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Paladin Rematch - 6th Ed.


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GW UK has had its Throne of Skulls GTs at 1500 for ages. A while back (I think it was last autumn, could be wrong), they tried a set at 1750 but it went back to 1500 straight after, and its remained that way since. There's one later this month that's 1500 (this coming weekend, as it happens), and one I'm going to in October, and they haven't changed the event pack. We'll start seeing the results coming in on Sunday night/Monday morning and see what happens. Mind you, their tournament FAQ pack and rules pack hasn't been updated for 6th as yet, so we'll see if they make any changes after this weekend (I can see fortifications in particular being a pain, as terrain remains a constant on the tables, yet fortifications could really screw things up).
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Just not sure how good they are for GK.

more or less the same , they have GK upgrades and of course are psykers and stuff and lack Blood Rockets , but on the other hand they kill an ally psyker like nothing else[instant peril when under template and peril is more deadly in 6th]. He could try LR , but with flyer rules SR are able to last longer and dont have as much problems with terrain as LR . + there is some tricks you can do to down other flyers without downing them [do a V shape SR formation in front of opposing flyer and he cant zoom , hover is death , not being able to zoom is crashing . win win situation].



Do you know what's the most amazing thing to come out of this thread? the jeske being positive

Oh I think I was positive in BA threads more then once . SW or GK ones too.


Jeske, Im not sure the extra attack is better over the additional strength sad.gif I like the wound on 2s for all T values up to 6(7on charge).

well you can test it . Personaly my idea for multi power weapon class units is that just taking fists is over the top [unless its free or automaticly build in to the unit] . Sometimes striking at I with a power weapon is also good [not thinking DC now , unless its a chappy] . I like axs because most of the time you are still wounding most stuff on +2 . I mean your wounding a t5 biker with FC on +2 too and its not like you are droping the hammer or anything you still have a str 8 drop to I1 weapon with rage in your squad.


The way libby powers are FAQed it seems as though you can choose your 2 libby codex powers, and then if you wish to swap out before deployment for new powers, do that. This gives incredible flexibility.

In deed . if your playing something without terminators[yes that can happen] going divination on the libby is the bomb.


rhino tac costs too much I think [as in doesnt fit in to the list and non of the other stuff should be droped ] .



On the morts IG comment . I think that until other dex get a viable anti flyer option other then 1 fort or allying IG , IG and Necron builds are going to be very powerful . they arent easy armies to play [at top level . For new players they are probably NPE all the way] . Both armies seem tough for 6th meta. First blood hard to get against them[you can realy kill a blob of IGs and flyers are siting in reservs] , kill the warlords same thing [necron] .

Imo there is two things GW droped the ball in 6th which cant be even fixed with new dex for other factions. First blood and character units doing wound sniping and wound allocation tricks . Two stupid mechanics without which a lot of stuff would have been much fun . But then again Blood does kill most mecha class lists dead , so it kind of a did its job for GW.

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Have you thought of running a Tac Squad in a Rhino instead of the snipers? Take advantage of the fact that you can fit two combat squads in one box. Hop half out, shoot some melta, then drive the rhino in front to provide cover. Use the other for bolters or the heavy weapon.


205 points min for that combo 210 with melta and 235 with fist - 245 with Lascannon instead of ML.


Scouts are 124. ^_^ Its the prob im having- id deeefinitely prefer the tacs- but just cant really afford em.

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Have you thought of running a Tac Squad in a Rhino instead of the snipers? Take advantage of the fact that you can fit two combat squads in one box. Hop half out, shoot some melta, then drive the rhino in front to provide cover. Use the other for bolters or the heavy weapon.


205 points min for that combo 210 with melta and 235 with fist - 245 with Lascannon instead of ML.


Scouts are 124. ^_^ Its the prob im having- id deeefinitely prefer the tacs- but just cant really afford em.


Fair enough. Hopefully they'll get to do something in the next game!

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Imo there is two things GW droped the ball in 6th which cant be even fixed with new dex for other factions. First blood and character units doing wound sniping and wound allocation tricks . Two stupid mechanics without which a lot of stuff would have been much fun . But then again Blood does kill most mecha class lists dead , so it kind of a did its job for GW.


oddly enough I like the characters doing wound sniping- BUT, just dont like the fact that there are character units like Nobs and Paladins - thats stuuuupid stupid.

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I think a SM libby may actually be standard now. The only thing I dont like about this is the scouts that come with it :(

If you like fortifications...

Scouts are a great candidate for manning fortifications. You can put the sergeant on the emplaced gun (for the BS4). You can even push the the fort out of your deployment zone and use your scout move to embark into it. Late game they are on scoring duty.

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oddly enough I like the characters doing wound sniping- BUT, just dont like the fact that there are character units like Nobs and Paladins - thats stuuuupid stupid.

imo they over did it . they made challanges and then noticed that "the cool" aspect means nothing where there are no over kill wounds , so they tried to balance it with giving characters precision . All was nice and fine till someone remembered there are whole units of characters . Good for those armies that have them [am still loling at the cryptek sniping low ap flamer of doom inside a deathmark unit] bad for those that dont .


same with wound allocation look out sir jumping . good idea to stop sgt sniping pre charge , not such a good idea when the units is made out of 9-12 characters.

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