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Night Lord Army


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my idea is to use normal marine armour with the Imperial icons removed but put smaller (then GW) wings on the side of the helmets. i will then paint the armour in random effects (primarily lightning and skull motifs).


I like this idea. This is how I have always seen Night-Lords. Terrifying, not funny looking.


If I were to make one recommendation with a view to this end, I would say reserve wings protruding from helmets and armour for ICs and Princes, Aspiring Chapions ETC. If you want the bat wing motif on more, and are willing to do a bit of sculpting, I'd have them sweeping back from the front of the face grill. Like the eagle helmets in Calgar's Honour Guard, but batty (pun intended.


As I said though, I like your approach. IMO Night Lords need to be brutal and above all, scary... I mean really really scary. Like there's a reason there's a lock on your cabinet... (assuming glass can stop a night-lord)


Good luck. GV


Good morning brothers,


My thoughts exactly, they would look more realistic (so to speak) without giant wings on top of their helmets which extend 2 to 3 feet into the air. I have considered your idea of wings sweeping up from the front of the mouth guard and have looked round for some scaled bat wings but couldnt find any that i could get hold of. The closest i came to was the WFB bat swarms from the vampire range. im not sure they would fit though and dont want to spend money on something i might not be able to use. I also went with tyberos as he does loook brutal and, like yourself, i believe this fits the NL back ground quiet well.


Army wise, my order from FW turned up yesterday and i started to make part of it. Once this force is complete my army will be arranged like this:


Lord in terminator army

2x claws (squads) of marines, both ten strong.

1 x squad (5 strong) of assualt marine (who will count as raptors).


Il add a 5 strong squad of cataphractii terminators when i can order them. I dont know final squad layout for know, i will decide this when i pick up my new chaos codex saturday. I may also write a HH list when i recive the new book from FW.


Painting side, iv only had time to fully paint half of my first squad so far but will attempt to finish it by the end of the week. photo's will follow and il try and sort them out this afternooon and post a link.



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Painting side, iv only had time to fully paint half of my first squad so far but will attempt to finish it by the end of the week. photo's will follow and il try and sort them out this afternooon and post a link.




I want this!!

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Evening, sons of our father. My chosen are clad in midnight. I have no way of taking the images of them off my iPhone5 to post in here. I will be happy to email the images to anyone wanting. Since I last posted I have reset some of my list. At current, I'm sitting at 1999 points. That is before I purchase a couple teams of raptors and warp talons. My same buddy is going to hook me up with 10 terms. So double fisting players at higher points games. I decided to include Lucius in my list due to his predeliction for hunting HQ's. And I've come into 22 necromunda gangers, old edition cultists, and a few pit slaves to create a couple of massive blob squads to absorb fire for my CSMs. If my blobs happen to kill a few SMs then they bought themselves. Nothing like fleshy slave pillows for my Claws to rest their heads upon.
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im also considering getting old marks of armour from forge world as in my mind they would look good in night lord livery. Also in the books they do wear older marks of armour.


I am also doing this! I was divided between night lords and word bearers but have decided to go heresy era WB - so mostly grey armour rather than red and without many obvious "chaos" mutations, etc. I've made a list of models I want from forgerworld, mainly mkIV and mk V armour, and it comes to over £400! eep. I'd be interested to see your progress in the WIP section!


Good hunting! Ave dominus nox.

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Afternoon brothers,


Evening, sons of our father. My chosen are clad in midnight. I have no way of taking the images of them off my iPhone5 to post in here. I will be happy to email the images to anyone wanting. Since I last posted I have reset some of my list. At current, I'm sitting at 1999 points. That is before I purchase a couple teams of raptors and warp talons. My same buddy is going to hook me up with 10 terms. So double fisting players at higher points games. I decided to include Lucius in my list due to his predeliction for hunting HQ's. And I've come into 22 necromunda gangers, old edition cultists, and a few pit slaves to create a couple of massive blob squads to absorb fire for my CSMs. If my blobs happen to kill a few SMs then they bought themselves. Nothing like fleshy slave pillows for my Claws to rest their heads upon.


Hello Spaz431! I also have the problem of not being able to access my images very often. I use my gf's iphone and only see her at the weekends. I will add some of my work in progress to my album (or even attempt once agin to post them here) for you, Tommy, spacewolf and anyone else. Due to the fact that my chaos codex finally arrived yesterday iv now started an actual army list for my force. Looks ok so far (il post it tommorow), however the total (without terminators) is only about 600 points. Im ideally looking for about 1000-1500. Im really considering the sparten as not only does it look good, it effective and costs some points. I probably will order it when i next get paid. i have a question about the atremantar which i will ask below.


im also considering getting old marks of armour from forge world as in my mind they would look good in night lord livery. Also in the books they do wear older marks of armour.


I am also doing this! I was divided between night lords and word bearers but have decided to go heresy era WB - so mostly grey armour rather than red and without many obvious "chaos" mutations, etc. I've made a list of models I want from forgerworld, mainly mkIV and mk V armour, and it comes to over £400! eep. I'd be interested to see your progress in the WIP section!


Good hunting! Ave dominus nox.


I hadnt considered getting older armour variants until i decided on a night lords army but now i wish id done this for my whole dark angels army! i reallt like the look of MK V plate. im hoping FW will release a command set to go along with the MK IV one. I too wanted them to look less "chaosey" and more like rebel space marines. I think iv managed to achieve this. il let you guys decide. I also have the same issue with the cost. With christmas fast approaching along with some work on the car that needs doind (and bills, saving a deposit, etc...) i dont really have much money spare to buy models with. I try and get something each month though, just to make sure i do actually finish the army.


I already have an old IW force but was considering re-starting that as well, possible with some MK III armour as from the art iv seen of the IW it looks pretty similar.


Ok guys, sorry to keep annoying people with this but here goes! :D I finished reading "prince of crows" and at the end severtar has a conversation with someone else that ends with them saying that the Atrammantar are only about 30 strong after the battle. Is this accurate do you think? or are they just saying a low number to make a point and their actuall strenght is a lot higher then this? The reason i ask is that to me, after the first company split up that would mean each warband would only have 2 -3 of them each (roughly). i ideally want 5 in my army to accomapny my warlord and go in the sparten. Would this fit the fluff or, from a background point of view, would this be too many? i just want to make a firm decision before a purchase the cattaphractii terms and then feel that the unit wouldnt be accurate fluff wise. It may save me some money.


I haven thad much chance to paint anymore so far however i have alomost finished the assualt squad and will start the other squad soon. pictures to follow!



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The impression I got from the other NL books is that the Atramentar terminators go where they please, i.e. serve which ever lord their loyalties lie with or they believe they will do best out of. Therefore it wouldn't be unusual for some warbands to have over average numbers of terminators and some warbands to have none, down to the 'popularity' / power of the lord. I've just ordered 5 of the Cataphractii pretties!
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Morning, sons of our father. The visions by the prophet A D-B, have told the story of of the tenth company. The atrementar was the name of the terminator squad of the tenth. Likely, IMO, that our father gave all of that squad that name. At the same time the squad could have named that by the Exalted, likely not due to the historical data during the rebellion he was only a sergeant. But on the subject of small number in members, in Soul Hunter, prior to launch on a mission, Talos asks for a soul count, and receives a total number of approximately 50 astartes. And they lose 5 during the boarding action bringing their numbers to their all time lowest. So recruitment is difficult enough for CSMs, penal colonies, hive gangers, etc.
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Hate to call you wrong, but in either Blood Reaver or Void Hunter, you find out that the Atrementar are the Terminators of the First Company that have basically been scattered throughout the Legion simce the "death" of Sevatar and the Battle of Tsalgualsa. There is a chance there are other Terminators in the Legion, but they would most likely use a different name and their numbers would vary as well as the warbands could salvage TDA suits from space hulks an slain allies/enemies.


Also, if we were to compare Lord of the Night to A-D-B's Night Lord series and throw in what A-D-B himself has said, the 10th Company isn't a role model for the whole Legion. In fact, the Legion isn't even a Legion anymore. It's been scattered to the four winds so to speak. Every warband will be different from the rest. Some will simply raid for survival. Some raid for pleasure because they are that well-stocked. Some will run planets. Some will run fleets. Every warband is unique unto itself.

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Brothers, the prophet just spoke to me. Write a list with both a night lord captain with a relic weapon. Add a dark apostle with the key. And bring night upon our enemies without hesitation (No deep strike rolling.)


Actually I just looked it up the bearer has to get a kill in a fight.

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Brothers, the prophet just spoke to me. Write a list with both a night lord captain with a relic weapon. Add a dark apostle with the key. And bring night upon our enemies without hesitation (No deep strike rolling.)


Actually I just looked it up the bearer has to get a kill in a fight.


Good afternoon brothers,


I havent considered any HQ's apart from my lord but il wait and see how large my army gets! Looking at a sorcerer at the moment but want him to fit in with the rest of the army so will try and convert a MK V plate model.


Righto, here is the army list as stands from the list i finished last night:



terminator armour, pair of lightning claws, veteren



5, 3xlightning claws, 1xcombiweapon, ixchainfist, Champ - power fist, combimelta, veterens


Claw 1=165

10, bolters, flamer, heavy bolter, aspiring champ - power weapon, plasmer pistol, vets


Claw 2=as above



5, bolt pistols, chainswords, melta bolbs, vets



extra armour


Rhino=as above






Still deciding on the kit of the second claw, might add a missle launcher instead. The cost of the sparten is what i remember it to be from the PDF however i dont seem to have it any longer. il download it again. i might just use the one fromo the HH book instead (if different). il have a think tonight. the rhino's will be the MK 1c ones from FW as i love the models. What do you guys think of the list? any improvements?


i didnt do any painting last night as got home late from my class but nothing planned tonight so will do some more tonight. Il see if i can finish the raptor squad and finish painting first claw.


Thanks guys!

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5, 3xlightning claws, 1xcombiweapon, ixchainfist, Champ - power fist, combimelta, veterens


I count this as 6 terminators: 3 × lightning claws, 1 × combi, 1 × chainfist + champion?


I might also suggest considering havoc launchers on your rhinos for a bit more fire power and poss not having heavy weaps in both CSM squads - I'm planning to run one 10 man squad with two flamers and cc. weapons and one with 2 plasma guns; means you can keep moving. Leave the heavy weaps to havoc squads or tanks. That's just my thoughts though.

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Though that is a valid option, tomas, you don't have to do that in this edition. Add two points to every model, they will bring a knife to a gun fight, and also use their bolters for all shooting phases. You may need to model them with the pistols strapped and the combat knife mag-connected to their other side or back. Our battle tactics do not let the prey escape via any method due to improper planning on our part. Though we will likely conserve ammo.
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Yeah, sorry wasn't very clear, I meant flamer squad to have additional cc. weapons (i.e. bolter, bolt pistol & cc.) and the plasma squad just to have bolters unless I have some spare points later.
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Thanks, ifrit. In all honesty, I cheated. I purchased the how to paint DV for my iPad and followed many of the steps just changed the colors to night lords. The manager at the Memphis GW store (aka U.S Headquaters) and their lead painter, both GD winners, said so also. I'll admit I'm not aiming for GD quality, but the quality that the sons of nostromo deserve.
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Good afternoon brothers,



5, 3xlightning claws, 1xcombiweapon, ixchainfist, Champ - power fist, combimelta, veterens


I count this as 6 terminators: 3 × lightning claws, 1 × combi, 1 × chainfist + champion?


I might also suggest considering havoc launchers on your rhinos for a bit more fire power and poss not having heavy weaps in both CSM squads - I'm planning to run one 10 man squad with two flamers and cc. weapons and one with 2 plasma guns; means you can keep moving. Leave the heavy weaps to havoc squads or tanks. That's just my thoughts though.


Sorry, i should have made that clearer. The above description means 3 x terminators with lightning claws, 1 x chainfist and combi-weapon and champ. I was thinking last night that as the chaos legions didnt have the codex and wernt broken down, would it be more appropriate to use the army list from the HH book instead? i haven looked at this yet (slowly making my way through the book) so dont know how it would work. il have a look tonight. i like the idea of pure bolter squads but dont like losing the extra fire power.


iv looked at your link Spaz431 and i must say im very impressed! im quickly starting to look like the amature compared to most of you guys painting wise! going to have to try harder i feel.


Im going to try and upload a few umages of my small army now to show where iv got. I once again did not get time last night to paint but i did manage to finish the raptor squad. Let me know what you guys think (i must stress most of the models are still WIP).

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I honestly appreciate the complements, but I have only been painting a year. I'll post an image of my models in order by army and developing skill level. So please do not feel bad. I will also put a work in progress single model so you guys get a step by step. Believe me when I say, it's easy.




So on my Flickr I have started a HTP Night Lords alongside my WIP. You will get a step by step as I go along. Kol, your lightning is much better than mine.

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Afternoon brothers,


Don't worry, look at my thread. You will instantly feel better about your painting skills.



I honestly appreciate the complements, but I have only been painting a year. I'll post an image of my models in order by army and developing skill level. So please do not feel bad. I will also put a work in progress single model so you guys get a step by step. Believe me when I say, it's easy.




So on my Flickr I have started a HTP Night Lords alongside my WIP. You will get a step by step as I go along. Kol, your lightning is much better than mine.


looking good guys. I havent had much chance to look at your lonks properly but from what iv seen i they look pretty good. I going to see how decent i can get my models to match. I tend to go for a minimalistic approach to my models though. I get them presentable (after much practice) so that they look good in a squad on the table top and then just leave them at that. i go a bit further on the IC of course and the vehicles but as long as they look presenatable i dont really want my models to be golden deamon standard. It takes me lone enough just to get them to my standard! :woot:


I had a quick look at the FW HH legion list and wasnt too sure about it to be honest. im tempted to put an army list together anyway just to see what it looks like. BTW, am i able to use this list to fight an army drawn from a connventional codex (SM or the new CSM book for example) or can it only be legally used against another legion list? cant seem to find any information in regards to this. My brother uses both CSM and SM army list so just wondered...


What i am interested in though is the fellblade and typhon! not only do they look good (if a tad expensive) models, their rules are pretty good and i think they would fit in quiet well fluff wise (NL still being a legion at this point, so to speak). Does anyone know if FW released PDF's for these to be used seperatley in other armies (like they did for the sparten) or can they only be used in a legion list? i dont have access to the website at the moment so cant check. Considering adding them to my dark angels army (they like their old tech to).


Iv now finished base painting half the squad and my warlord. Im going to try and re-do the lightning tonight again to see if i can refine it slightly. Pictures to follow as well as a new link.



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Traditionally, Forgeworld lists are usually used against other as they are designed to only work against each other. However, if the people you play decide to let you use it, then you can. Although you should be warned that the Forgeworld supplement lists will be broken against normal Codex lists. Such as a Forgeworld HH list versus a normal GW Space Marine list.
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