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My 6th thoughts after 2 test games


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I played 2 games last night vs Chaos Demons 1000 points each.


We both tried to take as many different types of units as we could to try and learn the new rules, so our forces were not really min/maxed


My Forces were


Libby Terminator armour with axe and storm sheild

Tactical squad missile and flamer

5 man assault squad with plas in las/plas razor

Storm Raven Las/melta

3 death company with bolters

Dev squad with 4 missiles

Bastion with flak cannon



Bloodthirster wings

Demon Prince of Tzeench wings

4 flamers

10 plague bearers

10 horros with the changling

5 Fiends


I wont do a full battle report, but I will go over what I saw as strengths and weaknesses for both the games.


Both games I used Divination powers for my Libby and I got to say he really shinned! There is only 1 power in Divination that I dont like "Scriers gaze" and it can be subbed out for the primaris power which grant 1 squad within 12 rerolls to hit. It really is a kick ass power! In the second game my Libby got Precognition giving him rerolls to hit/wound and rerolls on any saves! UMMM!! this power is bloody awsome! probably my new favourite power for a libby with storm shield. My libby and who was hanging out with my Devestators was assaulted by the Blood Thirster I simply issued a challenge so that he could only hurt hit my Libby leaving my dev squad unharmed. With rerolls on a 3+ invul My libby was untouchable to the Bloodthirster and over the next 3 combat phases he actually kill the greater demon with rerolls to hit and wound. That is an absolutley outstanding acheivement for a simple librarian. He will definetly be my go to HQ of choice now.


Flak guns are also really great vs deep striking armies. My oppnonents flamer squad deep struck right next to my tacticals in one game and would of easily wiped the squad out, luckily I killed 2 of the flamers with interceptor on the flak gun before they could fire.


The Storm raven was really good to in both games. Unless your opponent has dedicated anti air they really are hard to kill! In one game I managed to knock 2 wounds of the Bloodthirster while he was swooping, he then crashed to the group where my dev squad opened up and finished him off.


The Assault squad in razor wasn't as bad as I thought it would be either, it survived both games however I think that was more to do with target priority. The Bastion usually had my Tacticals and Devestators in it which really made the razor a low target priority! Having such a immobile army really made the razor useful to.


The Bastion I have really mixed views on. The thing can be a real death trap for the guys inside. The Demon Prince killed it with the first his in the first game use smash. The thing blew up and I took 3d6 hits at str6 and then had to do a emergency disembark meaning I was stuck there next turn. The guys also had to jump of the roof! each taking dangerous terrain tests with a modified fail of 1-3. Flamers flaming through firepoints really hurts to! However the amount of fire power I was able to put out was really great in the second game, the flak gun and manning the heavy bolters with tactical marines worked great.


I took 3 death company with bolters just to test them out. They did wreck face on the charge, but kinda got bogged down after that. If I take a small squad again I would go for chainsword/bolt pistol. first game they solo killed all the horrors and second game they killed all the plague bearers. A 10 man squad with bolters or a 5man with close combat weapons sounds like the right number though.



Flying greater demons and princes kick ass! It really is hard to stop them now unless you can knock them out of the sky! they just come in swooping and the next turn they are wrecking face! If you get lucky and ground them though they are in trouble!


Overall I enjoyed the new rules, but I got to say I really dislike the setup process. It just takes for ever to get a game going. I know we where unfamiliar with the rules, but it just seemed to take a long time to set up. There are charts for objectives there are charts for warlord powers (which 90% of the time don't do anything) there are charts for psy powers and mysterious terrain and lets not forget we have to roll for red thirst! It wont be a issue when playing friendly games with mates, but I think its really going to make finishing a game at a tournament difficult, especially if you are going up against an army you are unfamiliar with!


Anyway thats about all I can think of right now! I am still laughing everytime I think about my libby bashing arguably the most deadly hand to hand creature in the game! The reign of the Termie Librarian is here!!! Mwhahaha

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just a note:


In Challenges if you obliterate you opponent any left over wounds do spill over into the squad.


These extra wounds only count toward combat resolution. The combatants only strike at each other.



I must of missed that one when I was reading the rules... It didn't really matter in the end anyway as the Libby didn't take any damage dispatching the pathetic Bloodthirster!

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