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Night Lord Army


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Good morning brothers,


i dont know if this has been discussed before (had a quick look but couldnt see anything...), if it has feel free to add the link.


im starting a night lords army but dont actually like the helmets and im in two minds about the armour. Sounds silly i know considering their chaos marines however im thinking along the lines of a force that has stayed relativly pure and hasnt descended into a pure chaos force (more or less).


my idea is to use normal marine armour with the imeperial icons removed but put smaller (then GW) wings on the side of the helmets. i will then paint the armour in random effects (primarily ligthning and skull motiffs).


Does anyone think this would look weird or not stick to the fluff? Im really getting into their back story and seem to remember that their one of the most pure chaos legions (though i might be thinking of another one) and want this to come across on my models. i want them to appear more like rebel marines rather then full blown chaos ones whilst still being obviously from the VIII legion. the look in the horus heresey art books is pretty much what im looking for.


im also considering getting old marks of armour from forge world as in my mind they would look good in night lord livery. Also in the books they do wear older marks of armour.


Any advice would be most welcome. ;)

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Does anyone think this would look weird or not stick to the fluff?
Winged helmets are not mandatory. Skulls, terror markings, the traditional colour scheme + lightning will be more than enough to nail the theme.

Most NL players I know and the majority of the ones I have seen here on the B&C find the current winged helmet design to be subpar/silly.


Personally speaking, I don't use them either for the same reasons.


im also considering getting old marks of armour from forge world as in my mind they would look good in night lord livery. Also in the books they do wear older marks of armour.
Good idea. ;)


Welcome to the Dark side of Chaos.

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Nightlords definitely have different factions, and some have certainly fallen further than others. A 'clean' nightlords army isn't against fluff, but then again, neither is one full of spikes & mutations & daemons.


Nobody's going to look at you funny for eschewing the giant bat-winged helmet look, if you stick more or less to their color scheme.

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Definitely lose the wings, they look silly as all get-up :D


I think I would still use regular Chaos Marine armour, but go light on/remove the Chaos star itself. The skulls and spikyness is still good though, even if they're not Chaos worshippers. I'd be all over the "skull" Chaos helmet too, as it looks great and is an obvious choice for terror.

That'd be my personal take on your idea, but of course it's all up to you :)

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I don't have any horns on my Chaos Army, and only 1 unit of "bunny ear" beserkers. Well-my Havocs are iron warriors, with the Iron Warrior upgrade kits (the metal chests and heads and all) and I didn't want to mess them up so I have 2 units of Horned CSMs.


I actually feel kinda dumb now given how 6th edition works and how the Ksons are better than before, but I kept their kit intact, used the Aspiring Sorcerer as a conversion project for a Sorcerer and made the rest of the guys as far as I was willing to go concerning Space Marines wearing tabards over their armor, and I used trimmed Beserker helmets (but not any of the Skull Beserker helmets-I'm saving those for a unit whenever the next codex comes out)

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Evening brothers,


Thanks for all the reply's guys, they have helped me decide a few things. Going with the normal helmets (unless i can find a suitable supply of small bat wings that fit to scale), will then probably go with the chaos armour but remove most, if not all, of the horns. The chaos stars (if they have any? been a while since iv seen chaos armour up close) will go as well.


Im thinking of keeping the paint scheme simply with lightning spread evenly across. I might concentrate it in specific areas in order to differentiate between squads however. Will have to give this some more thought.


Army wise i want it to be relativly big (2000 points sounds big enough..... for now ;) ) but focused on infantry. im reading soul hunter again for inspiration and like the idea of these guys running around a ruined city rather then speeding across an open battlefield. im thinking a warlord, chosen unit, 3 PA squads, havok squad, drednaught and land raider. I have a large (ish) dark angles army already (and contu=inue to add to it) so to make this force a bit different im thinking of adding vehicles i havent already got, such as the new assualt vehicle from forge world. cant think of the name at the moment, looks like a larger version of a land raider.


Still considering using the different marks of armour from forge world too, just trying to decide which one to use (along with if my bank account can handle the strain)


Again, thanks for the help guys, i appreciate it! and i am looking forward to joining the dark side again brother nihm.

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Solly, I plan on doing something similar. I had an interesting conversion idea for those terrible winged helmets. cut the wings off, then shave down the sides of plastic helmet. It may take some doing and some green stuff work, but basically if done right, it should look similar in concept to a bat version of a Space Marine honor guard helmet...I think that would be pretty cool...
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Solly, I plan on doing something similar. I had an interesting conversion idea for those terrible winged helmets. cut the wings off, then shave down the sides of plastic helmet. It may take some doing and some green stuff work, but basically if done right, it should look similar in concept to a bat version of a Space Marine honor guard helmet...I think that would be pretty cool...


Morning brothers,


I was also thinking something along those lines too space wolf but i was more thinking smaller wings attached near the eye sockets and sweeping straight back. I was considering going round the internet looking for parts however the more i think about it the more i think my idea wouldnt actually look that good. Iv done somthing similar on my DA company master and it came out pretty good however so i might just keep it to my chaos lord.


Your idea sounds pretty good though. if you actually do it why dont you put a few pictures up? id like to see your work. They sound like they would be impressive. I see if i can put a picture of my company master up (though iv only just started to paint it so i might wait awhile) to show you what i ment above.

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I'm waiting for the new dex to come out to see if it is worth it for me to invest a lot of time and money into nightlords. I plan on making them truescale, so they will be big, scary, and expensive! So I need to make sure the list is something that I'm going to want to play. But you can believe if I get something done, I will post up some pics. ;)
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I'm waiting for the new dex to come out to see if it is worth it for me to invest a lot of time and money into nightlords. I plan on making them truescale, so they will be big, scary, and expensive! So I need to make sure the list is something that I'm going to want to play. But you can believe if I get something done, I will post up some pics. :D


Morning brothers,


id like to see some of your work space wolf, i think it will look quiet impressive! Il try and put a few pictures of that helmet up here in the next few days. As for the army list, it occured to me yesterday that as the new choas codex will be out some time soon i will wait till it does before i plan my army. This however wont stop me buying a CSM squad and making it. Will be interesting to see if im even capable of painting lightning, let alone to a suitable standard and making it look realistic!


My only concern is if they release new models with the CSM codex. Even if they are simply conversion kits like the death guard, if i like them il have a squad that stands out from the rest. This in itself might not be an issue though as what i can gather from the story they have different armour anyway. Also if i do start buying forge world armour and they release something new that i think is better i would have a hodge podge army that iv spent a lot of money on and dont think looks right. :tu:


Edit: which is pretty much would you said in your quote... sorry space wolf...

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If you like a ruined city feel, have you thought about how you're going to design your bases? Getting halfway through an army and realizing you wanted your bases to look different really sucks.


I too have done this. My dark angles so far have had sand bases (it was abit different at the time and stood out) but im only about 1/3 the way through my planned army and have changed my mind. I think i know want to go to grass bases (to fit in with the boards me and my brother use at home). Im just trying to decide if i should carry on with the sand bases or just re-base about 60-odd models ;) I do like the idea of a ruined urban landscape on my bases though.


Personally, I like the winged helmets. I think they add a little flair to the army. I'm just really really lazy and don't feel like modeling them on there. Except for maybe captains or something.


I too like the idea of this, but might just keep it to squad leaders and officers. Im done something similar to my comapny master of my DA army and keep meaning to put up an image on here but never seem to get the time at the moment (things are a bit hectic my end). il see if i can get round to it this week.

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Hello Brothers,


This is my first post on here so please bare with me on this. I'm an avid fan for Chaos marines in general and have read just about all but the current novel Void stalker for them.


Solly you won't be against the fluff for them if you don't take the winged helmets. The purpose in the fluff of the nightlords for the Winged helmets where for ceremonial purposes. That's why in some of the books the guy that usually falls to Slaanesh wears it and polishes his armor. While the guy that falls to Khorne don't really care about his armor. They salvage any bit of power armor off of marines they kill.


So there is another suggestion for you. Like throw in a power sword from a blood angels kit or space wolf kit and say he slayed the owner. It's really limitless with chaos. I'm not trying to be a over reactive fluff junkie so I hope I don't offend anyone or step on anyones toes here.


On a side note off topic and I apologise to the OP for this cause I didn't see a newcomers post place.


I hope to join you guys in playing chaos soon. I've played for about 4-5 years until my mentor that played World Eaters, Tsons, and Daemons in 40k passed last year. I took this year off and hopefully be jumping back into the swing of things in january or february in 6th.

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I hope to join you guys in playing chaos soon. I've played for about 4-5 years until my mentor that played World Eaters, Tsons, and Daemons in 40k passed last year. I took this year off and hopefully be jumping back into the swing of things in january or february in 6th.


I'm sorry to hear that. But welcome to the B&C. You'll be skinning Eldar in no time ;)

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Hello Brothers,


This is my first post on here so please bare with me on this. I'm an avid fan for Chaos marines in general and have read just about all but the current novel Void stalker for them.


Solly you won't be against the fluff for them if you don't take the winged helmets. The purpose in the fluff of the nightlords for the Winged helmets where for ceremonial purposes. That's why in some of the books the guy that usually falls to Slaanesh wears it and polishes his armor. While the guy that falls to Khorne don't really care about his armor. They salvage any bit of power armor off of marines they kill.


So there is another suggestion for you. Like throw in a power sword from a blood angels kit or space wolf kit and say he slayed the owner. It's really limitless with chaos. I'm not trying to be a over reactive fluff junkie so I hope I don't offend anyone or step on anyones toes here.


On a side note off topic and I apologise to the OP for this cause I didn't see a newcomers post place.


I hope to join you guys in playing chaos soon. I've played for about 4-5 years until my mentor that played World Eaters, Tsons, and Daemons in 40k passed last year. I took this year off and hopefully be jumping back into the swing of things in january or february in 6th.


Afternoon brothers,


Im also sad to hear of your loss. iv had several family members pass away in the last 1 and 1/2 years and i know how it feels (its been a LONG 1.5 years). hopefully you can take some comfort in getting back into a routine.


I havent heard anything about this being only ceremonial, this would probably make things a little bit easier for me (i keep changing my mind in regards to the wings on everyone or just the leaders). Is this in the second book (iv only read soul hunter and lord of the night, planning to get the second one when i get paid at the end of the month)? does anyone else have any recomendations for novels involving the night lords that they could advise?

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Ultimately, it matters very little. The Nightlords, are going to take, and use what they can get. If a helmet is broken, I don't see too many batwinged replacement. That being said, its your army. If you don't want them to have those helmets...then they don't. :D
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Morning brothers,


Iv been thinking everybody's statements over the last few days and decided what i will try and achieve next month. FW MKv heresey armour will form the base of the models (i love the armour and was considering getting some for my dark angels anyway) and il have the squad leader have small wings (if i can find any) on the sides of his helmet. Il paint the armour with lightning and skull motiffs but not go overboard on them. Im still not sure about the squad markings (does anyone know what squad markings they do use? considering just conentrating the lighting in specific areas).


I was considering doing a heresey era squad but decided that i found the idea of these guys being rebel more appealing.


i will probably use the night lords upgrade kit from GW (minus the heads) for the shoulder pads. They used to sell pads on their own but as GW seem to have scaled back on indervidual componants (likely due to the cost) il have to make do. Im assuming the metal pads will fit on FW minetures of course.


I have taken a few pictures of the models that i keep saying il put up. Il try and put them up this weekend. il also try and put a few "before-and-after" images of my night lords squad up if anyones interested?


Im looking forward to seeing how the models turn out! :(

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Sounds good to me. I'm personally going to go for a mix of armors...say, MK V breastplat, but mark II greaves, etc. Gives them a real "ramshackle/looting what they can get their hands on from the dead" kind of feel. As far as winged helmets go...I would just say, go with what feels right.
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Good afternoon brothers,


i wont go with the winged helmets after all (cant find any and probably wont look right anyway). il just stick with aemour and colour scheme. I did consider doing what your suggesting space wolf (different sections of armour) and i almost went with MkII / III instead but will stick with MK V (for now). il just order one squad tommorow to see how it turns out. Im hoping GW's shoulder pads fit the models (though i might just paint the symbols on, have to think about that).


Iv finally got round to putting the photo's of my DA commander up. Im sorry about the quality but for some reason my camera wouldnt focus properly. You can JUST about make out what im refering too. Il attempt to take some better ones tonight.


thanks guys.

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Morning brothers,


Sorry about the photo (should really check my posts before i post them). see what i can do...


Iv now ordered 2 sets of MK V armour and a set of phobos bolters. I really like these (both the armour and the bolters) and have been meaning to get some for some time. Iv also ordered the paints and "blood reaver" from GW so will focus on these next week. Il take my time though as i want these to turn out well. Il throw in a few items from my bits box (thanks everyone for the ideas on the odd armour and weapons) so will see how these turn out.


Il try and put a few pictures up on here as i go along. Il also make sure they are actually attached this time too. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Afternoon Brothers,


Sorry i havent posted on here in a while but my order from FW took a while to turn up. :(


No matter, i now have a ten man squad (unmade except for a test model) equipted with MK5 and phobos bolters. i will be equiping the champion with a power sword if im able to. will have to check the codex. i found a nice chaos PS in my bits box that i think will look quiet nice but cant actually remember where i found it. may also have one model carrying a heavy bolter. I will take my time making the others as im still unsure if i will convert them as suggested by space wolf (i actually quiet like this idea) and dont want to make the models then change my mind. I wont have wings on the models either as the image on the books of talos doesnt have them so i stay without. I also bought blood reaver and void stalker and have alomost finished the third book. im drawing alot of inspiration from these books!


Iv made one and included a picture in the gallery on my members page. I cant seem to be able to post it on here. do i have to make a link? iv looked through the help forums on here but cant seem to make it work in practice. Again, sorry for the quality of the image, il attempt to find a different camera in the next few days to get a better image.



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