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Night Lord Army


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As Dan put the answer so perfectly; the most potent form of application to your models, when it comes to terror tactics, is severed heads, skulls, skins, body parts, and the like. It provides that sense of dread and barbarism and, when done right, can help transmit that ideal of their callous nature.


Now one thing I would like to add that I enjoy using is iconography of other chapters. I have alot of Dark Angel, Space Wolf, Blood Angel, and Black Templar bitz lying around and they haven't found much use so I began using them as trophies for my chaos Marines. I'm not saying wear their shoulder pads because I personally think that would look silly. Just use the little bitz, like the winger angel and blood medallions that can hang from the model's belt. It makes it seem like your Marines get around alot and have killed a great many of imperial scum on their way.


Now I believe one of the most important things to keep in mind when you're doing things like this is a theme. When you're modeling dynamic poses for your Marines with them holding freshly severed heads or standing upon murdered space Marines, you need to come up with a unifying theme for this meaning you should make them all come from the same force. Creating a theme for your army not only gives your army a form of unification but also can add alot of depth to their background.


For example, for my Black Legion force, the primary theme is dedicated to a campaign Abaddon wages against the Imperium of man and the weakling Blood Angels. Every fresh corpse, every newly claimed trophy, every bleeding and dying Space Marine is a Blood Angel. I even went far enough as to add a squad or two of berzerkers to my army just to add reference to the 7th Black Crusade (think I got the number right) where Abaddon had personally led a force of Berzerkers against Sanguinius' children.


Terror 101 is done for the day. Class dismissed.

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Thanks for the replies guys, look like I'm going to be adding a few more heads to my units but I can't help but think I'm still going to end up going for a more conservative look than most.


Can I also say, Dan The Deamon that those models are amazing and that I will certainly be paying homage to your skin cloaks on my lord and his jetbike body guards.


Ave Dominus Nox,


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Another random Night Lords question...


What have you guys done regarding the building of you Daemon Princes now that the new codex means you'd have to be silly not to have one built?


I realise that some of you might be part of the more radical branches of the 8th but I for one am more of a traditionalist/conservative member and baulk at the idea of including a winged/horned monstrosity...


I've bought and built him but I;m almost certain he's getting taken apart and reworked if used at all, i;m considering buying a Night Haunter model and using that but I can't say I'm much of a fan of those currently available either...


Suggestions and examples Brothers?

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To be honest, while I am one of the "Radicals", I really don't feel the need to have a daemon prince. Yeah, they're cool but I was drawn to Chaos Space Marines because they were Chaos Space Marines, daemons, not allies of daemons but Chaos Space Marines so while daemon princes would be cool and all, I don't feel the need to really have one. Although it did just kind of hit me that I probably need something for the boon table. Although I'm sure any opponent would be more than welcome to ignore a Dark Apotheosis result.


Hmm, I guess I would try to go with some sort of sleek, bestial look that screams "Monster" and "Hunter" in equal measurement. Maybe that elemental beast dude from Forgeworld if the heights add up.

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Another random Night Lords question...


What have you guys done regarding the building of you Daemon Princes now that the new codex means you'd have to be silly not to have one built?


I realise that some of you might be part of the more radical branches of the 8th but I for one am more of a traditionalist/conservative member and baulk at the idea of including a winged/horned monstrosity...


I've bought and built him but I;m almost certain he's getting taken apart and reworked if used at all, i;m considering buying a Night Haunter model and using that but I can't say I'm much of a fan of those currently available either...


Suggestions and examples Brothers?


I think if you're playing a Night Lords warband that is so radically anti-Chaos that it doesn't have marks or daemons in it at all that is absolutely fine.

However I think that Codex: CSM might not be the best codex to represent it then since Champion of Chaos would be a very weird rule to have. :lol:

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Personally, I'd start by slapping Power Armour remnants onto one of these. http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...Id=prod1460006a They even come with their own wings, AND arms!

But then I look forward to having a Daemon Prince modelled for every Champion of Chaos I have in my army... I seem to have collected enough of the old metal ones to do so, somehow!

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GlauG: Are those big enough to be count-as?


In direct comparison to the plastic prince they are a bit smallish but not too small I'd say.

I want a vargheist for Christmas.

Nothing but a Vargheist will do!


*A cookie to the person who can guess that song!

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Kol_Saresk: Belatedly, I think they'd be okay on a slightly tall base, but I haven't stood them side-by-side to compare. I want to get some eventually, but I'll be modelling their legs up a fair bit probably.
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evening brothers and sisters,


Another random Night Lords question...


What have you guys done regarding the building of you Daemon Princes now that the new codex means you'd have to be silly not to have one built?


I realise that some of you might be part of the more radical branches of the 8th but I for one am more of a traditionalist/conservative member and baulk at the idea of including a winged/horned monstrosity...


I've bought and built him but I;m almost certain he's getting taken apart and reworked if used at all, i;m considering buying a Night Haunter model and using that but I can't say I'm much of a fan of those currently available either...


Suggestions and examples Brothers?


I think if you're playing a Night Lords warband that is so radically anti-Chaos that it doesn't have marks or daemons in it at all that is absolutely fine.

However I think that Codex: CSM might not be the best codex to represent it then since Champion of Chaos would be a very weird rule to have. :D


I agree with both of you. As already has been discussed there are varying levels of corruption in the 8th legion. Some have turned to chaos completley and embrace the use of deamons however others, like my own army, have stayed pure (so to speak) and are anti-everybody! We hate both imperials and chaos. I think its fine which ever line you take. For me though i dont think i will ever include deamons of any sort in my force. I just dont think it would fit the theme. In my mind, the "pure" sections of the legion are still fighting the old war as part of the legion so they wouldnt get involved with chaos in that way.


Thats why i think its ok to use either codex. As they are still effectuvly fighting in a force organized as the legions were they were not affected by the break up impossed by guillieman so would still use codex:csm. The space battle at the start of the 3rd (i think...) book sums it up nicely. There still using the old ships and tactics because they dont have anything to do with the codex. Thats just my opinion however, i dont think it matters which codex you use or if you include deamons or not.


Thanks guys.

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Well, Chaos armour is unpredictable, After all, the warp is a strange place :devil:

That, and the fact that CSM armours are cobbled together things, combined with the unholy might of the dark mechanicus, repaired and replaced countless times, mixed from different marks and origins...

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Evening brothers, I recently updated my WIP Flickr with the image of first claw. I just assembled a aegis defense line for my havoks with a custom built defense gun. Soon everything will be in midnight clad. Have a look.



Afternoon brothers and sisters,


Sunday afternoon i effectivley played my first game with my nl army though i did have to have to use a few stand in models from my dark angel army to make up the numbers.


I played against my brothers thousand sons army. I lost but it did show some interesting pointers on my army configuration:


1. 8 man squads do just as good as 10 man ones, they just dont last as long. The no heavy weapons option didnt hinder me either as i was involved in short range fire fights which i prefere anyway.


2. My terminators and lord were not as effective as i thought they would be. This may just be down to bad luck or squad layout though.


3. The hellbrute did surprisingly well. My brothers did better though, as it destroyed mine!


3.my predator did ok but i dont like the fact its my only anti-tank option. Abit vulnerable.


For the next battle im considering fielding chosen in place of terminators and fielding a second hellbrute but optimised for anti-tank duties with a melta-cannon.


Iv now recieved my order from fw which means i have a full squad of raptors, the auto cannon havoks (which im really looking forward to making because i love the models) and a deimos predator. I shall start making these tonight.


Painting wise iv undercoated the remaining models and will hopefully be in a position to start painting them later this week.


Comments more then welcome guys,



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hey guys, i've been by here a few times and finally decided to break down and sign up. found there's a night lords forum and WOO.

anyway. i've been playing night lords for about 2 years now, and i have a solid force built, basically just looking for some insight from fellow night lords, as i'm the only one in my area.

i'm pretty much vanilla, as far as composition. i want to run as much of a "clean" force as i can, but i've found it hard to reliably win, with all the other rules on the table against me. as a result, i just recently started experimenting with marks, but rather than use them as dedication to a god, i use them to represent a particular talent or skill learned from 10,000 years of war. this has helped me greatly. currently i am running:


huron blackheart (woo marines errant destruction)

raptor lord w/ x2 lightning claws

2 x 10 man squads w/ plasma and power swords in rhinos

10 raptors w/plasma and melta, champ with x2 claws

10 chosen kitted for assault/cc (meltas, flamers, power swords)

5 terminators, basically kitted to kill other terminators/vehicles

10 havocs, anti-vehicle, mostly

1 vindicator, for BOOM


i'm going to get a heldrake for sure once i get the money up, also weighing laspred vs. forgefiend, and i keep gravitating back to the forgefiend. it just puts so much fire out there. also, since 6th is not making dreadnoughts shoot your own dudes up, considering an old dread kit as a helbrute, probably more long range support. i also want some cultists to hold the backfield/tarpit/etc, but to go more with the fluffy feel i have with my army, i'm thinking of using something more like the empire flagellant warband from WFB, as they look more like slaves and prisoners as opposed to willing cultists. also weighing warp talons vs bikes, and warp talons just keep falling short in my book, as much as i want them to be awesome. leaning more heavily towards bikes, what with the hammer of wrath, relentless, and higher toughness.


any suggestions are welcome, but be gentle, it's my first time ;)

PS, there are some wicked cool models here, great work, guys. make me feel like an amature :P

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Well, from a fluff standpoint, I don't know if this will help but a new(er[ish]) line of thought concerning Marks and how they relate to Gods has been circulating around that personally I agree with and it is this: Marks do not show dedication to the Gods. They are more or less that a God has Marked you out as his "territory." You have a mindset and perform deeds aligned with that mindset that appeals to that God. As such, that God has Marked you. When you raise Icon, that is when you are showing devotion. So a group of Night Lords who bear the Mark of Khorne could simply be butchers in the purest sense of the word. A group of sadists or stimulant users will most likely carry the Mark of Slaanesh. The reality is that while the Night Lords may have some of the purest gene-seed out there, they have been playing with the warp for the past ten thousand years or so(as a Legion). Being corrupted by it in some way or fashion, even if it's just sanity, is inevitable. Just look at Cyrion. Spent his whole life hating the Chaos Gods. Yet he was still Marked by Slaanesh because he was that type of person.


Out of curiosity, what exactly does "anti-vehicle" mean for the Havocs? I assume Missile Launchers and Lascannons but could you perhaps clarify?

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Well, from a fluff standpoint, I don't know if this will help but a new(er[ish]) line of thought concerning Marks and how they relate to Gods has been circulating around that personally I agree with and it is this: Marks do not show dedication to the Gods. They are more or less that a God has Marked you out as his "territory."

that's not a bad idea, either. a step closer to true chaos than my idea, but still very doable, especially for a group of dudes that tools around in the warp and maelstrom, etc. all the time. i like my idea for a purer army, but i do think that after so long, your idea is probably more realistic. cool point.


Out of curiosity, what exactly does "anti-vehicle" mean for the Havocs? I assume Missile Launchers and Lascannons but could you perhaps clarify?

that's pretty much it. i have lascannons and missile launchers. also have some heavy bolters, but more often than not i dedicate the havocs to punching thru the big tanks. the missiles also give me anti air options should i need it.

on the subject of havocs, i toyed with mark of nurgle for them, but then realized that most of the fire they take is from str 8+ ap2 ap1 stuff, so i think mark of tzeentch would benefit them more as i'd at least get the 6+ save against those big battle cannons, etc. i would love to find an excuse to use slaanesh, considering i imagine all those big guns and the explosions they inevitably cause are great sounds, lol.

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The choice is yours to be honest. I know I am a bit more of the "radical" grouping so I try to find ways of helping people ease their minds when they take certain options the same way others do with count-as with different explanations is all. Not saying "you have to do it", just say here's another road. :confused:


Hmm, Havocs are not my forte. I know everyone just wants to run them as Autocannon-spam. Seems they could be made to work. Not sure about Marks though. I know there's more than a few people who would call you nuts for even thinking taking the Mark of Tzeentch. I'm not one of them. You can probably get away with pure Undivided Havocs. Also, if you go through the Liber Victorum subforum and look for Battle Reports by Smurfalypse, he was running an Unmarked army list(although it was Word Bearers) but he did post his list so it might be able to give you some ideas of where to go.

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