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Cover Save Question


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Tonight was the 1st time I played a game where I wrote my own list and tried to win a brawl. I lost something horrible but I infiltrated my scout squad with Telion and the whole squad had camo cloaks in ruins. I snipped some kind of Nurgle beast in the open. While I was in ruins he said he got a cover save because I was in the ruins and shot through ruins thus his guys got cover saves?!?!? Which made zero sense to me since I could only shoot with the guys that had true line of site out of windows? So only 3 of the 6 man squad? They were wide open. What is the actual ruling? I want to know for future games. I looked under cover in rule book and it always pertains to the attacker shooting from open into cover or partial cover but not from cover to open and such. Thanks in advance. I'm new so sorry if this is lame question I believe there shouldn't have been a cover save at all, since his troops were not in cover, just because my troops were protected 2+ thank you stealth and Camo Cloaks btw they died turn 2 with an assault but thats another topic. What would be the point of me even shooting out of cover if I'm giving the defender a cover save thus me a penalty for doing so?



Again thanks in advance. I do own the rule but and am very green to understanding some of the terms. Please direct me to a pg and paragraph and I will be happy to show my play group so we can play correctly.



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It sounds like your opponent is used to 5th Edition rules, where if you were shooting out of area terrain you would grant the opponent a cover save if you were taking the shot 2" or more from the border of the terrain.


This rule is no longer present in 6th Edition. 6th Ed. bascially cares about 2 things when determining cover: what the shooter can see and where the target is positioned.

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