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Company Champion's and their equipment!

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Thinking of starting a new army. I really want a command squad. Now the way the text is written is "May upgrade a veteran to a company champion armed with power weapon and combat shield"


Since my veteran is now a 'company champion'. Does that mean I cannot make use of the following upgrade options:

"Any veteran may replace his chainsword and/or bolt pistol with..." such and such


Is that right? Or he's still counted as a veteran.

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S4/AP3, 3+/6++ with FNP 5+ if you take the Apothecary, he's a capable "sergeant". Doesn't he also have a one-vs-one rule that now applies in Challenges. It's been so long I can't remember, haha.
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S4/AP3, 3+/6++ with FNP 5+ if you take the Apothecary, he's a capable "sergeant". Doesn't he also have a one-vs-one rule that now applies in Challenges. It's been so long I can't remember, haha.


There's no "if" on the Apothecary. He's mandatory in a Command Squad ;).


As for the Company Champion, no, he does not have any special rules. Just WS5, the power weapon and combat shield. You are thinking of the Chapter Champion who is a member of an Honour Guard squad. He has "Honour or Death!" as a special rule that requires him to make or accept a challenge if possible. He also gets rerolls to hit and to wound against enemy characters, making him a challenge beast.

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...Cheers for the quick answers guys.


Thanks for clearing that up for me.>.<



Although I think I'd prefer to tool a 'veteran' up with Thunder Hammer and maybe a storm shield...or just the Thunder hammer. He'll just claim to be the Company Champion whilst my captain laughs behind his back.

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Although I think I'd prefer to tool a 'veteran' up with Thunder Hammer and maybe a storm shield...or just the Thunder hammer. He'll just claim to be the Company Champion whilst my captain laughs behind his back.

This doesn't sound much like a loyalist army to me.


Oh. @_@

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Sorry....I've never played loyalists before...


I served for those filthy Tau when I began, saw Communism as ;), was inducted into the Guard...they were fun...beating marines in combat about 33% of the time as a 14 year old...then my Chaos have held strong for about...6 years...maybe 7 years now.


Night Lords are my current project beyond these new marines...>.<

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