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Nurgle Defiler and Obliterators

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Hey everyone I am looking to add both a Defiler and 3 Obliterators to my Nurgle Army in prepration for a 1750pt tournament that is upcoming (though will still used with 5th ed rules) but am having trouble deciding what to take. I do not like the current GW kit for the Obliterators or Defiler so was wondering what to use instead so far I have an idea of possible ones I could use for the Defiler either the Skaven Hellpit Abomination just for the fact I am tempted to have some Skaven Guardsmen allies and it would look cool converted all daemon like and the Orcs & Goblins Arachnarok Spider as it pretty awesome, the Obliterators I basically have no idea what to use maybe those orc river trolls. If anyone has any possible ideas they will be greatly appreciated


(on a Final note is it ok to use Chimeras as count as Rhinos as I like the models better plus it works out cheaper if I buy them from Forgeworld than from GW)



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Kitbashing/converting oblits is pretty simple- just take a bunch of heavy weapons and weld 'em into place with greenstuff, with a bulked-up CSM or termie torso and legs as a base.


The hellpit abomination would be interesting (it is a beautiful miniature), just model that battle cannon and any other weapons it has to avoid confusion. Basing could potentially be an issue as well.


Counts-as Rhinos when using Chimeras? In friendly games, sure, whatever. I'd certainly check with the tourney organizer before trying to use them in a competitive setting though.

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Either of those models would make pretty cool looking Defilers. My only concern would be any height or length advantage that would be given by using those models, but as long as they're comparable I wouldn't have a problem.


Obliterators. What whythre said. You can make obliterators out of just about any Terminator-sized model. I'm converting some using some Forgeworld Plague Ogryns.


The chimera. As long as they're the same height and length it shouldn't be a problem outside of tournaments, but with allies now I can see judges having a problem with it due to wysiwyg.

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Surprised you don't like the oblits, they're pretty nurgly looking to me already, but...


For oblits, just start with terminators and convert from there, adding guns and greenstuff 'till you're content. For the defiler, have you considered the Forgeworld plague hulk?

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Hadn't seen those before Jay, but they're excellent.


I like both new and old style Obliterators - I think in terms of your army, it depends if you want the versatility that the Obliterators provide, against the vehicular assistance that a Defiler provides. Personally, I would prefer the flexibility of the Obliterators - but their cost (and often effectiveness) can mitigate not choosing them. I think it truly depends on your style of play.

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Here some pics of my old Defiler and obliterator, never finished any of them, but you maybe get some inspiration...








the first thing i ever did in green stuff was this little defiler, its to small but its cute =)




about the hell pit defiler, I think its a good idea, but I would have lots and lots of big scything talons to make it higher and look like some big centipede

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I had the same problem with the current models as you - you can see how I tackled the problem here (about the end of the first post):




Thanks for the advice I only wish I could do them as good as you just got the Hellpit abomination yesterday so far I have made it up fully (though I glued my hands to it alot which was very painful when trying to get it off) so far I plan to green stuff a big daemon mouth in its chest with a Leman Russ cannon from the leman russ accessories pack sticking out. Know any good bitz or ideas I could use to give it a more mechanical look???


Still thinking about the Obliterators, going to raid a friends bit box for some stuff, more interested in using either the Minotaur or river troll kit for the Obliterators just for the fact they would stand out more plus look cool.

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