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Wounds in Combat and Results


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just a note:


In Challenges if you obliterate you opponent any left over wounds do spill over into the squad.


These extra wounds only count toward combat resolution. The combatants only strike at each other.



Are you guys muddling up fantasy now?!


The rule book specifically states on 26, wounds saved and wounds in excess of a models characteristics DO NOT COUNT.


The spill over thing is also highly contentious as is fiercely argued in the OR (last I checked).



Maybe we need to start instituting a reference policy mnnnnn.

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just a note:


In Challenges if you obliterate you opponent any left over wounds do spill over into the squad.


These extra wounds only count toward combat resolution. The combatants only strike at each other.



Are you guys muddling up fantasy now?!


The rule book specifically states on 26, wounds saved and wounds in excess of a models characteristics DO NOT COUNT.


The spill over thing is also highly contentious as is fiercely argued in the OR (last I checked).



Maybe we need to start instituting a reference policy mnnnnn.


Page 62 Assault Result: Unsaved wounds caused in a challenge count towards the assault result, alongside any unsaved wounds caused by the rest of the character's unit.

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just a note:


In Challenges if you obliterate you opponent any left over wounds do spill over into the squad.


These extra wounds only count toward combat resolution. The combatants only strike at each other.



Are you guys muddling up fantasy now?!


The rule book specifically states on 26, wounds saved and wounds in excess of a models characteristics DO NOT COUNT.


The spill over thing is also highly contentious as is fiercely argued in the OR (last I checked).



Maybe we need to start instituting a reference policy mnnnnn.


Page 62 Assault Result: Unsaved wounds caused in a challenge count towards the assault result, alongside any unsaved wounds caused by the rest of the character's unit.



That doesn't look like quite enough to indicate that excess wounds in a challenge count towards the resolution!!


Anyway if we are going to debate this rule perhaps it should be done in the OR forum for now bask in the glory that is my Terminator Librarian!!! "Hzzzzaaaahhh" !!!!!

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"Unsaved Wounds caused in a challenge towards the assault result, alongside any unsaved Wounds caused by the rest of the characters' units"

(6th BRB, p. 65)

It is important to note that the rule compares the unsaved Wounds caused by the characters with the unsaved Wounds caused by the unit.


Here is how the unsaved Wounds caused by the unit are counted:

"To decide who has won the combat, total up the number of unsaved Wounds inflicted by each side onto their opponents. (...) The side that caused the most Wounds is the winner."

(6th BRB, p. 26)

So, same thing, right? Count all the "unsaved Wounds".


Except, another paragraph follows after that basic description of assault results, clarifying a bit more:

"Note that Wounds that have been negated by saving throws or special rules do not count towards determining who won the combat. Neither do Wounds in excess of a model's Wounds characteristic; only the Wounds actually suffered by enemy models count (including all of the Wounds lost by models that have suffered Instant Death ...)"

(6th BRB, p. 26)

So, while the basic description of assault results simply states that you count all the "unsaved Wounds" to determine the winner, an additional paragraph clarifies that you actually only count those wounds that have actually been substracted from an enemy profile.

And the description of challenge results similarly explains that you count the "unsaved Wounds". But it points out that you count them "alongside any unsaved wounds caused by the rest of the unit".

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In my opinion, there is no evidence for that whatsoever... It is a separate combat within a combat. If you are focused on killing the other character, you can't possibly kill other models. That is just wishful thinking by everyone who fields a killer character. (and trust me, as someone who fields Calgar, I wish it were otherwise, just can't find any evidence for it)
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Would anyone care to address the assumption that wounds caused in a challenge spill over to the squad?

I actually came here looking for this just now. I have only RAI challenges against it as the RAW is especially dubious.


Narratively (this is important, as Challenges were added for their Narrative value and Cool Factor), the two Characters engage in a one versus one epic battle that's defined to last for the combat round, during which all of their attacks are targeted against one another. While I see some rules-merit for "spill-over" being a maybe, I'm very skeptical. They've explained what happens with excess wounds pretty clear in Fantasy at the end of Challenges. That they omitted it here for it's introduction to 6th tells me "Ignore them; we did."


They could've done a better job about clearing this up for us. They say nothing on the topic, and it's a rather gaping omission.


I'm excited to see what's fundamental that I missed that solves this for me. <3

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I've taken this from another forum:


I was at the 40k open day today and took the opportunity to ask Jervis Johnson about this one. Simple answer? No, you can't allocate wounds to models not in a challenge, and it's going to be FAQ'd.


Not official as such but straight from the horse's mouth so I think we should probably all play to this. It was pretty clear that this was the intention all along anyway, regardless of GW's usual sloppy wording.

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Yeah, and it unfortunately creates the "un-cinematic" situation of having little wussy characters "jumping on" your super killy character. One the plus side, limiting the damage done by a super killy character does greatly increase the odds that the combat will continue. So if your uber assault unit charges in your turn, there's a good chance the assault will continue into your opponent's turn, which is always the most advantageous thing for an assault unit.
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