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pintle mounted pointlesness

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just putting together a chaos rhino and i realised. why te hell is there a big knife on the pintle mounted storm bolter, how the hell could you possible stab ayone with that. I know that chaos is in to pointy stuff but i feel that surely they could have stuck that knife elsewhere
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You remember those times when those crazy aliens came charging at your rhino as you fought them off with your twin-linked bolter only to have them leap up to attack you directly? Yeah, that's to impale the dumb fools and to knock them off by wildly rotating left and right. No, this still doesn't make sense but no one ever complimented an Ork for his ability to think things through.
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Pointless? Nay, sir, 'tis quite pointy! Chaos loves sharp objects! How the hey do you tell a chaos rhino from a loyalist ones? Chaos got spikes and pointyness!


Points for the point god!

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Not that 40k has ever made much sense, but it works similarly in the real world (US Military) If you have a 240B (machine gun) mounted on a humvee, its attached by a pin. Just pull the pin and off it comes. The reason is, if the humvee flips or the squad inside has to dismount to patrol, they will want to take that weapon with them. It doesn't make sense in 40k, because once a squad disembarks from a rhino, you don't see one of the guys carrying a storm bolter. That being said the entire close combat portion of 40k doesn't really make any sense. The tau are probably the closest in reality to how an advanced military would evolve.
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Not that 40k has ever made much sense, but it works similarly in the real world (US Military) If you have a 240B (machine gun) mounted on a humvee, its attached by a pin. Just pull the pin and off it comes. The reason is, if the humvee flips or the squad inside has to dismount to patrol, they will want to take that weapon with them. It doesn't make sense in 40k, because once a squad disembarks from a rhino, you don't see one of the guys carrying a storm bolter. That being said the entire close combat portion of 40k doesn't really make any sense. The tau are probably the closest in reality to how an advanced military would evolve.

That guy is actually vehicle crew, he never gets out. The squad itself is in the troop compartment. That's one of the ways (chaos) space marines differ from real life present day military tactics. Marines are wearing armor that is (supposed to be) basically the same protection of the APC itself. The rhino is basically just a means of rapid deployment, as they don't have anything like a humvee instead.

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How about the fact that the marine manning that thing can't fit through that hatch? Or that terminator assault cannons literally cannot shoot. Look at them. Nothing connects to the barrels of the gun. There is no path for the bullets to follow from the magazine to the barrel.


There's lots of things in 40k that should bother you more than bayonets on pintle weapons.

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How about the fact that the marine manning that thing can't fit through that hatch? Or that terminator assault cannons literally cannot shoot. Look at them. Nothing connects to the barrels of the gun. There is no path for the bullets to follow from the magazine to the barrel.


It's obvious if you really think about it. That little box on the back that can't possibly hold enough rounds for a weapon of such a high rate of fire is actually a teleport homer. It directs a stream of deep striking ammunition into the barrels of the assault cannon from a large supply aboard a Battle Barge in low orbit. This explains why Chaos Marines can't use them, as our teleportariums have not been equipped with the necessary hundreds of tiny precision teleport platforms. Abbaddon once experimented with daemonically possessed assault cannon ammunition and an Icon of Chaos Shooty-ness, but the squads in question kept dropping them.

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The next rhino I build is going to have a bayonet on the havoc launcher...just because! :P


Yeah, well I'm going to add a bayonet ... to the bayonet!!! ;)

My combi-bolter is going to shoot bayonets! B)

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The next rhino I build is going to have a bayonet on the havoc launcher...just because! :P


Yeah, well I'm going to add a bayonet ... to the bayonet!!! ;)

My combi-bolter is going to shoot bayonets! B)

I look forward to pics of these models :P


For my part, this weekend someone counted 184 spiky bits on a Tyranid Mawloc model, so I'm in the planning stages of a 185-spike vehicle or dreadnought.

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Pointless? Nay, sir, 'tis quite pointy! Chaos loves sharp objects! How the hey do you tell a chaos rhino from a loyalist ones? Chaos got spikes and pointyness!


Points for the point god!


"I reject your reality, and substitute my own." ~ Adam Savage - Mythbusters


The sarcasm of your comment is not lost on me, but I will not let GWs cavalier attitude towards Chaos vehicles (Read: Just add spikes!) dictate to me what makes a Chaos vehicle look Chaos. I like to think my work is proof that you can make a vehicle look Chaos without a spike in sight. I don't hate spikes. They can be used to great effect. But I think GW uses them as too much of a crutch on Chaos vehicles.


As for the bayonet on the vehicle mounted Bolters, I think it's absurd personally, and remove it. Its mounting point makes a great place to attach a 'proper' dangling Chaos bit that suits the model more.

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My combi-bolter is going to shoot bayonets! B)


I'm just going to dispense with the bolter altogether and make a combi-bayonet

A pintle-mounted bayonet, what a novel idea! :)

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