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Test model for a new chapter (updated 7/19)

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I am creating my own chapter of Space Marines. I really like this yellow color, but I am hoping it doesn't look Imperial Fists or even more likely Lamenters.


Anyhoo here is the first test model. It is a mostly finished assault cannon terminator using my new color scheme (been painting Blood Angels for a year)..


I plan on still doing glowing bright blue eyes and a bit of free hand. The chapter will be this yellow color with black left fist, right shoulders and helmets. Comments and criticisms encouraged. Thanks.





I like the colors, your painting is very good.


I have to admit, first thing through my head when I looked at him was "Imperial Fist". Anything with lots of unbroken yellow is going to get that response. Once I took a second look, I saw the black and went, "oh, something is different."


You might consider using more black to make it more obvious. Perhaps one leg? They might start looking like walking hazard stripes, but that might be cool.

I think it looks great!...and not too similar to IFs. With, as you said, a black left fight, right shoulder and helmet, they should look sufficiently different.

Excellent weathering/damage, by the way.


What's their name and Chapter symbol?

your painting skill is excellent well done sir... one tiny bit of critisism if any would be maybe just a tiny bit more battle damage then needed but it looks good, I didnt see Imperial Fist but I immediatly thought it was a successors of theirs, If they are then great! I not, then maybe like the others say just a little bit more black but then again maybe once we see the finished product with chapter symbol that will change but thats just my two cents the painting itself is very good

Really great mini, for sure.


If you're worried about distinction, maybe the black should be the entire left arm instead of just the left fist? Once you get to normal sized marines, those hands look a little small. It happens when people paint Crimson fists with just red hands, but if they're under bolters, or holding weapons, they get lost. I think the head and right shoulder work well. Just maybe more on the left arm. But I would definitely keep the left shoulder yellow!


Do you have a name yet?

Well I'm relatively new to 40k and don't have an extensive of the history of the universe and all the successor chapters so maybe you guys can help. I was thinking "The Forgotten" but is there already something with that name. I'll make a symbol once I know the name.


Thanks for all the replies.

I feel it's distinct enough from the Imperial Fists and the Lamenters that it won't be mistaken for either. It looks a little bit like one of the Marines Malevolent, but I think a second glance will tell the viewer that it isn't one of those either.


Very well done! Excellent use of non-palette colours as well.


I would suggest something on the sensors/lights as well though, perhaps green? Or blue to match what you plan on for the eyes.

I very much agree that you should make the entire arm black, but other than that the black helm and shoulder make him more than different enough from an Imperial Fist and/or Lamenter.


I think coming up with a backstory you can work with first is most important, and then base a name off that.

Beautifully painted, very nice indeed. On the yellow/black question, I think it would be better with just a touch more black to distinguish it from IF/Lam.s.

Secondly, and this is purely MHO, but it might look better if it was less asymmetric - i.e. with either both pads or both arms black, not one of each. Or both pads and arms might work; would be visibly not IF. Definately keep the head black though.

Beautiful mini! I really like the yellow you have and your overall style. With a yellow and black scheme, there will probably always be some that first see Imperial Fists, Lamenters, Scythes of the Emperor, or Marines Malevolent. However, a second look does clearly reveal your unique scheme (unless you're dealing with yahoos like me that are fudging a traditional scheme).


If you're still in the testing phase though, I think your black and yellow would look awesome in a full quartered scheme (ref. Brazen Claws or Howling Griffons). I don't think I've ever seen a yellow/black quartered scheme, has anyone else? Pretty sure they'd be all yours!

With a yellow and black scheme, there will probably always be some that first see Imperial Fists, Lamenters, Scythes of the Emperor, or Marines Malevolent


Yeah, this will definitely happen every so often.


Still, though, you've got a distinct scheme going on there, it doesn't read as a Fist due to the black, and everyone expects to see checks on Lamenters. By the time you've added chapter heraldry, it'll definitely stand out. Do fill us in on your chapter's details once you've hammered them out.

I'm glad the color scheme seems to be received the way I like. I really didn't want to add to much black. The quartered look is nice though. I was originally going to a split down the middle, but I really want to keep ore of the yellow to make it pop. I think you're right though, doing the arm, not just the fist, or at least half the arm will help. I wanted to have one shoulder guard yellow and one black though.


So the idea for the chapter. Now again I'm. It a super fluff guy but I really like the idea of chapters whose main enemy are the Tyranids, I got a thing for nids.


Name: The Forgotten.


Background: During the briefest of blackouts the 1st company of a space marine chapter gets lost in the warp, only to pop out far away from any known imperial planet. Unable to form any psychic link the find themselves abandoned. They paint there helmets black to represent there anominimity. They paint there left gauntlets black to represent there loss, as only the right hand is known, the right hand representing the rule of the Emperor.


Through there search they find world after world cleansed of all biomass by the Tyranids. They eventually find there way back to the imperium but Not wanting to shame their chapter for there loss they remain anonymous. They do however pledge there lives to aiding in any fight against the Tyranids...


Something like that anyway. Thoughts?

Well another day off means yes more hobbytime. I've virtually finished two models in the new termie squad now, the sergeant and the assault cannon. A couple tiny bits and bases to be done. I'm really pleased with how the eyes came out. And yes, they really pop just like the photos in person too. Enjoy.


And yes, all arms are magnetic so I change the pose and arms like that ;D






One more for fun.



Awesome! What's the process for the eyes?


A couple steps. I'm not using GW colors for these blues. A royal blue is a very true blue. An ice blue is something like 50/50 blue and white.


Paint eyes white

Airbrush glowing area royal blue

Airbrush with a bright ice blue

Paint eyes white again.

Wash around edges of ice with ice blue


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