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Tanking characters (the insanity of 3++)


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Woa woa wait a minute. Models under a blast marker aren't allocated wounds, just the unit in general? So if a blast marker scatters to the back of my squad, I would have to allocate wounds to the front? Say whaaa...




This actually happened to me in a game with Eldrad sitting out the front of a fortuned unit of Gaurdians.


Incoming Large Blast Shock Attack Gun round hits dead on for 9 hits and wounds on the unit (Str6 AP2)


Rolled 3 fortuned 3++ saves on Eldrad (roll 3 at a time initially because if he loses 3 wounds, then start allocating to Guardians who have a different save)


-passed saves

-rolled 3 more

-passed again

-roll the last three

-passed again


So if a character is tough enough like Eldrad, he can essentially 'tank' whole large blasts for fun ;)


Mind you, Large Blasts do hit and can score a wound any model under the template, in Line of Sight or not. The only restriction for Line of Sight when firing it is that the gun must have Line of Sight to the initial model under the hole before rolling scatter.


However, when it comes to actually pulling casualties, you still can't pull those the gun/model doesn't have Line of Sight to. So in the above example, if the rest of the Guardians happened to all be out of line of sight and the weapon had scattered onto the sweet spot from Eldrad to score those 9 hits, Eldrad would roll them all the same, but if he had been killed early, the rest wouldn't spill over and would have been 'lost'

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However, when it comes to actually pulling casualties, you still can't pull those the gun/model doesn't have Line of Sight to. So in the above example, if the rest of the Guardians happened to all be out of line of sight and the weapon had scattered onto the sweet spot from Eldrad to score those 9 hits, Eldrad would roll them all the same, but if he had been killed early, the rest wouldn't spill over and would have been 'lost'
See, that's not the way I read it. From where I'm sitting, if you aren't in LOS you can't be allocated the wound, and thus you don't get to try to tank it. All the allocation shenanigans I've seen here depend upon the tank being (1) closest and (2) in LOS. If both of those aren't the case then it just doesn't work.
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However, when it comes to actually pulling casualties, you still can't pull those the gun/model doesn't have Line of Sight to. So in the above example, if the rest of the Guardians happened to all be out of line of sight and the weapon had scattered onto the sweet spot from Eldrad to score those 9 hits, Eldrad would roll them all the same, but if he had been killed early, the rest wouldn't spill over and would have been 'lost'
See, that's not the way I read it. From where I'm sitting, if you aren't in LOS you can't be allocated the wound, and thus you don't get to try to tank it. All the allocation shenanigans I've seen here depend upon the tank being (1) closest and (2) in LOS. If both of those aren't the case then it just doesn't work.


It's following the Blast + Large Blast rules from P.33

I'm saying if only the Eldrad model (part of a unit of Guardians) was in LOS to something like a direct firing Whirlwind - If that, scatter or not, clips something like 9 guardians, then they will generate wounds (majority T3) against the unit using the out of LOS models, however only Eldrad may be removed as a casualty.


Somewhat counter-intuitive yes but that's how they've set Blasts out to work.

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It's following the Blast + Large Blast rules from P.33

I'm saying if only the Eldrad model (part of a unit of Guardians) was in LOS to something like a direct firing Whirlwind - If that, scatter or not, clips something like 9 guardians, then they will generate wounds (majority T3) against the unit using the out of LOS models, however only Eldrad may be removed as a casualty.


Somewhat counter-intuitive yes but that's how they've set Blasts out to work.

I'm going for the opposite scenario, though. Eldrad is specifically *not* in LOS, but the rest of the guardians are. Basically, answering wound allocation shenanigans with line of sight shenanigans, so the guy who's supposed to absorb all the wounds for the squad turns out to be the only one who can't absorb any wounds.


After all, it specifies that you have to remove the closest model within LOS. So if you put Eldrad out of LOS but the rest of the squad in, you have Eldrad standing there wondering what happened to his bodyguard and thanking his Fate Runes that he wasn't standing three inches further left.

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