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Night Lord Army


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Good monring Brothers,


Sorry for the irregular posts, i havent had alot of time to come on here as of late (youd be surprised just how complicated my life has become in the last 48 hours).


Anyway... Thank you for the link brother Nimh, i will create one to the gallery on my profile. Think that will be easier then trying to post them on a page. I have taken better photo's using my girlfreinds I-Phone 4 and will attempt to post these this afternoon. Thanks for being patient with me, its the first time iv posted photo's on this forum.


Iv had a quick look at your link space wolf and i must say im very impressed! Very nice! il have another look this afternoon.


Im going to try and make the rest of the squad this week. Iv already got plans for the leader. Iv been inspired by an image from takes of heresey art books of a night lord squad in Mk 5 holding a sword. Im going to try and copy this if i can.


Again, thanks for being patient brothers!

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Afternoon brothers,


As (long) promised, please find a link below for the images that i keep saying that i will put up on here. iv included the image of my DA company master (captain) in relation to the helmet which im considering copying for the champion or warlord if i can find the righ sized wings. If not, i wont do it.






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If you like the idea of winged helmets, but don't like the official games workshop ones, try grave guard heads. Just trim off their wings and attach them to normal csm heads sans horns. It looks good, far better than the official pewter ones, and you can easily trim more or less wing to get unique looking heads.


I'm not a fan of winged helmets, but I like the motif overall. I'm using grave guard heads as backpack icons for my aspiring champions/icon bearers.

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Good morning brothers,


Ok, over the weekend i managed to get another 4 models made (only with bolters) and undercoated. iv decided to keep things simple so far and will only do these first. Il save the heavy weapon/special weapon/champion until after i get the paint scheme right. I have an idea for the champion and want to think about it some more. Unfortunatly i forgot to ask my GF for her phone again so images of the latest up date will have to wait till the weekend. I may have finished them by this point as well so your be able to give me your opinions on the way they look.


If you like the idea of winged helmets, but don't like the official games workshop ones, try grave guard heads. Just trim off their wings and attach them to normal csm heads sans horns. It looks good, far better than the official pewter ones, and you can easily trim more or less wing to get unique looking heads.


I'm not a fan of winged helmets, but I like the motif overall. I'm using grave guard heads as backpack icons for my aspiring champions/icon bearers.


Thanks for the idea Fortnight, i may look into this for the champion. I tried to llok on GW website to see if they are available seperatly (iv never played undead) but its down at the moment. Il look into this some more.


Meanwhile, im thinking of vehicles. FW do an old style rhino (MKIIc i think) and think this may look good in night lord colurs and stay in line with the fluff. As one of the original legions in my mind they would still have access to the older marks of equipment and vehicles and want this force to stand out a little on the table top.


What do you guys think of my ideas?



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Good morning brothers,


Old MK II vehicles?



I say go for it.


I think this will just make them stand out a little bit more and fit in with them being a founding legion force, so they have access to loads of old tech (hence the MK V plate). I also read with interest the start of void stalker that during the navel engagement for the planet (remember the name, cant remember the spelling :) ) that as they split from the emperor before the codex got enforced they still had all of the older, more powerful ships. I thought they was an excellant idea and one i hadnt considered. i then started applying that to the ground forces. They would probably have access to older forms of equipment and vehicles that other, loyalist forces dont have access to (or had taken from them).


I therefore thinking of taking a sparten from FW. seems like the kind of old tech that a newer chapter wouldnt have. Also thinking of a few older bits to enforce this idea.


Iv know done all of the bolter armed models. I quiet like the running ones and am thinking of getting enough squads together to mix and match models, so i can have a squad look like all of the members are sprinting forward to cover (or assualt). just got to figure the army list and more importantly the cost of doing this.


Quick question guys, i want to try and convert the guy holding the heavy bolter from a spare scout squad iv got. How easy do you think this would be to remove and add to the arms for the marine? do you think this would look weird?



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well, it depends on how you do it. The most difficult way, but probably the best results would be to cut the bolter off at the scouts wrists. then position marine arms by using wire and GS to fill in any gaps. Then pin the hands onto the arms. Kinda difficult to describe really, but do you see where I'm going with it?
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Good morning brothers,


Right, the squad is now complete! iv modeled the champion upon the image i found in the art book (as close as possible) with a power sword and plasmer pistol. I think he looks quiet good except i had trouble altering the arms so in the end had to choose existing space marine arms. They sort of blend in but arnt the same as the others. Im hoping that when their painted they dont stand out too much.


Thank you spacewolf for the advice on the heavy bolter conversion. it actually looks really good (IMHO), im pleased with the way the squad looks together. The only thing iv done wrong so far is forgotton to give one of the squad a plasmer gun. Think i got carried away making them. :tu: il sort this out with the next squad i make. Il just make two and swap them round.


Iv undercoated 5 of the models so will actually start painting hopefully this evening. Il start with a test model just to make sure i get the paint right. Sorry about the no shows on the photo's. Il try and get some up this week if i can (made, undercoated, painted).


Two questions for you guys:


1) what model should i use for my lord? im tempted to go with the GW model but convert him as i think he might blend in quiet well. If not, should i just convert a model in MK V plate? seems easier and will make him more unique however he might not be that impressive (my converting skills arnt that advanced).


2) what squad markings do the night lords use? i havent seen any discribed in the books or IA. wouldnt be codex so should i just make my own claw (squad) markings?


Thanks guys!

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Well, the Chaos terminator lord, comes with great bits, and you can really make a good looking generic lord. Then just add some NL bits, and BAM NL Lord!


As for your second question. I have no idea. My guess is squad markings are really dependent on which company/warband. Ultimately I think you can just make up whatever you want and it will work...

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Well, the Chaos terminator lord, comes with great bits, and you can really make a good looking generic lord. Then just add some NL bits, and BAM NL Lord!


As for your second question. I have no idea. My guess is squad markings are really dependent on which company/warband. Ultimately I think you can just make up whatever you want and it will work...


Funny you should mention a terminator lord...


I have a "Tyberos the red wake" model which im currently in the process of converting into Belial for my Dark angels but yesterday i was looking at it on my model board standing next to my NL models and suddenly the idea came to me to use it as a NL lord. It looks quiet brutal (bit too much for belial) and would look quiet nice in NL colurs. Still in two minds though... Needs some more thought...


Good idea though.



It's morning...


1: Inspiring or tactical. Compliment your infantry.

2: Not familiar, make up some. I'm sure a veteran Bat will tell you, or you can just use random skulls or something.


I was thinking more strategic as in standing there directing the attack but looks like he is about to wade in. the GW model looks a little bit of both and wouldnt require that much work to hime however i dont think he would blend in with the rest of the army.


As for the squad markings iv been thinking whilst working and i dont really like the idea of just adding numerials to the armour. My idea of lightning on specific areas of the armour wouldnt really look right either (though it did look ok on my iron warriors). Im running the idea of symbols on the armour round my head at the moment. They would have differnet symbols (daggers, claws, etc...) on the graeves. Another idea is to put Nostramon script (in the form of numerals) on the should pads. I dont think there has ever been Nostramon language printed anywhere but i seem to remember it being very curvy. I think this would look quiet good and stay to the fluff.


If anyone knows of anywhere where Nostramon has been commited to print could you let me know? would like to get an idea of what it looks like.


and yes incinerator950, it was morning where i was. Sorry, i keep forgetting about the different time zones! :down:


Thanks brothers.

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You can find a ton of Nostramon in the Night Lords trilogy by A D-B, pretty much the only source I know of.


Good morning brothers,


Thanks for the help with the Nostramon guys. I dont remember any actual images of the writing however i vaguley remember a description of it. I believe it was from the first novel. A quick ggole serch for "night lords language" brings up a picture of Gamu (spoken in Abis abiba apparently) which does look very much like the description of Nostramon. It also looks relativly easy to creat on a model. Il reserch this a bit more and see if i like the idea.


On the model front all of the models are undercoated. I was going to start painting them last night but ran out of time. Im going to go for a dark blue with the lightning being progresivly lighter as recommended by space wolf. Iv forgotton exactly which colours i will be using (i have them on my paint station but cant remember off hand).


I got paid today so im considering ordering another squad (possibly two) so i can actually start playing games with them. I dont have alot of free time in the evening so playing smaller but more games will fit in quiet nicely. Im still in two minds about the terminator lord. I might just do it anyway because iv not had a termintor lord before as a lord. I know i had belial but i only really took him so i could build a deathwing army. Im also not entierly sure about vehicles. What i might do is just carry on with the infantry for now and see what i need.


Thanks Brothers.

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Good morning brothers,


Sorry i havent been on here in a few days, iv been ill. Iv applied the base coat to one of the models (kantor blue) and will attempt to complete the lightning tonight. Im going to keep things simply for the test model and probably the rest of the squad (so no bone parts or squad markings yet). i will post images of the model this weekend. to be honest i think i will try and find a darker blue as Kantor blue seems a slightly shade too bright for my liking but il finish the model first to decide. Im not to sharp on mixing paints so wont try this. I can never seem to get it right.


Im going to include a unit of Atramar (cant remeber the right spelling oof hand) to accompany my terminator lord. im trying to decide what to arm them with but will actually make the army list tonight so will let you guys know tommorow.


A quick question though... what models should i use for the terminators? my tyberos model fits in quiet nicely with the MK V armour however the normal chaos models would stand out like a sore thumb. im looking at imperial terminators (for the cleaner look) however these too wouldnt quiet fit in (even with the different shoulder pads iv been shown). Has anyone used the new ones from FW? was considering getting some for my DA's but not certin. Do you think these would blend in with the other units?


Thanks brothers.

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What I would do is use the imperial terminators. Then convert them. Add a few "chaosy" bits here and there to make them look more cohesive. Once you slap paint on them, they will will look fine. People often forget that the paintjob does 90% of the work. :lol:


As for an armylist, I would hold off. This goes for modeling the arms on your terminators. The new 'dex will be out in less then a month, you may want to wait and see what kind of options you get, as I'm willing to be its going to be a lot! Although having one guy with a powerfist, isn't a bad idea...powerfists are always good.

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morning brothers,


These posts may have to be short for a while iv gone on holiday and only have my phone to use.


Iv know painted my test model and it looks pretty good. Im thinking of doing the lightning again though as some of it didnt come out too well. Also trying to work out how to do the icon well.


I will try and put the photos up tonight.


Thanks for the help with the terminators as well. I bought dark vengence and was considering converting those terminators. I only need 4. The studs should make them fit in well.


As recommended, i wont make a proper army list until the new codex comes out which should be soon if rumours are true.


Still cant decide to keep them on foot or give them transports. If transports, considering mk1c rhinos from fw, deimos pattern predator and a land raider or drop pods. Also considering stormeagles (think chaos can take them) to make things a bit different. What do you guys think?

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Transports are useful even in 6th... and if you're going down the Rhino route, I really can't say enough about the beauty that is the Deimos rhino chassis. It's especially Chaosy, since it (like the RT Rhino it's based off) it comes with a twin-linked bolter in place of the loyalist storm bolter.


That said, as someone who primarily plays Sisters and only dabbles in Chaos, I have no idea how useful Drop Pods really are or how to use them.

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good evening brothers,


Iv now put photos up of my champion, heavy bolter and test model on the gallery in my profile page. Il try and put a new link on here when i get back from holiday. The test model did have a base but it broke off on the way here. A lesson to myself to carry my models in a suitable container on my next holiday!


With the test model, please bear in mind that it is still a work in progress so isnt perfect. Also bear in mind that i tend to paint in a simple manner (nothing fancy) so il keep the models pretty much as they are, i like them that way.


Im still deciding on the transport question but will make my decision in the next few days. I agree that the models are nice, that may swing things in their favour.


Feel free to give me your honest and most brutal opinions on the models brothers!


good evening brothers,


Iv now put photos up of my champion, heavy bolter and test model on the gallery in my profile page. Il try and put a new link on here when i get back from holiday. The test model did have a base but it broke off on the way here. A lesson to myself to carry my models in a suitable container on my next holiday!


With the test model, please bear in mind that it is still a work in progress so isnt perfect. Also bear in mind that i tend to paint in a simple manner (nothing fancy) so il keep the models pretty much as they are, i like them that way.


Im still deciding on the transport question but will make my decision in the next few days. I agree that the models are nice, that may swing things in their favour.


Feel free to give me your honest and most brutal opinions on the models brothers!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good morning brothers,


sorry, iv been away for two weeks.


Due to the release of the new models for the horus heresey book by FW iv decided to use the new terminator models (cataphractii) for my army. I think they will fit in nicely with the "heresey era" models im using. Il still use my tyberos model simply because i like the model and he will still fit in.


Im going to order two other squads today and have plans to convert one for CQB with chainswords and knives. il wait until i get the new codex before i do thi as i want to see what my options are. As iv heard that there will be army specific lists for the legions in the new FW books my idea is to carry on with the codex for now and see if i like the way they are organized in the HH book when it comes out after this one.


On the painting front im planning to try and finish the base coat for all of the models tonight. Il re-paint the test model because though i was overall pleased with the paint scheme i didnt like the way the lightning came out. il try smaller white lines this time round (and a steadier hand).


Im going to put in my gallery an image of Gamu writting to see if you guys think it could represent Nostramon well. If so, il try and add a few numerals onto the armour.



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Evening, brothers. I've started night lords since the dark vengeance set came out. The chosen and chaos lord from it are visually stunning. A buddy hooked me up with some old chaos sprues of his. I decided to purchase the conversion kit prior to the FC ones came out. I'm using the helms on one unit of troops, and the shoulders on another. Yes I may be planning a base list out of current codex that would still be valid in the new. 8 chosen with lord in a rhino, plus a possible named character. Two troops of CSMs. Four teams of 10 cultists or 2 teams of 20. Those teams will sit on objectives. 10 man term squad deep striked in front of my opponent's HVT with combi-meltas. Two teams of raptors deep striking on enemy rear firing heavies with meltas. From the info I've read on the NL they strike faster and leave more bodies. Any ideas would be helpful, yes, I know that the codex drops next week. I have most of all the stuff already.
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Evening, brothers. I've started night lords since the dark vengeance set came out. The chosen and chaos lord from it are visually stunning. A buddy hooked me up with some old chaos sprues of his. I decided to purchase the conversion kit prior to the FC ones came out. I'm using the helms on one unit of troops, and the shoulders on another. Yes I may be planning a base list out of current codex that would still be valid in the new. 8 chosen with lord in a rhino, plus a possible named character. Two troops of CSMs. Four teams of 10 cultists or 2 teams of 20. Those teams will sit on objectives. 10 man term squad deep striked in front of my opponent's HVT with combi-meltas. Two teams of raptors deep striking on enemy rear firing heavies with meltas. From the info I've read on the NL they strike faster and leave more bodies. Any ideas would be helpful, yes, I know that the codex drops next week. I have most of all the stuff already.


Afternoon brothers,


I too will wait for the new codex to come out (as well as the new HH book from FW) before i finilise the army list. Meanwhile, iv now ordered another 10 man squad, a combat squad of assualt troopers (in MKV), a pack of phobos bolters and a pack of the old style special weapons. I think they look pretty good.


Iv now half painted most of my existing squad and my terminator lord. Im going to see if i can get most of them finished tonight before i try addin gthe lightning. Il try and get the lightning correct before i do this though.


I personnally dont really like the chaos models from dark vengence box. Dont get me wrong, the models themselves are actually really well designed and do look good painted up but their not my cup of tea im afraid. Il stick to my MKV plate. id like to see a few images of your models painted up though.


Iv now put up the image of Gamu (think thats the right spelling) that im considering for Nostamon, let me know what your guys think of it.

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my idea is to use normal marine armour with the Imperial icons removed but put smaller (then GW) wings on the side of the helmets. i will then paint the armour in random effects (primarily lightning and skull motifs).


I like this idea. This is how I have always seen Night-Lords. Terrifying, not funny looking.


If I were to make one recommendation with a view to this end, I would say reserve wings protruding from helmets and armour for ICs and Princes, Aspiring Chapions ETC. If you want the bat wing motif on more, and are willing to do a bit of sculpting, I'd have them sweeping back from the front of the face grill. Like the eagle helmets in Calgar's Honour Guard, but batty (pun intended.


As I said though, I like your approach. IMO Night Lords need to be brutal and above all, scary... I mean really really scary. Like there's a reason there's a lock on your cabinet... (assuming glass can stop a night-lord)


Good luck. GV

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