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Best load out for a lord now

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So I have been tossing around a few ideas for a new lord for my warband.


Lord MOS blissgiver Steed of slannesh or jump pack

This one has brought up a question I can't seem to find an answer to. Hammer of Wrath does it also get the ID from blissgiver


OR to just use my old lord

Lord TDA Blissgiver mos and deliver him to the fight via icon or landraider like i normally would.

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Hammer of Wrath uses the base strength of the model plus - AP, it doesn't take on any weapon characteristics that the model might be carrying. Personally, I always like putting a jump pack or wings onto my lord, as it just allows for that bit more flexibility and repositioning.
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Hammer of Wrath uses the base strength of the model plus - AP, it doesn't take on any weapon characteristics that the model might be carrying. Personally, I always like putting a jump pack or wings onto my lord, as it just allows for that bit more flexibility and repositioning.

That part is what I was trying to locate in the BRB. Haven't found anywhere it actually says that from a GW source.

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Hammer of Wrath uses the base strength of the model plus - AP, it doesn't take on any weapon characteristics that the model might be carrying. Personally, I always like putting a jump pack or wings onto my lord, as it just allows for that bit more flexibility and repositioning.

That part is what I was trying to locate in the BRB. Haven't found anywhere it actually says that from a GW source.

Page 37 of the rulebook.

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Ok so my copy must be incomplete as I do not see that anywhere on p37. Mine states


" Hammer of Wrath

If a model with this special rule charges and ends its move in base contact with one or more enemy models, it makes one additional Attack that hits automatically and is resolved at the models unmodified Strength with an AP of -. This attack is resolved during the fight sub-phase at the Initiative 10 step. This does not grant the model an additional Pile In move at the Initiative 10 step."


The last sentence involves vehicles and buildings and nothing else. I will leave it out so no one get upset that I posted the whole rule.

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It's a special attack using the "unmodified strength" of the rammer with ap- so as a daemon weapon has ap3 you aren't using it to perform the attack.


It isn't what isn't listed that determines what an attack has, it is what is listed. There is not correct by ommission rule. Or i mean why can't I use a melta bomb with hammer of wrath or etc. Etc. Etc.


You get exactly what it says, one i 10 attack with unmodified str and ap-.


You may email GW if you wish to challenge that.


Currently a terminator w/ bliss giver and combi meta/plasma is pretty beefy for challenges and slaughtering MEQ.


That is most likely the most competative build on a lord atm.

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Vs most things it simply has the edge. Wings are cool and really nice if you want to bounce into units and wipe them out, but not as many things cut down terminators now. And many things either have initiative 1 or shoot "at the squad" and give you a chance to cut them down or dodge the shots out right.


So that's still my vote, i'm thinking about slaaneshing up abbadon to be honest, sure he's pricey but he is also excessive.


In addition, lucius shouldn't be counted out in 6th, he is a great champion hunter and his backlash armor shots simply "ignore armour" so he has a chance to even kill terminator champs/lords.


Things haven't settled down imo, and people are going to continue to tweek their stratagies so you may find some intresting applications.

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one additional Attack that hits automatically and is resolved at the models unmodified Strength with an AP of -
This is the key point: so in a marine's case one S4 hit that the enemy will always get an armour save from. It's just meant to be a nice little bonus that might just inflict those one or two casualties before combat starts properly. Representing being shoulder barged, impact hits from bikes or cavalry or being landed on. If the rule intended that the auto hit takes on characteristics of weapons/wargear it would specifically say so.
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I sent a email to gw about it. Since even this little bit of hole in the RAW can also apply to force weapons as well as the blissgiver. and as the rule for blissgiver says "ANY wounds caused on the enemy by a blissgiver inflict instant death regardless of the Targets toughness." Same with the force weapons now.
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I sent a email to gw about it. Since even this little bit of hole in the RAW can also apply to force weapons as well as the blissgiver. and as the rule for blissgiver says "ANY wounds caused on the enemy by a blissgiver inflict instant death regardless of the Targets toughness." Same with the force weapons now.

Yes but the wounds are not being inflicted by the blissgiver or by any other weapon. The rule book has stated the statline of the "weapon" inflicting Hammer of Wrath and that is a S(user) AP - at I10. That's it, nothing more, nothing less. I honestly do not see a hole in the rules one bit. If the Hammer of Wrath hits took on ANY other statistics of the unit apart from its strength value it would specifically say so. But it doesn't so it doesn't.

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OR to just use my old lord

Lord TDA Blissgiver mos and deliver him to the fight via icon or landraider like i normally would.

Is what I do in friendly games, except that he doesn't ride in a landraider, he deepstrikes instead.


Efficient? no.

Fun? very much so.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been thinking about the best slaanesh hq thing for a few days now... this is my current input.


Daemon weapons should allways be placed on terminator lords, this minimizes the "wasted points" as daemon weapons are 2 handed (great challenge/ meq killer but no grenades )


Sorcerers on foot (great unit buffer and not too bad in a duel probably the most balanced choice)


Sorcerers with wings/jump pack (great assault booster, if placed in a rhino or foot slogging squad can leave during movement pull psykic foolery and charge after the squad for impact hits, or bounce around and cause damage elsewhere)


Chaos lord on foot (same as sorcerer w/o daemon weapon, trading instant death and psychic power for a combi melta and +1 ws) *not good imo*


Chaos lord w/ wings (as above)


Daemon prince w/ wings (useful... very useful best of both worlds and eternal warrior, also has a chance at cover in 6th but no hiding in a unit and no grenades makes him a one trick pony imo.)



So i'd say depending on what you need go for one of these choices


Chaos lord w/ terminator armour, mos, combi weapon if choice, daemonic weapon icon optional (155-160)


Sorcerer w/ wings, mos, melta bombs, choice of psychic powers, force sword icon optional (140-???)


Daemon prince w/ mos, wings and lash (155)


Each of them is as cost effective as they can be imo, each has a different role to fill and all of them have a weakness that needs to be handled with planning or good tactical decisions.


I know that isn't exactly what this thread was for, but i felt it was better to put it here than start another thread.

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OR to just use my old lord

Lord TDA Blissgiver mos and deliver him to the fight via icon or landraider like i normally would.

Is what I do in friendly games, except that he doesn't ride in a landraider, he deepstrikes instead.


Efficient? no.

Fun? very much so.


I try to imagine what a Chaos Space Marine would like like being launched into the fray via catapult would look like. If I ever go home, and when I construct my Defiler, I may add a Catapult attachment.

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