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I'd be willing to play with the Jeske dex :D


Havoks are just painfully out-dated. Forget long fangs, havoks are out-classed by vanilla marines.

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I would say Autocannons, with the revised pen chart it's harder to hill vehicles with MLs, unless MLs get FAQ'd with a Flakk upgrade I would say go for autocannons for more shots to glance light armour to death.
That would be my preference as well.


2x 6 Man, /w 3 ACs @ 1500pts.

Let there be dakka.


Amen brother

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How to run havoks in 6ed?

Are you ready for this?

First, purchase bandages with your favorite cartoon character on them, an instant cold pack (the kind where you don't need to freeze it before hand), and the Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflamatory of your choice (I like Ibuprofen). Keep these in your army case.

Kit your havocs out however you need them to accomplish whatever you want them to do.

Buy a rhino for a dedicated transport. DO NOT PUT THEM IN THE RHINO!

Park the rhino sideways in front of them.

Movement phase: Move the rhino out of the way

Shooting Phase: Fire Havocs. Flat out your rhino back in front of your Havocs.

You're probably going to get punched in the face. Thats what the band-aids, ice pack, and advil is for.

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How to run havoks in 6ed?

Are you ready for this?

First, purchase bandages with your favorite cartoon character on them, an instant cold pack (the kind where you don't need to freeze it before hand), and the Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflamatory of your choice (I like Ibuprofen). Keep these in your army case.

Kit your havocs out however you need them to accomplish whatever you want them to do.

Buy a rhino for a dedicated transport. DO NOT PUT THEM IN THE RHINO!

Park the rhino sideways in front of them.

Movement phase: Move the rhino out of the way

Shooting Phase: Fire Havocs. Flat out your rhino back in front of your Havocs.

You're probably going to get punched in the face. Thats what the band-aids, ice pack, and advil is for.


Ahh, clever!

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with 2 it is better . you make a LoS blocking vision slit out of two rhinos kill stuff then form a wall. people hate it when they hvy dudes get hit by 4 autocannons , even non indep characters have only a +4chance to avoid wounds from that , so good for kill +3 dudes too[like 2 wound rune priests , libbies not in termis etc].
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with 2 it is better . you make a LoS blocking vision slit out of two rhinos kill stuff then form a wall. people hate it when they hvy dudes get hit by 4 autocannons , even non indep characters have only a +4chance to avoid wounds from that , so good for kill +3 dudes too[like 2 wound rune priests , libbies not in termis etc].


Jeske, would you kindly make a quick (or deep) review of the upcoming codex when it'll come out ?

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Sadly not possible . unless in some way I get my hand on it in an illegal way and even then downloading would probably kill my phone . I have been hit by the so called kick upwards at work and for the next 3 months am siting in a middle of no where :P . Kirby will probably do one or someone else from ++ . they make very good codex reviews there .
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++ ?




Kirby's blog. Although I personally think that competitive 40k is a bit of a joke with the current meta (and 6th ain\'t gonna help any of the old problems), Kirby\'s blog provides a lot of support on that front. He also breaks down the Codecii into well reasoned reviews.


Edit: Damn, ninja'd by a matter of seconds.

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Although I personally think that competitive 40k is a bit of a joke with the current meta

I dont know SW/IG/GK are doing fine , necron are awesome , DE are good, BA are good , ally help all those lists , if someone plays/can play double FoC then all those armies have a very nice inner army synergy . I dont think that 6th[for the community as a whole] is a joke . It would be if A there were no good list[everything random] , there was one list like WFB 7th ed demons that beats everything forces people to meta [which still doesnt give a good chance for success] and makes armies that cant meta the kind joke armies.

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How to run havoks in 6ed?

Are you ready for this?

First, purchase bandages with your favorite cartoon character on them, an instant cold pack (the kind where you don't need to freeze it before hand), and the Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflamatory of your choice (I like Ibuprofen). Keep these in your army case.

Kit your havocs out however you need them to accomplish whatever you want them to do.

Buy a rhino for a dedicated transport. DO NOT PUT THEM IN THE RHINO!

Park the rhino sideways in front of them.

Movement phase: Move the rhino out of the way

Shooting Phase: Fire Havocs. Flat out your rhino back in front of your Havocs.

You're probably going to get punched in the face. Thats what the band-aids, ice pack, and advil is for.




When I first read that I thought, "but you have to go in a straight line to move like that."


Then I thought, "wait... where did I get that idea from?"


Then I looked it up in the new rulebook. This does seem to be a viable tactic for screening heavy weapons.


What if you used it in a sort of "bounding overwatch" tactic for a regular squad with a heavy weapon? You drive your tank forward and off to the side, then you move everyone forward but your heavy weapon carrier, who instead takes a shot at full BS. Then your tank swerves back to block LOS as best it can. In the next phase the tank moves forward and shoots its weapons instead of moving Flat Out, remaining in a screening position, and then the heavy weapon guy moves up to the front of his group. This way you move your entire column forward firing a heavy weapon at full BS every round.

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No advocates for havocs with plasmas in rhinos?

I somehow missed a day or so worth of posts. I'd have advocated plasma havocs in a rhino. Hell, at one point I was considering making a quad flamer havoc squad in response to a highly successful Ork army I played against back in the very late 3.0 era.

NM . sonic blasters build in .

I'd go back to the 3.0 Noise Marines who could take up to three blastmasters or doom sirens, move it up to four, and make them Heavy Support for armies not led by a Slaanesh lord. Still work the sonic blaster into the points cost, though. Course they'd probably outshine Havocs,but so did the 3.0 Noise Marines.

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Another, less "get yourself punched in the face" way to run havoks which I think would be interesting would be to have two with melta, two with plasma, and run them around in a rhino either popping tanks of shooting dudes. I haven't tried it myself or seen anyone else use it, but it seems like a pretty viable tactic. And hey, if they pop your rhino, you've still got a pretty mobile facemelting squad. While plasma's aren't the greatest at popping tanks, they do get +1 on the damage chart now, so if they're stranded in enemy territory and they can get within a foot of armor 12? Not the most efficient weapon, but nothing to sneeze at either.
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Another, less "get yourself punched in the face" way to run havoks which I think would be interesting would be to have two with melta, two with plasma, and run them around in a rhino either popping tanks of shooting dudes. I haven't tried it myself or seen anyone else use it, but it seems like a pretty viable tactic. And hey, if they pop your rhino, you've still got a pretty mobile facemelting squad. While plasma's aren't the greatest at popping tanks, they do get +1 on the damage chart now, so if they're stranded in enemy territory and they can get within a foot of armor 12? Not the most efficient weapon, but nothing to sneeze at either.


I think the biggest issue here is the rapid fire vs assault as well as the range difference in weapon type. Sure rapid fire is a bit more mobile, but they're still going after different types of targets.

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I just recently finished four Havoc squads:






I think I have enough parts to build a fourt ML guy.


I consider using at least one of the squads camping in one of them mobile fortress thingys (Aegis defence line) along with a quad AC. I'll most likely put my AC squad in that one and use them to gun down any flyer that gets close enough. My main opponent likes his Valkyries...


But then I'm not sure about the other squads. I hope MLs get the Flakk missile upgrade in the next codex, but one can never know. Untill then it will most likely be like trying to gun down an Apache gunship with a russian RPG. Perhaps i should just make a mixed squad out of two LCs and two MLs? And screen them with a rhino.


I think the Plasma dudes can could really do some hurt against my other main opponent who runs a Wolves army with plenty of terminators.

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I'd be willing to play with the Jeske dex :tu:


Havoks are just painfully out-dated. Forget long fangs, havoks are out-classed by vanilla marines.

I'm pretty sure I could stand not getting a new codex anytime soon if they would faq the GavDex into the JeskeDex.


Seeing as they wouldn't I'm glad we are getting a new one

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I just recently finished four Havoc squads:






I think the Plasma dudes can could really do some hurt against my other main opponent who runs a Wolves army with plenty of terminators.

The plasma squad would be a good chosen squad ;)

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