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Combatting 6th Necrons


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I'm playing a 1250 point game tomorrow and I'm struggling with choosing a list. I usually run a vehicle heavy rhino, pred list with dreads as back up.


So far I'm leaning towards a chaplain, 20 assault marines, with meltas 10 terminators with corbulo.


It seems like Necrons will struggle against +2 armor. They don't have much in the way ap 2 weapons that they can spam.


10 terminators with corbulo is about 550 points but it's really tough to remove and hard as nails. Not fragile either.


I'm think if I just charge them up the field soaking up fire, it will allow for assault marines to hammer home.


Not sure what to do!


I know my opponent will have a lord, wraiths, warriors, immortals, annhilation barge and som scarabs.


help or suggestions?

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I wouldn't shy against vehicles - just the expensive ones. I think that Rhinos will still get you in close. With the new AP rules in close combat, Necrons will want to keep you at arm's length - so you will want to get in tight. Honor Guard and Termies should do wonders in close combat. Hose down their lighter troops at range with any AP4 weapons you have.
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My thought is - you can't buy any other Transport Vehicle cheaper than you can buy a Drop Pod, and with the new rules for Reserves you stand a better chance of getting your guys in together and early. Don't fear the "no assault from Deep Strike", because you can't assault from a Transport Vehicle either - so either way you're going to take some enemy fire before getting stuck in. Might as well have the best chance of getting right up in their face and forcing them to deal with it...
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If you're taking termies watch out for doom scythes, they will do a real number on them. Necrons can have issues dealing with 2+ armour, the best way is doom scythes, the str 9 ap2 large blast barge and simple weight of fire. Drop pods are a good idea, with longer charge ranges you can LOS the nastier shooting when you deploy and then move around and assault the next turn.
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The other thing to really, really keep a close eye on is where and which models have Warscythes. Those things are AP1 and go at initiative. With Preferred Enemy a Destroyer Lord could eviscerate a squad of Terminators.
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The other thing to really, really keep a close eye on is where and which models have Warscythes. Those things are AP1 and go at initiative. With Preferred Enemy a Destroyer Lord could eviscerate a squad of Terminators.


The Destroyer Lord won't have enough attacks to completely run through a squad of TDA. Preferred enemy also only allows rerolls of 1s in shooting and melee (hit and wound), so it's less useful than before. The return hits from TDA powerfists should sink his antigrav butt.

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He can challenge the sergeant, and take a single model down while gaining a bit of safety.

So the sensible thing to do will be to refuse it and attack with the other 4.

However he might well have something like mindshackle scarabs, which as well hurting you will reduce the attacks coming in to him.

So it could easily end up with 3 only guys from a full squad actually attacking!

And even after all that and he's down, he might well get back up again.


Sure, he's not invincible and could easily lose the combat, but it still won't be pleasant.

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It's like 3rd edition; Vehicles require multiple glances to be destroyed by Necrons, and they will only have limited numbers units capable of doing it at range, since you can't split fire and Necron players like to make their Gauss units larger with preference.


If there's 30 Necrons in 3 squads out there, that's only 3 Vehicles they can target and 10 Gauss shots don't average 3 Glances, so you shouldn't lose 3 vehicles a turn, probably only 1 or 2 at worse.


You need your vehicles for mobility in 6th edition, despite everyone's fears of Hull Points. If you don't then you're just asking to walk up to objectives at the mercy of faster or shootier armies.


Even a mighty Landraider, which can be killed by Necron Warriors, is important since it can put your elite assault troops in combat with the Necrons turn 2. So it might die and as bad as that feels, having Honour Guard rampaging through dozens of squads will take the sting out of that event!


Just remember target priority; Necron Warriors will generally do less damage to your army than Heavy Destroyer, Wraiths or Barges (both types). Early game they are out of range or limited in firepower so concentrate on the supporting elements and pour wounds onto Wraiths to bring them down.

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