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The book of names -- would you find this helpful?

Kurgan the Lurker

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Even though I stopped working the actual Liber Astartes website almost 8 years ago, I've still kept up with the great list of names and basic info.


Would you all (as those creating DIY Chapters) find the list of names useful? Not necessarily links to those Chapters since the 1,000 Chapter Project and the Tabula Astartes are covering them to a degree but just a list of names. Mostly so you know X name has been used before in the event you are trying to go for something "original".


Further to that would you like to know how many times said name has been used that we know of. As an example the Castigators name has been used at least 4 times (3 of them on the B&C alone). Or would the # of uses be unimportant in the long run.


I could include other info if you felt it was necessary but due to the limitations of the web at the time it started the Liber Astartes web site info wasn't all that detailed beyond Chapter Name, Gene-seed, Founding #, Home world/Flagship name and creator name.

I can only speak for myself, but I would find this information useful. Whilst I wouldn't necessarily use a name that was "already in use", seeing a list of names such as the one you mentioned might spark an idea of my own. I have no problem if another Frater used any of the names I have given my DIY Chapters (if anything, I'd kinda consider it a compliment :rolleyes: ), and I would certainly have no problem having the three (four if you count my DIY Sororitas) I've come up with added to the list.


I can imagine others might find it useful to see what names have been thought up/are in use, for pretty much the same reason, and to be able to come up with something that is "unique"* to them.


* At least unique within the confines of the Internet anyway ;)




Psst! I humbly submit my Amber Dragons to the Cult of Orange ;)

I don't think this would be helpful aside from a source of inspiration, and even then there's already a name generator for that. When it comes to whether or not a name has been used before, I don't think that it really matters. The discussion usually comes up when someone wants to use a name that's in development or popular, no one has dibs on a name.


When the Librarium gets up and running again, that will be a source of names that the community can recognize. For the most part, chapters created in this forum don't get that far. Just using your example of the Castigators, one is in the Librarium, and another, as far as I know, exists only as a modeling project. Frankly, I only care about Commissar Molotov's article in the Librarium. Until articles are worthy of, or on their way to being worthy of entering that part of the site, I don't really think they're worth recognizing anyway. After all, why should anyone give any consideration to neglected and long forgotten ideas in the bowls of the Liber.


However, while people are free to name their chapters whatever they like and work as they please, Chapters with articles in the Librarium like the aforementioned Castigators, White Hand Chapter, Arctic Lions, Eternal Warriors, Ice Lords, and Chapters with articles on their way there, my Astral Reavers, the Stonebound, the Red Lords (basically all of Ace Debonair's works in progress), in my opinion, are or are on their way to being names that should be respected by the community as taken and done.


Overall, there's no point. You've already named two sources with the information you're considering listing, and, even though I have a chapter in Sibbering's Thousand Chapter Project, I don't find that particularly useful either.

Even though I stopped working the actual Liber Astartes website almost 8 years ago, I've still kept up with the great list of names and basic info.


Would you all (as those creating DIY Chapters) find the list of names useful? Not necessarily links to those Chapters since the 1,000 Chapter Project and the Tabula Astartes are covering them to a degree but just a list of names. Mostly so you know X name has been used before in the event you are trying to go for something "original".


A list of names would be pretty neat for inspirational purposes, and part of me really wonders just how many Steel Dragons are out there. ;)


So long as there's a disclaimer at the top or something that people can totally use those names as much as they want, I don't see any problems. ^_^

I like the idea. I know there's at least one other "Angels Incarnadine" out there on the BA forums, and I still think of that as an interesting brotherhood even though I've changed the name since. (It didn't influence the decision, I just really like the word "host.")
It would be useful for those who want to take a stab at creating a DIY here, if only to avoid duplication. Its usefulness outside of the B&C however diminishes; for example, while it might be silly to try a writeup for the Knights Encarmine here when there's already a pre-existing thread by another member on HIS Knights Encarmine, there's nothing stopping me from doing so on my own journal about it.
Wouldn't be able to do write ups anyway. Of the 2500+ Chapters that were on Liber Astartes before I took the site down, maybe 500 had links to a site. Of those, probably half were on GEOCITIES or AOL or some other host that no longer exists.

I'm all for it, myself, but Ace:


So long as there's a disclaimer at the top or something that people can totally use those names as much as they want, I don't see any problems. :)


Has a good point. Even with a disclaimer, I can see such a list being used against some people, like someone posting "According to Kurgan's list, X has been taken twice already, choose another."


I'd like to use it as inspiration myself. If mine's already taken by someone else, then it's either an excuse to try and get more creative or fudge it, I'm keeping it.

Should we list alternate names separately or in brackets?


As an example should we have:



World Eaters




World Eaters <Warhounds>



for Chapters that have multiple names.

Should we list alternate names separately or in brackets?


As an example should we have:



World Eaters




World Eaters <Warhounds>



for Chapters that have multiple names.


Working at the Clerk/Recorders office has gotten me used to seeing a person or organisations name as "Name, fka. Former Name" during those instances where there is such a name. Maybe a note saying that fka means Formerly Known As, aka means Also Known As, for those who might not be familiar with their use.


Like Carcharadons could be "Carcharadons, aka. Carcharadons Astra, fka. Space Sharks."

Space Wolves might be "Space Wolves Chapter, fka. Space Wolves Legion, fka. Vlka Fenryka"


That way we can have a differentiation between those Chapters who are known by more than one name or organisation and/or have been known as an another name in the past. How you put that in doesn't particularly matter to me. [ ], { }, < >, or just commas as my examples did, whatever.


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