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Cover, Area Terrain, and MCs/Flying MCs


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(Please correct me for being wrong, please) :)

Cover saves may be taken by any model allocated a Wound, if its body is 25%+ obscured by terrain. (BRB, Pg.18)

Area terrain gives a model within it a 5+ Cover save, even if it is not 25% obscured. (BRB, Pg.90)

Monstrous Creatures (BRB, Pg.48) have no prohibitions about benefiting from a Cover save due to 25% obscured or being in Area terrain.

Flying Monstrous Creatures (BRB, Pg.49) have no prohibitions on benefitting from a Cover save due to 25% obscured or being in Area terrain.

- Gliding Flying MCs treat Difficult terrain that they start or end their move in as Dangerous terrain

- but Swooping Flying MCs do not take Dangerous terrain test.

So a Swooping Flying MC can move 12-24" +run 2d6" into Area terrain, can't be assulted unless Grounded, will only get hit on a 6 due to Hard to Hit, and even if hit get a 5+ Cover save? So what's the down-side?

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Nope, you're right. My gaming group discussed this last night and found it interesting. The only downside is getting grounded, as the Cover Save doesn't work against that :).
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What's the chances though, that future Flying MCs will have a flying base? So, sure you could get a cover save but it'll need to be a tall building.

But that's the thing - he was deserving of a Cover save because his model was in Area Terrain, not because of being Obscured.

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Sorry, didn't read the post correctly. Possibly the downside is that you can't stay in it? You've got to move 12" when flying and can only turn 90deg. so it might be tricky to get it terrain consistently.
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Sorry, didn't read the post correctly. Possibly the downside is that you can't stay in it? You've got to move 12" when flying and can only turn 90deg. so it might be tricky to get it terrain consistently.

Well, actually, he can. My game last night was a perfect example -

My opponent Swooped his Flying Hive Tyrant 24" forward towards me into Area terrain and shot up one of my units. I needed 6's to hit him, couldn't assault him unless I managed to Ground him (which I did), and if we had known about this he would have gotten a 5+ Cover save. On his next turn, he could have changed to Gliding and stayed in the terrain if he wanted, getting the benefit of another turn of Cover save while shooting up what was left of my unit (if I hadn't managed to Ground him and then shoot him to pieces). Had he chosen that, I could have shot him easier, and assaulted him - but that was two rounds of shooting from cover and no Difficult/Dangerous terrain test. The turn after that, he could have switched back to Swoop and left the area terrain without a Diff/Dangerous Terrain test. Taken together, it just seems a little to beneficial to allow something which is "flying" (which is probably the justification for no Dangerous terrain test) to still benefit from a Cover save it's supposed to be "over" not "in".

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I looked at the rules for terrain and flying MC and thought they were silly.


A flying tyrant can stand behind a building and be out of LOS, whereas a flying storm raven would be visible above it.


I fixed this by giving my tyrant a flying stand, now my only problem is if it choses to walk.

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