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Daemon Prince with wings (C:CSM)

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Yup. If you're playing in any country where the primary language isn't English, then the CSM's winged prince is a FMC. If you're playing in an English- speaking country then they're just JMCs.


Not the first time different languages have had different rules for the same codex, or that different codeces have had different rules for a model shared between them.


Just have a chat with your opponent before pick up games, assume that your language's FAQ is in place for competitive events, try not to lose too much hair about it since we're as little as a month and no longer than three months from a new book that will render the point moot anyway.


Frankly, FMC isn't that super great anyway, since while swooping lets you go fast, it also lets even flashlights have a reasonable chance of hurting your monster, regardless of its toughness or save, due to the grounded rule. And, RAW, nothing stops four different units from grounding your monster in the same shooting phase. :P

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It seems clear that given the current cheapness of CSM wings compared to tyranid and daemon wings they didn't want to make CSM wings flying. I will eat some sort of hat if they're not made flying MCs in the new codex with a price bump for the wings to match daemons. The FAQ is probably an oversight on this point as the people writing them likely know what's coming as they'll have been thinking about what might need FAQing (as the new codex has been final for a while so it can be printed).
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I think we could use a new codex. You know, just for fun.


Or even, you know, not just for fun. :D


Clearly. I'm done with the gavdex. I will never play that crap again.

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well all those years are enough imo . Its double bad if someone seen 3.5 in action . As the cost goes . Well in deed our wing upgrades are cheaper , but our DPs also have fewer uprades . Well actualy wings are the [auto include] upgrades . a flyerent or a demon chaos demon has more options .
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how can it be grounded more than once per round?


Intuitively, it can't, and anyone who says otherwise is being a bit of a jerk. But...


RAW, grounding is something that can happen when a unit shoots an FMC that swooped in its last movement phase. I can't find anything in the rulebook to imply that it's something that can happen when a unit shoots an FMC that swooped in its last movement phase only if it hasn't already been grounded.


Of course, I'm confident that will be fixed in FAQ sooner or later. Even so, grounding off of hits (instead of, say, wounds) means even flashlights have a fair shot of inflicting a high strength, no save hit on your FMC, which may turn out to be a bit annoying.

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funny thing you can get grouned by stuff that cant hurt you as long as it hits . mighty 10k old DP *arrghh* blaster tau and their laser pointers *slams in to the ground* ...

Tau don't have laser pointers. That's the Imperial Guard. I would think of something witty for what the Tau have, but it's kinda hard to make fun of railguns ;)

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funny thing you can get grouned by stuff that cant hurt you as long as it hits . mighty 10k old DP *arrghh* blaster tau and their laser pointers *slams in to the ground* ...

Tau don't have laser pointers. That's the Imperial Guard. I would think of something witty for what the Tau have, but it's kinda hard to make fun of railguns ;)

euhm I think he means the marker lights, they hit too.. ^_^

altough they cannot wound you since they don't have a strength value.. but they do need to roll to hit I believe with marker lights..

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Since when does a DP with wings count as the same type of flying MC as a tyrant? DP would be jump infantry and not have the swooping and stuff. He's just a big scary hulk man with wings. Tyrant is designed for flight. Is my point irrelevant or is there a ruling saying one or the other?
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funny thing you can get grouned by stuff that cant hurt you as long as it hits . mighty 10k old DP *arrghh* blaster tau and their laser pointers *slams in to the ground* ...

Tau don't have laser pointers. That's the Imperial Guard. I would think of something witty for what the Tau have, but it's kinda hard to make fun of railguns :P

euhm I think he means the marker lights, they hit too.. ;)

altough they cannot wound you since they don't have a strength value.. but they do need to roll to hit I believe with marker lights..

Ah, gotcha. My bad B)

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Yeah, marker lights are the most hilarious. They're litterally just pointers, completely incapable of harming anything on their own, and their enough to send any harpy or lord of change careening into the ground.


Heck, when FW stuff is all updated for the new rules, they'll likely send harridans slamming into the earth as well.


It's really kind of stupid.

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It's really kind of stupid.
If you actually played IG Armored Company in 3rd edition, it had similar nerfs. There were rules about being unable to move toward an enemy without dismounted infantry nearby, and Gauss effects on weapons that couldn't normally affect a vehicle. Armored Company being uber depended upon the opponent being unaware of those nerfs.


Course its the same with the wound allocation shenanigans. If you aren't aware of how they work and how to counter them, they seem uber. We're starting to find counters, such as the LOS shenanigans.

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Since when does a DP with wings count as the same type of flying MC as a tyrant? DP would be jump infantry and not have the swooping and stuff. He's just a big scary hulk man with wings. Tyrant is designed for flight. Is my point irrelevant or is there a ruling saying one or the other?

allright :

Codex chaos daemons : Winged daemon prince counts as Flying monstrous creature

Codex chaos marines : winged daemon prince counts as jump infantry..


FAQ explains this altough it seems other (non english) FAQ's don't, they say winged daemon prince is flying monstrous creature..


A daemon prince is same size as a hive tyrants, and a nice match up for a tyrant too, (looking at the stats)

The thing is in the current Chaos marine codex wings are under priced, if compared to Tyranids and daemons.

I'm sure this will change with the new chaos marine codex, so all flying daemon princes will eventually become flying monstrous creatures.

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It's really kind of stupid.
If you actually played IG Armored Company in 3rd edition, it had similar nerfs. There were rules about being unable to move toward an enemy without dismounted infantry nearby, and Gauss effects on weapons that couldn't normally affect a vehicle. Armored Company being uber depended upon the opponent being unaware of those nerfs.


Course its the same with the wound allocation shenanigans. If you aren't aware of how they work and how to counter them, they seem uber. We're starting to find counters, such as the LOS shenanigans.


yeah but pre nerfs you had an army that spamed templates [and back then you hit what was under the template] , if you werent star cannon spaming eldar then Arm Comp was a horror to play against (+it had the always get turn 1 even against DE rule , which was always "double" fun for those that didnt know they had such a rule.] + the "guass" effect wasnt like the necron one . It was each 6 on pen gets another d6 to roll , a bolter needed a 6 and a 6 and a +4 to glance and If I remember right there was also a rule that you couldnt get an effect higher then your strenght so max they could get was imobilised[or was it weapon destroyed ? I rememeber they switched them around from 3ed to 3.5ed] and when they added hellfire shells to them [auto fall back move , no limitation of 1 per hit , works on fearless ] they turned in to the most NPE army of W40k since the only harlequin journal list[and that one wasnt official].

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So CSM flying prince is still jump infantry whether people like it or not is the way it sounds.


Could an Imperial player simply hit a flying monstrous creature with a search light and make it slam into the ground?

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