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Night Lord Army


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afternoon brothers,


Sorry i havent posted anything for a while, iv been working alot of nights revently and been trying to finish my models.


That being said i have now finished my first claw at long last! Iv re-done the lightning with smaller white lines as recommended by a few people and am quiet pleased with the result. Their basic but presentable which is how i like my models.


Iv still got to base them though. I did see moulded bases in a local model shop (non gw)which looked quiet nice (still going with the urban look) but they were a bit small. I then noticed tarmac flock which i liked the look of. Still carries the theme. Il give this a go tommorow. Il think they will look good. For squad markings, im going to use the language out of the wfb chaos warriors book. Looks preety good, fairly easy to paint and looks similar to the description of nostraaman. Im also going to give all squad leaders and leaders bone helmets to make them stand out.


Iv now undercoated the raptors and will start the second claw in the next few days.


Army wise: sorry but made a mistake on my original list. Iv pointed the claws too high. Iv been thinking things over in this regard as well. I want to make this army stand out from my da so... What do you guys make of havok sqauds armed with special weapons only? Im trying to tie in the fact that they still follow the legion structure (sort of) rather then the codex so in my mind they would still use the old squads. So i want to try and make a version of the tactical support squad from the hh book. The nearest i can get is a havok squad armed with special weapons. I think this sounds pretty good but what do you guys think?


Il put up my new army list tonight and try and add a few pictures.


Thanks guys!

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You can find a ton of Nostramon in the Night Lords trilogy by A D-B, pretty much the only source I know of.


Yup, but there is nothing of scripting (*hint* A D-B ;)). Anyways, here is some inspiration for Nostramon




That is ancient Avestan script, and there are lots of scripts in the same web I've extrated it:




Hope it helps (I'm going with some of those to represent Nostramon)



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morning brothers,


Just a quick one, i need to get some sleep! Iv now posted a new image of an almost finished first claw and captain. All i i just need to touch up the bases and apply the squad markings and their good to go. Il have a better look at the possible nostraaman witting on my work pc monday as im on my phone and i cant open it now. From what iv seen though it looks pretty close. Bettet then my suggestion anyway.


Iv put together an army list which is infantry based. Il post it tommorow to let you guys see what you think. Still not entierly sure about it but it might change. Il sleep on it.


Thanks guys!

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Dragon alphabet looks pretty close to what I imagined, though I'm not sure if it's ever been established - is it an alphabetic (English), phonetic (Japanese) or pictographic (Chinese) script?


Still might appropriate that alphabet and write some Nostraman on my lads, making them the geekiest I possibly can.

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evening brothers,


Iv now posted more pictures if your interested. They show a few close ups. I was going to paint my warlords rims in brass however i thought i may not like the end result so il keep him as he is for now.


Army list:


Terminator lord = 132

Twin claws, veteren


Sorcerer = 105

Level 2, power weapon.


Terminators = 205

5, 3x lighting claws, 1xcombi-weapon and chanfist, champ with powerfist and combi-weapon.


1st claw = 195

10, bolters, flamer, heavy bolter, champ with power weapon and plasmer pistol, veterens


2nd claw = 195

10, bolters, flamer, melta-gun, champ with power weapon and plasmer pistol, veterens.


3rd claw = 195

Same as 2nd


Raptors = 195.

5, bolt pistols, chainswords, melta-bombs, veterens


Havoks = 100

5, bolters, 4x flamers, veterens


Havoks = 120

5, bolters, 4x melta-guns, veterens


Total = 1442 if my maths is correct (pretty tired though!)


My idea is that these guys woud sprint towards the enemy, hugging cover, till they were in position to rapid fire the enemy. My "tactical support squads" (havoks) would provide close range support whilst on the move. I did consider the suggestion of autocannons as they are old tech and would fit in but decided i prefered the manuvability over the fire power. The same reason i went with the support weapons over heavy in 2 of the claws. If i want to expand the army il considet adding the vehicles iv already mentioned. Il stick with the infantry for now though.


Painting wise, i still havent looked at the writting suggestions due to illness and therefore time off work but i will attempt to do so in the next few days. Apart from that im still making the second claw.


What do you guys think?

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Had a list similar to this, and others pointed out that it had no real way of dealing with flyers. Anyone with a pair of turkeys will be hard to deal with...


Afternoon brothers,


I dont have such an issue with this at the moment as none of my opponants actually use them. Im thinking of starting to attend gaming nights at my local gw though so i might add a missile launcher just in case at some point.


Painting wise i havent had a lot of spare time recently due to working long night shifts however my second claw is almost finished. Il paint them exactly the same way as first claw along with my raptors. Im keeping my warlord as he is, hes starting to grow on me...


Im going to try and convert my severin loth model to look more chaosy. I think il just remove all the imperial signs and lightning bolts. Did consider keeping them as they fit the theme however their a bit too big. Il just paint them on.


I think he will make a good sorcerer. What do you guys think?



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I thought this would be the best place to come and ask/talk about it so...


How do you guys go about modelling the terror tactics into you armies?


Do you bother at all?

Have you got any tips?


I've been thinking about it for the last few days with my own Night Lords project and I have to admit I'm struggling. I've deliberately changed my plans after reading the ADB books (well the first, the second although dispatched has a delivery estimate of the 7th to the 27th of November...HOW?!) to make the models seem more individual, customised and generally bad ass but when it comes to trying to include the terror tact is I've hit a wall. I'm going to be painting the odd skull onto a helmet here and there and I've included trophy racks, spikes and a random head on a chain here and there but is this really all we can do?


I've looked at ideas online but I'm not a fan of the examples of people coving their rhinos in splayed out tactical marines or giant bat wings so all I'm really now considering is maybe building a few flayed/crucified objective markers and carrying on with the chains and skulls on my guys....so what do you think?


How do you do it in yours?




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You could try employing fear causing units, and lots of fast attack. I'm putting together a 7-man Night Lord biker squad with the mark of Nurgle (T6 bikers? Can't pass that up) and the Nurgle icon, which causes fear. Raptors and Warp Talons both cause fear as well, and feel quite Night Lordy.


As for representing it visually, why not try crucified skeletons? If you're being chased by a guy with a skeleton on his back, you know he means business.

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I thought this would be the best place to come and ask/talk about it so...


How do you guys go about modelling the terror tactics into you armies?


Do you bother at all?

Have you got any tips?


I've been thinking about it for the last few days with my own Night Lords project and I have to admit I'm struggling. I've deliberately changed my plans after reading the ADB books (well the first, the second although dispatched has a delivery estimate of the 7th to the 27th of November...HOW?!) to make the models seem more individual, customised and generally bad ass but when it comes to trying to include the terror tact is I've hit a wall. I'm going to be painting the odd skull onto a helmet here and there and I've included trophy racks, spikes and a random head on a chain here and there but is this really all we can do?


I've looked at ideas online but I'm not a fan of the examples of people coving their rhinos in splayed out tactical marines or giant bat wings so all I'm really now considering is maybe building a few flayed/crucified objective markers and carrying on with the chains and skulls on my guys....so what do you think?


How do you do it in yours?





Sadly there isn't alot of Terror tactics units out there besides Raptors, Warptalons and anything with the Despair Icon :D


So you'll kind of have to make due with what youve got and make your own "terror tactics". It's kind of a tough gig for the Night Lords right now since fluff and rules dont really correspond with each other in my humble opinion. Not saying that they aren't fun to play, just that fluff/playstyle justification is abit harder. Although...you COULD go the route of psychological warfare and use dirty tricks to freak out your opponent into playing into your traps. For example, use Huron and infiltrate something scary like 10 Termies or a massive squad of Marines. Or split up your forces and make him decide what to focus his fire on the most (which can be a mindgame in and of itself) while the other half of your forces wreck him.


In my experiences (which are somewhat limited to be honest), the trick is to play with his head on what IS and IS NOT a threat in your army. So another example from above's situation: Infiltrate a squad of cultists and a killy character (huron, Khârn, Chaos lord) and then pack some other heavy firepower in the army as well. He will most likely aim at the bigger targets and think that cultists cant do anything so he'll ignore them...at least until your characters eat his squads and the cultists inflict a few wounds themselves (but let's be honest, those casulaties were probably people tripping on rocks or something :D )


But I hope this helps a bit.


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  • 2 weeks later...

morning brothersnd sisters,


I thought this would be the best place to come and ask/talk about it so...


How do you guys go about modelling the terror tactics into you armies?


Do you bother at all?

Have you got any tips?


I've been thinking about it for the last few days with my own Night Lords project and I have to admit I'm struggling. I've deliberately changed my plans after reading the ADB books (well the first, the second although dispatched has a delivery estimate of the 7th to the 27th of November...HOW?!) to make the models seem more individual, customised and generally bad ass but when it comes to trying to include the terror tact is I've hit a wall. I'm going to be painting the odd skull onto a helmet here and there and I've included trophy racks, spikes and a random head on a chain here and there but is this really all we can do?


I've looked at ideas online but I'm not a fan of the examples of people coving their rhinos in splayed out tactical marines or giant bat wings so all I'm really now considering is maybe building a few flayed/crucified objective markers and carrying on with the chains and skulls on my guys....so what do you think?


How do you do it in yours?





I agree with what is posted here, there isnt alot rules wise you can do except just paint your models and amend your tactics. I rememberne of the older csm books that had legion specific rules but that is long gone.


Righto, i think iv finalised my army list at long last! It isnt much different from the last one with a few notable differences:


Chaos lord=132

Termintor armour, twin lightning claws, veteren of long war.



Level 2, power weapon, bolt pistol, veteren of long war



5, 1xchain fist and combi-bolter, 3xpair of lightning claws, champ with power fist and combi-bolter, veterens, icon of vengence



Reaper autocannon, power scrouge


Claw 1=187

8, bolters, flamer, champ with power weapon, plasmer pistol and melta bombs, veterens, icon of vengence.


Claw 2=197

As 1 but with plasmer gun


Claw 3=192

As 1 but with melta gun



10, bolt pistols, chainswords, melta bombs, veterens, icon of vengence



5, bolters, 4xautocannons, veterens, icon of vengence



Lascannons, extra armour




This makes it a largish force but one that i can pick up and play or take somewhere if i need to.


Iv picked terminators because according to the fluff the chosen are just veterens of the warband but the terminators are the lords elite. It made sense to include them rather then or as well as the chosen. Im still going to use the cataphracii models because i really like them ad think they would look good as night lords.


Iv made the claws tactical in nature (as in not given them heavy weapons) as it made sense to combine them with mu support units and because i do like tactical squads. Thanks for the advice on that guys. In addition, i decided to make them 8 strong to further reinforce the idea that they did not follow the codex. Iv reduced their effectivness in regards to casulties but il live with that in order to make the army feel nicer to play with.


Iv gone with autocannon havoks to reinforce the idea of older tech (thanks for the advice with that btw) and because i love the new models fw have just realeased! They should fit mkv plate as well so even better.


I liked the drednaught from the novels (cant think of his name off hand) so decided to include one. Im going to use either fw's night lord dred or a normal one, havent decided yet.


Iv included the predator for the anti-tank fire. Im going to use the fw deimos predator to keep the theme going.


Iv now finished the second claw and am about to start converting my sorcerer. A benifit to the new list is that i can start playing games soon. I havent had much chance to paint recently but il see what i can do.


Iv attached a few more photos if anyone's interested? Il try and get them posted on ths topic as well monday.


Let me know what you guys think.



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I thought this would be the best place to come and ask/talk about it so...

How do you guys go about modelling the terror tactics into you armies?

Do you bother at all?

Have you got any tips?

I've been thinking about it for the last few days with my own Night Lords project and I have to admit I'm struggling. I've deliberately changed my plans after reading the ADB books (well the first, the second although dispatched has a delivery estimate of the 7th to the 27th of November...HOW?!) to make the models seem more individual, customised and generally bad ass but when it comes to trying to include the terror tact is I've hit a wall. I'm going to be painting the odd skull onto a helmet here and there and I've included trophy racks, spikes and a random head on a chain here and there but is this really all we can do?

I've looked at ideas online but I'm not a fan of the examples of people coving their rhinos in splayed out tactical marines or giant bat wings so all I'm really now considering is maybe building a few flayed/crucified objective markers and carrying on with the chains and skulls on my guys....so what do you think?

How do you do it in yours?



I've struggled those ideas too. It was hard to make a terror army in 5th, and generally hard to terrorize an army who has the same number of points, or strength, on the board as you do. I lost more games trying to play 'scary' than trying to win. Here's what i did...







Heads, arms, Skins cloaks, the like.

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Hey Dan, how did you convert that cloak made of skin?? That things looks sweet, and really terrifying as well.


But I would have to agree that "terrifying" the enemy on the tabletop is much more difficult than in fluff. Kind of a pain actually, so I just play mind games with people and have alot of scary looking Champs with (over-compensating-ly) giant axes so they freak out at those and not my humble Chaos Lord :)

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Corsair cloak, using this tutorial.


-Shaved all of the scales and stuff off to make it smooth.

-Painted geometric shapes using different skin tones and colors.

-Painted lines inbetween with black ink, parallel hash marks for stitches, and a little bit or red ink and/or wash to bloody it up.

On big baddy too.


I just winged it... :)

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Corsair cloak, using this tutorial.


-Shaved all of the scales and stuff off to make it smooth.

-Painted geometric shapes using different skin tones and colors.

-Painted lines inbetween with black ink, parallel hash marks for stitches, and a little bit or red ink and/or wash to bloody it up.

On big baddy too.


I just winged it... :P

Is it wierd for me to say that I love you..? You know, in a twisted Chaos Marine sort of way...*cough* :D

Seriously though, your models are amazing and I can't believe I've never seen them before...you Sir are dedicated

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