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Character shooting and muliple 6's


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Hello there fellow Bolter and Chainswordions,


After reading the new rules regarding characters and shooting a question has arised.


If a character rolls a 6 for shooting he can "snipe" a model in the unit he has targeted right?


What happens if the character has an weapon with multiple shots and you roll 2 or mores sixes? Can you "snipe" other targets of intrest in that unit or do you have to allocate those sixes to the same target?



CSM Lord with a Deathscreamer shoots at a SM tactical squad and (lucky guy) gets 3 sixes "to hit". Can he allocate those to the 2 special weapons and squadleader or needs to single out one?


The situation will not arise often but on the other hand it might will. I was just wondering because it can make all the difference in tactical choices. Take a risk and go for broke in possibly reduce a units special set up. Or try to make sure one model doesn't come out of it.


Hope you folks can help,




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precision shot only says you/owning player may choose where to allocate the wounds.. 6th ed has no restricting wound allocation rules so you could infact split the wounds anyway you wanted or stack them all on one model, its completely your choice.
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If that will open up a lot of nasy scenario's for my enemies, hahahaha. If this also aplies to psychic "shooting" attacks my characters will be seeing a lot more multiple-shooting weapons on their gear.


On the other hand the same will go for my opponents :lol::


Anyways, it's about time to dust of the old powerarmour and try a couple of games with the new rules. All in all from just reading the rules it seemingly looks like the game is more steamlined than ever.





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precision shot only says you/owning player may choose where to allocate the wounds.. 6th ed has no restricting wound allocation rules so you could infact split the wounds anyway you wanted or stack them all on one model, its completely your choice.

I don't believe this is true. Right? If that assertion is based on a general lack of restrictions on wound allocation, then - by the same token - a defending player could just remove a single 1 wound model each time his unit suffers a dozen unsaved plasma wounds, or what have you.


Now I want to get at my rulebook. Gah!! I need to not check this forum away from the book, at least until I have the rules down again.

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precision shot only says you/owning player may choose where to allocate the wounds.. 6th ed has no restricting wound allocation rules so you could infact split the wounds anyway you wanted or stack them all on one model, its completely your choice.

I don't believe this is true. Right? If that assertion is based on a general lack of restrictions on wound allocation, then - by the same token - a defending player could just remove a single 1 wound model each time his unit suffers a dozen unsaved plasma wounds, or what have you.


Now I want to get at my rulebook. Gah!! I need to not check this forum away from the book, at least until I have the rules down again.


no because the normal wound allocation rules show that you take wounds from the wound pool and place them on the closest model until all wounds are dealt with.

precision shot by its definition overwrites this whole process, the owning player (eg telions owner) decides where the wounds are placed. the only issues the defender has to deal with is making saves and look out sir rules.

i understand what (i think) your saying, in that iof a stack 3 wounds on a plasma carrier from a tactical squad and he fails 2, does another chap die?


thats a very good question, id say no, because the shots were specifically allocated to that single model

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precision shot only says you/owning player may choose where to allocate the wounds.. 6th ed has no restricting wound allocation rules so you could infact split the wounds anyway you wanted or stack them all on one model, its completely your choice.

I don't believe this is true. Right? If that assertion is based on a general lack of restrictions on wound allocation, then - by the same token - a defending player could just remove a single 1 wound model each time his unit suffers a dozen unsaved plasma wounds, or what have you.


Now I want to get at my rulebook. Gah!! I need to not check this forum away from the book, at least until I have the rules down again.


no because the normal wound allocation rules show that you take wounds from the wound pool and place them on the closest model until all wounds are dealt with.

precision shot by its definition overwrites this whole process, the owning player (eg telions owner) decides where the wounds are placed. the only issues the defender has to deal with is making saves and look out sir rules.

i understand what (i think) your saying, in that iof a stack 3 wounds on a plasma carrier from a tactical squad and he fails 2, does another chap die?


thats a very good question, id say no, because the shots were specifically allocated to that single model

As I understand it, you need to roll each precision save individually. So if I get 3 precision wounds I choose the model and then the owning player makes each save individually. When that model dies I can choose another model for the remaining wounds (and so on).


The rule states that I choose where to allocate the wound, it doesn't say that all wounds must be allocated at once.

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The rule states that I choose where to allocate the wound, it doesn't say that all wounds must be allocated at once.

This right here ^. Allocate, Save, Allocate, Save, Allocate, Save - in the case of a Mixed-save group. Or, Save, Save, Save, Allocate, Allocate, Allocate - in the case of a Single-save group.

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As a tag-on to this topic, are Precision Shots considered to be a new wound pool/group in the pool? Example: three lascannon shots, two hit on 6s and one on a 3. Are those Precision Shot lascannon wounds a different grouping from the standard hit version?

It might seem trivial, but if they're a separate goruping it allows you to "wait and see" before deciding who you blasted with the Precision shots. If for some reason you need that first model dead, and no other is consequential, you could decide to make the opponent save versus the standard lascannon shot first. If it saves, you can allocate the two Precision lascannon shots to that model, split them, etc.

Is there a required timing to the Precision Shots? If you unload a flurry of bolter wounds on a Tac Squad and land a couple Precision plasma wounds, can you decide to let the enemy roll all those bolter saves, and then snipe whoever's left over?

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As a tag-on to this topic, are Precision Shots considered to be a new wound pool/group in the pool? Example: three lascannon shots, two hit on 6s and one on a 3. Are those Precision Shot lascannon wounds a different grouping from the standard hit version?

It might seem trivial, but if they're a separate goruping it allows you to "wait and see" before deciding who you blasted with the Precision shots. If for some reason you need that first model dead, and no other is consequential, you could decide to make the opponent save versus the standard lascannon shot first. If it saves, you can allocate the two Precision lascannon shots to that model, split them, etc.

Is there a required timing to the Precision Shots? If you unload a flurry of bolter wounds on a Tac Squad and land a couple Precision plasma wounds, can you decide to let the enemy roll all those bolter saves, and then snipe whoever's left over?

"If there are Wounds with different Strengths, AP values, or special rules, keep them seperated into groups of Wounds in the pool.", BRB, Pg.15

So long as someone doesn't start arguing that Precision Shots Wounds aren't Unique enough to qualify, then yes they aer kept seperate and can be handled first, last, or in between as you see fit.

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Just to throw a spanner in the works: if I was to have 5 precision strikes: 1 AP1, 2 AP2 and 2 AP5 would this count as 3 separate pools or do you think there would be only one "special rules" pool?
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Just to throw a spanner in the works: if I was to have 5 precision strikes: 1 AP1, 2 AP2 and 2 AP5 would this count as 3 separate pools or do you think there would be only one "special rules" pool?

I believe the rules are pretty clear that groups are created by different Strengths, AP values, and special rules - so:

S5/AP4 wounds would be in a seperate group from S4/AP5 wounds even if the whole unit had a 3+ Save.

S7/AP2 wounds would be sperate from S7/AP4 wounds even on a unit with a 4+ Save.

Thus Precision/S7/AP2 wounds should be seperate from Precision/S7/AP4 wounds and Precision/S5/AP4 wounds, regardless of the target unit's available saves.

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