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challenges and stubborn

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Hello brothers,


My question is: If a stubborn character refuses a challenge and the unit he is attached to loses combat will the unit still be able to benefit from the 'stubborn' special rule.


I can't see anywhere why 'stubborn' won't affect the unit in this case.


My first 6th edition game I was playing against nidzilla. Coteaz and his henchmen were charged by a winged hive tyrant (s9 after pyschic power) so coteaz promptly shoved his mates in front of him to feed the big gribblies after using forewarning and simply stood there and laughed until the swarmlord came along...

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He's still part of the unit, he's just hiding behind them, probably shouting encouragement in true Cain fashion, so yes.

So I'm thinking independant characters with 'they shall know no fear' rule are better at making a tarpit than inquisitors with the 'stubborn' rule. Pretty useful knowledge when your fighting big monsters... Thankyou furyou miko.

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