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Imperial Bastion query


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My gaming group had our first 6th ed battle yesterday (we're a bit slow on organisation). As it was the first game with the new ruleset, we tried out everything we could. Flyers, vehicles, psykers, fortifications, new objective systems. Overall a very informative game.


The one main thing we couldn't work out is regarding the Imperial Bastion's guns. The bastion comes with a heavy bolter on each side, and we added a quad cannon to the roof. Prior to 6th we never used buildings. Our terrain was ruins, barricades and trees. With the new focus on fortifications in 6th, we've bought a couple of bastions, and are looking at the other items on offer. Because of this, we're not really clear on the building rules from 5th anyway, so this is all very new to us.


I'm hoping I can get a bit of clarity here, so that our next game doesn't get so bogged down. The questions I have are:


1a) I'm pretty sure the roof counts as a separate section, thus allowing a unit inside and a unit on top. Is this correct?


1b) If yes, can a unit be spread across multiple building sections?


2) If a unit is inside the building, they can elect to fire the HB at their BS, otherwise the building fires the HB at BS 2. If the building is firing, does every HB get to choose it's own target, or does it have to fire at the unit's target?


3) If the unit is inside the building, do they control the quad cannon on the roof? Or do you need a man on the roof to get the benefits of the cannon? I assume that if you can't, the building fires it at BS 2.


4a) If the building is vacated, does the building continue to fight for the side that was last in it? IE: if the marines bought the bastion, but then leave it, does it continue to fight for the marines or fall silent?


4b) If it doesn't fall silent, can an enemy unit enter the building and take the guns over? IE: could eldar run inside and turn the guns on the marines, or is the door locked to them and they can only blow it up?


4c) If they can take the building for themselves, when they leave it do the guns keep working for them, or do they revert to the control of the person who bought the building?


Apologies for the broadside of questions. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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1a) Yes to all, page 95.


1b) I do not believe they are allowed to spread across different sections.


2) Yes, page 105. They can only fire at a single target, like normal.


3) You need a man in base contact, page 105.


4a) If you bought a building, it's always yours unless it's occupied by an enemy. If it started neutral, once you're out it's nobody's.


4b) See above.


4c) See above.

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Actually, the answer to 2) is on page 96 (Automated Fire): "Each emplaced weapon that is not fired by the squad fires at the nearest target in LOS using BS2". So no, automated fire doesn't have to fire at the same unit as the squad.
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True, but I wasn't answering that one. The guns he controls have to fire at the same target as the rest of the squad.


I for some reason couldn't find auto-fire last night though, so good catch!

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