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Paladin Rematch - 6th Ed.


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For those that have been following I have a running feud with a mate of mine, who both knocked me off my #2 spot in the countries rankings and subsequently stole it.


He's running a sick, sick Draigo Wing list with 18 models (15 pallies, 2 dreadknights and draigo)



In our first tourney outing I fought him in a KP game (5th ed).

(BatRep Here )

He lost an entire 5 man squad to mishap, and still almost tabled me. :(


In our second rematch, I played one of my more tourney-successful Mech Lists and took him to a hard fought draw.

(BatRep here)



Now, with 6th ed having dropped - I had some plans up my sleeve.




My opponent is a great guy -awesome to game with, really fun, enjoyable, good sport -and is very, very over-confident (in a "here to wind-you-up" kinda way). If anyone moans about his list or how OP it is hes not the kinda guy that will defend it or back down he'll totally claim it and be like "Yes! its awesome isnt it!? Its kicking everyone around" :D


Hes also the kind of opponent that knows no fear, and fears no list.


So...my mission in 6th was to attempt to instill some unsettling feelings(dare I say fear?) that 6th was going to be a different game.


Here's what I came up with:



Epistolary Librarian -Maul, (Divination Set) - (rolled Misfortune mwauhaahah, and Prescience)

(SM) Libby - Null Zone ;), Vortex, Swd



Furioso Dread - EA, Blood Fists


8 DC - 4 Bltrs, Hammer, Fist


10 RAS - 2MG, Hammer

10 RAS - 2MG, Fist

8 Scouts - 8 Sniper Rifles (SM)


Raven - TLLC, TLMM

Raven - TLLC, TLMM




We rolled Big Guns Never Tire and only 3 mission objectives.

Also rolled apoc style mission set up.

Warlord Trait for me was FC for the squad. (whoo hoo :) )

Warlord Trait for him was acute senses on outflanking units.

He got first turn.

He chose to use grand strat to outflank a squad of 5 pallies since all three objectives where over on the left hand side of the board. The other 2 he used to scout his army.

We rolled night fight.


Here's what set up looked like:





He boosted both his dreadknights forward as he usually does to form a buffer between the pallies and my guys, hopefully relying on my charging them and being tied up in combat for the pallies to come.


He goes for the soft squishy targets - the scouts and flames the crap out of them. They all die :(

The pallies focus on my rhino, which thanks to the new 25% rule and to nightfight I get a 4+. He rolls a total of 3 glances and 2 pens - I manage to save 1 pen and 2 glances- only suffering a bolter break but only got one HP left.


In my turn I switch on the psyker deathness. I Misfortune one DK, I grant prescience to one Jump Squad and use null zone too - the jumpers are close enough to just trundle up to the DKs and then HoW the hell out of em.


**I realise that it's probably a good idea to start out of your transports in most games now!


When the dust settles, ive lost 3 marines in each combat, but slayed each DK !! Go null zone and misfortune! mwuhahah.



Turn 2.


His pallies come on- rolls the wrong side, and thanks to the warlord trait rerolls to come in on the right one!

They move on up along with the other pallies who get a very poor MTC roll (1").


He starts focussing on the one squad and thanks to the fact that Pallies are all characters, the 6 to hit means my Sarge takes a lot of allocated shots and dies -not even LOS or FNP could save him


I have 3 remaining guys left from that squad.


Then, in my turn, my flier comes on (with the dready) but only the one


I position the DC, the small jumpers and the big jumpers ->




I get off nullzone, but not misfortune, and prescience on the jumpy squad.


The resulting barrage from the flier and the blessed jumpers combined with NullZone see the 1 five man squad go down.


I then charge the other.


** I dont challenge in combat, and he in turn challenges me. I decline the challenge, knowing my DC are gonna fist him into oblivion anyway and knowing that my libby or corbs isnt really going to be of use against them.


When the dust settles, i've lost my one jumper squad, and hes lost all but one pally, who breaks - ><;


** New break rules are SICK for marines (and others), and are going to change the game a bit I feel.


** New rules of move in the shooting phase give rhinos and razors a GREAT advantage to shoot n cover. As you can see I set up my rhino to cover the jumpers after the shooting. (however, in my excitement i forget to move it :()




Draigo tries to focus on my jumpers, that I forget to cover with the rhino.

His psycannon guy that broke regroups and helps focus on the troops

I lose about 4 of them.

Again, failing all FNP.


In my next turn, the other raven comes on and raven 1 switches to hover.

The dread comes out.

I move the jumpers in to the raven


The barrage of fire + nullzone see the pallies go down to 2 men (draigo and 1 more).


Draigo then breaks the lucky bugger, avoiding a charge from the dread!


I charge the lonely pally- kill him too.





Turn 4


Draigo takes a last volley of shots at the hovering raven, which takes 2 HPs off and immobs itself.


In my turn four, the dread moves up too but after the Melta/Las shots are fired, theres nothing left on the board.



^_^ tabled the Pallies. whoop whoop.

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Nicely done. :D


Congrats on the clear victory! So a divination libby is a good unit when fighting pallies? And where were your tacticals? B)


again, good job!





Divvy Libby is great against anything- but its the Null Zone lib that rocked vs. this list.


Tacs are backseat just for now ;)

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sorry about the colour/contrast- bad cam phone- ill try get good pics up sometime.






this was made before the storm raven was released. "Koyote Pattern" Raven - but with the wings reversed. (check out Koyote's thread on his BA - search for "Task force armageddon"). Its a Valk kit.

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Two libbys are a must these days I've been running one Ep in terminator armour with one Furioso libby both with divination. After reading this I might just have to give null zone a try. Congrats on the victory. Now you must destroy him in an official event and claim back your glory in the name of Sanguinius and the Emperor!
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How on EARTH did you get both dreadknights in one turn? Game 5 of my 10 game challenge saw me face a similar list, same mission, same deployment, and I got absolutely battered by the dreadknights being T6 with a 2+ save and 4 wounds apiece. What's your secret, cos its clearly something I need to learn.
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gratz . Are you planing a refight when he switchs his army to 6th ed ?


Definitely Jeske. He needed to test this list out because he intends taking it up to the nationals- which theyve decided to change to 6th ed now.


He's looking at dropping all the guns from the DKs and picking up a Libby in Term armour.


But, he's now a little more nervous than before as its highlighted the probs.

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How on EARTH did you get both dreadknights in one turn? Game 5 of my 10 game challenge saw me face a similar list, same mission, same deployment, and I got absolutely battered by the dreadknights being T6 with a 2+ save and 4 wounds apiece. What's your secret, cos its clearly something I need to learn.


One DK had misfortune (reroll passed saves), both DKs suffered from Null Zone (reroll failed Inv) and one assault squad had prescience (reroll hits- shooting + combat)

Both assault squads had 2x MG and a Fist. With the shooting + HoW + FC charge I was able to do it :tu:


OH - i also used a Corbs reroll on one of the fist wounds - i rolled snake eyes and it was his last wound. I was like- heeeell no.


Ncely done. Shame about the snipers would have loved to have seen how they did, just bought 2 boxes myself. Think they could be good in the 6th.

Thanks dude!

I think they'll be much more useful against other armies. not so much vs. this one :D

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Pray tell, how would he do that?

the normal draigo wing [when normal is 5th ed] doesnt work anymore . the list has huge problems with flyers , and as mort showed without the 5th wound allocation paladins do die more easily .



I think they'll be much more useful against other armies. not so much vs. this one

I have a bad feeling that because many people will try to put some sort of precise shoting units in to their armies , anti scout meta is going to be rather common . But then again it may work the other way , if ally it is realy hard to tell how armies will look like too many versions of lists.


Definitely Jeske. He needed to test this list out because he intends taking it up to the nationals- which theyve decided to change to 6th ed now.


He's looking at dropping all the guns from the DKs and picking up a Libby in Term armour.


But, he's now a little more nervous than before as its highlighted the probs.

awesome . I think he will end up with a list with same support as you did . 2xSR instead of the NDKs . its not that NDKs are bad [i actualy think they are going to be used more offten now in other GK lists] , but SR give draigo builds so much more . anti flyer , speed up [night fight can realy screw them over sometimes and it happens more offten now] .



ah . may I added something about your DC setup . If your using the hammer why not switch the fist to ax . less points , your still hiting wounding meq on +2 , but get more A. I know they have rage but still that +1A will help when you start runing in to stuff like nob bikers or MC .


I think what this raport also shows[well not only this one , but this one too] is that divination is realy adpetus in 2ed. If you can take it you take it [x2 if possible] , If you cant you cry . And that ally realy change the game . I mean morts army doesnt have some sort of never seen type of game play , but the addition of a 3ed HQ changed how it works a lot .

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Yup yup.

As my friend noted, nullzone won me the game.

It was that ally combo that worked.


These new powers are nuts too.


And Jeske, he was seriously thinking about a raven. Just not sure how good they are for GK. The weapon options arent as good. Also, the DKs are a really important part of his game strat.


He could potentially get 2x psyflemen dreads in for 1 DK. may help.

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That reminds me-



Jeske, Im not sure the extra attack is better over the additional strength ;) I like the wound on 2s for all T values up to 6(7on charge).


I also like that they pop tanks and T4 toons. I may look into finding 15 points and getting an Axe anyway.

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Well done, however he now knows this tactic and will likely find a way to counter it.


Do you feel this was a one trick wonder and have you thought of an alternative to it? (On a personal note this is the sort of thing I try all the time. I like having something new in my army for each game or something my opponent knows little about.)


A final quick question (and I know this answer will likely be dependent on the local meta bias), but do you feel that most, if not all successful tournament builds in this edition will have an allied detachment of some kind?

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Well done, however he now knows this tactic and will likely find a way to counter it.


Partly correct. But, my "job" here is done. In the sense that he now feels (As do I) that he has to change his list to remain competitive in 6th. This tactic relies on the lynchpin of the libby and nullzone. Theres very little he can do to get at that unit, without the rest of my army giving him hell. And thats where he fell down. He had nothing to deal with the fliers and nothing to stop nullzone. If his list doesnt change, I dont believe that his tactics will be able to save him, sadly.


Do you feel this was a one trick wonder and have you thought of an alternative to it? (On a personal note this is the sort of thing I try all the time. I like having something new in my army for each game or something my opponent knows little about.)

Nopers. I'm actually thinking of incorporating this combo into my list. I think a SM libby may actually be standard now. The only thing I dont like about this is the scouts that come with it :eek The way libby powers are FAQed it seems as though you can choose your 2 libby codex powers, and then if you wish to swap out before deployment for new powers, do that. This gives incredible flexibility.


I'm going to have to give this type of list another run. Im trying something similar against chaos tomorrow - 1 less raven. But I think ill go with 2 in the nationals



A final quick question (and I know this answer will likely be dependent on the local meta bias), but do you feel that most, if not all successful tournament builds in this edition will have an allied detachment of some kind?


Sooo tough for me to say mate. What was amazing for me was how a very, very simple ally combo tabled what was essentially the most feared list in my province. I think certain combos will be too gimmicky or tricksy and finding a decent balance will be most important. A lot (i feel) is going to rely on points level. If GW UK go back to 1500 for their GTs i'll be very interested to see what happens there. At 2k+ i see the game being on a level so unlike anything we're used to that I will try avoid commenting on those builds - there are just tooooo many chances to break builds/lists.


Getting back to your question, I think that any weakness your army has against a certain build or list can now be countered or mitigated. I believe it's leveled the playing field considerably. So, depending on your build you can really tackle almost anything and not have to worry. (Flyerspam notwithstanding). Personally, I believe that people are going to have hell with guard. They wont even need allies, I believe they will be tougher than ever before. I think what you're going to see is that armies that have done very well in the last 2 years will continue to do very well - allied or un-allied, but the biggest change will come from armies that did not do well before, generally speaking, who with allies will be able to come out with some very cool combos.

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Have you thought of running a Tac Squad in a Rhino instead of the snipers? Take advantage of the fact that you can fit two combat squads in one box. Hop half out, shoot some melta, then drive the rhino in front to provide cover. Use the other for bolters or the heavy weapon.
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