(ok I'll stop now).

I am currently working on a renegade chapter called the Iron Blades, as a side project to compliment my Emperor's Immortals :devil:

I think it's a pretty good name, and you are of course free to use it if you agree.


If not you could go with;


The Iron Host

The Golden Blades

The Iron Claws

The Steel Lords (or Lords of Steel)

The Children of Steel (or Iron)

Thanks to everyone on your advice. As much as I like the idea of going with the Immortals, there's something l like about Iron Guard more and so I've decided to officially call my loyalist chapter the Iron Guard.


Thanks again for your thoughts, it was useful to help me decide even if I didnt use your suggested names :rolleyes:


Look out for the Iron Guard in the painting/modelling areas of the forum soon.

  Technoscream said:
Thanks to everyone on your advice. As much as I like the idea of going with the Immortals, there's something l like about Iron Guard more and so I've decided to officially call my loyalist chapter the Iron Guard.


Thanks again for your thoughts, it was useful to help me decide even if I didnt use your suggested names :)


Look out for the Iron Guard in the painting/modelling areas of the forum soon.

Iron Guard are the name of the Mordian Imperial guards. At least IIRC they were called that. ( back in the day).


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