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Hi maleficarum, err....Thousand Sons!


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Joking aside, I have been in several discussions regarding rune priests being untouched by the 6th edition changes to psychic defense. In fact, it appears that our rune priests have been made even better at psychic defense then before. So how does that direct me here? I am getting freakin' pumped for your new codex release!!


If things trend the way it appears, it seems that the legacy of our Legions will be played out quite nicely in the rules. There is no doubt in my mind that the Thousand Sons are going to be some psychic sons of female Fenrisian wolves!. With the introduction of the Brotherhood of Psykers rule in the GK codex and the new psychic mechanics of 6th, I am eagerly awaiting to test our psychic defenses against the lot of you. Seriously, 13yrs into this hobby and I have literally only played against one pure Thousand Sons list as a SW player. A solid Chaos dex will bring more Thousand Sons players to the tables and tournaments, which is always a good thing for both of our factions.


Are there any solid Chaos codex rumors specifically regarding the Thousand Sons? Please share if so and of course some good natured trash talking is welcome as well.....lol!

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Seriously, 13yrs into this hobby and I have literally only played against one pure Thousand Sons list as a SW player.

Wow, that's awful! I play a pure Thousand Sons army against a couple of my Space Wolf mates pretty much once or twice a month. We have a great rivalry and back story developed now.

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Well, to be honest I have never met a Space Wolf player in my 13 years. Most marines I play against are BA or BT. One guy had DA. Would love to play against a SW though.


As for TS rumours, not sure. Maybe we will get "All is Dust" special rule again. ;)


EDIT: Well there was one guy who collected SW minis as he loved them. But he plays Skaven...

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As a fan of the conflict I woud like to see the following;


1. A return to the whole sacred numbers, but with actual mechanics to match Brotherhhod of Psykers somewhat with a dedicated sorceror as the focal point.


2. Incorporate a better Rubric Marine.


3. Cult specific powers to macth the different Prospero cults; corvidae, etc, etc.


4. Cybernetic constructs.


5. A great representation of the Sekmet.


6. More to come as I brainstorm more.

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But seriously, the SW psychic defense is just damn unbalanced...


I'm expecting a FAQ of it shortly. I mean, not one but THREE separate saves after another?




In fairness, the new codex will be extremely nice, but our lovely Thousand Sons got quite buffed with the new rules as it is! So far the telepathic primaris power has killed a fair number of space wolves for me, and that's because I have rolled like crap on the chart and have been forced to take it! Rolling 4+ on that chart is quite awesome and devastating...unfortunately I have yet to roll over 3 on it... :P


It seems like every single thing in the new rulebook, apart from overwatch, buffed Thousand Sons! I'm a happy camper! :lol:

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But seriously, the SW psychic defense is just damn unbalanced...


I'm expecting a FAQ of it shortly. I mean, not one but THREE separate saves after another?




In fairness, the new codex will be extremely nice, but our lovely Thousand Sons got quite buffed with the new rules as it is! So far the telepathic primaris power has killed a fair number of space wolves for me, and that's because I have rolled like crap on the chart and have been forced to take it! Rolling 4+ on that chart is quite awesome and devastating...unfortunately I have yet to roll over 3 on it... :D


It seems like every single thing in the new rulebook, apart from overwatch, buffed Thousand Sons! I'm a happy camper! :ermm:

Oh dude, when u roll over 3 on telepathy it'll be glorious for you!

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I'm no member of the corvidae, but the fact that the brotherhood of psykers rule is labeled as "brotherhood of psykers/sorcerers" should tell you what they have in mind. ;D
A return of the never-used Thrall Wizards?
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I'm no member of the corvidae, but the fact that the brotherhood of psykers rule is labeled as "brotherhood of psykers/sorcerers" should tell you what they have in mind. ;D


My wish list for a Thousand Sons would be for them to really shine, not only through cpdex specific psychic powers, but also the BRB powers. And this is as a opponent across the table hoping to see them represented as they have been written in Thousand Sons, Prospero Burns, and Battle of the Fang.

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I've got a pure thousand sons army (first army) and since recently a space wolve army LOL

altough I do not keep them in the same cabinet, you never know...


Bah brotherhood of sorcerors ? that's rediculous, (except maybe for chosen) since rubrics are just mindless automatons..

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My bet is that cultists will be able to get Brotherhood of Sorcerers, either through Ahriman or the MoT.

cultists? nawww they are chaff for the mill...sheep to be herded. only those from the legion will have psychic ability and the brotherhood of sorcerers

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My bet is that cultists will be able to get Brotherhood of Sorcerers, either through Ahriman or the MoT.

cultists? nawww they are chaff for the mill...sheep to be herded. only those from the legion will have psychic ability and the brotherhood of sorcerers


yeah that's what I think too, I don't see cultists being a 'brotherhood of psykers"

can't recall any fluff examples for cultists being psychic ( at least not all of them) some of them yes as leaders of the pack, but not like a brotherhood like the grey knights


altough It would be fluffy for Tzeentch chosen, it depends on what we get for it.. ;)

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My bet is that cultists will be able to get Brotherhood of Sorcerers, either through Ahriman or the MoT.

cultists? nawww they are chaff for the mill...sheep to be herded. only those from the legion will have psychic ability and the brotherhood of sorcerers


yeah that's what I think too, I don't see cultists being a 'brotherhood of psykers"

can't recall any fluff examples for cultists being psychic ( at least not all of them) some of them yes as leaders of the pack, but not like a brotherhood like the grey knights


altough It would be fluffy for Tzeentch chosen, it depends on what we get for it.. :)

the one thing i might use my cultists for would be to channel my psychic powers through them, or drain them of their psychic lifeforce. Either way they die and are cast to the warp :)

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Ooh, that would be awesome. Aspiring Sorcerers as an upgrade for Cultist squads, and when the Sorcerer suffers Perils, the Cultists "get" to make Look Out Sir! rolls for it.
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Ooh, that would be awesome. Aspiring Sorcerers as an upgrade for Cultist squads, and when the Sorcerer suffers Perils, the Cultists "get" to make Look Out Sir! rolls for it.

Yeah! Or you can increase the AP or S of a power by 'burning' a cultist in the unit. Kind of how marker lights work for Tau, only we use human souls ;)

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