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Been gone for a long and some friends of mine and I are looking to start playing again. I have a good supply of BA and was just wondering what types of units are doing pretty good now? I understand 6th is brand new but since I stoped playing right about the time our new Codex came out any help would be appreciated. I don't need a list just basic idea what types of units people think are pretty good and fun to play.
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heya matey- well, things are pretty new at the moment, so people are still trying to figure stuff out.


Have a look at the 10Game thread going on and check out various batreps to see what people are doing and with what success.



6th ed is going to be flier heavy it seems, so you're almost definitely going to need to factor that into your list designs.


Termies are really good now since they have AP2 weapons standard (in the fists) and dont die to powerweapons anymore.


DC are phenomenal, so whether you're podding, rhino/raider or Jumping, you will need a box or 3 of these bad boys if you dont already.


Librarians are great.


Baals have always been steady.


Attack bikes are GREAT now- if you dont have 3 of them, get some (with multimeltas)


Assault squads are as good if not better now.


Have a peruse around the list building forum too and see what people are trending.

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We are still the most fluffologicaly awesome

this man speaks only truth :P


HA! Well spoken. I finally got my first game of 6th in yesterday. Only had one vehicle, so can't really speak to the new vehicle rules. I will echo others and say terminators. I've always preferred the standard terminators over the assault ones, thematically. After seeing them in 6th, I think they are finally the anchors they have always been described to be. They just wade through assault now, and overwatch makes me chuckle when you are shooting back with storm bolters, assault cannons, or heavy flamers.


The new way combat squads are implemented help sternguard and tactical marines a TON now. In addition, move and fire bolters and snap firing heavy weapons make shooty marines far more interesting to play now. Options abound as to how to use them.

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To add to the great advice being given.


A tactical squad in a Rhino is now much more viable than before. I think the Rhino is a must for line of sight blocking of your Tac squad due to the fact the Rhino can move again in the shooting phase. Also, it's a good delivery system for the double-tap.


Mort's advice, while it made me chuckle is spot on, 3 boxes of Death Co. is great for expanding your forces as you can cover all three unit types (Tactical, Assault and DC). That box set is AMAZING. Comes with bolters, jump packs and BA looking iconography. I have bought three boxes myself over time.


To reiterate, librarians are the go to HQ now in my opinion.


I am not sold on Sanguinary guard yet. I would much rather pay the points for termies or WS5 deathcompany. Although, a Librarian with divination and a sang guard squad might be worth trying out. But the sang guard box would be bottom of my "purchase" list.


Do you mind we asking what you already have? Hopefully you have Dante, Corbs and Mephiston already.

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Sangguard are actually pretty awesome right now. They can take armour saves after deepstriking into terrain(with a 2+ save and FnP), have that 2+ save against Powerweapons and can overwatch with their Angelus bolters, if you deepstruck and get charged. Add Dante and make them hit and run away, fire, charge in again. Damn effective.


Other than that...Furioso Bloodfists are now AP2. Huge, since Bloodtalons are AP3. Plasma is better than last edition, as are rapid fire weapons in general. Razorbacks and Rhinos are now less resilient I feel, but I yet have to thoroughly test the new vehicle rules.


Oh, and Vindicators are the :( . The template does always have S10 when hitting vehicles, so even if you scatter off the target, if there's anything nearby you have a good chance of inflicting some damage anyway.




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