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Night Lord Army


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autocannon spam isn't a bad idea at all, really, but i face a lot of land raiders in my area, so i want the S9 option.


for the havocs i'm looking for survivability. my guard playing buddies know to crack my havocs over the head to feel more secure, nurgle marks don't help against ap2 stuff, haha, so at least tzeentch gives me the chance to save something. i usually don't give them vets of the long war or the 2nd ccw, because they're almost always so far into my backfield it doesn't really matter, so they don't get terribly expensive. just looking for ways to increase their staying power and testing them out.


thanks for the welcome! seems like a nice place to post, so far. :o

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Love the defence gun, but the thing that stands out most to me is the lovely red glow of your plasma weapons! I may well have to try that for my own guys.


You read how I pulled that off on the models right? Super easy ceramite white the using a detail (not fine) brush wash it on. I used blood letter mostly due to the fact that the red/orange glow it creates on my plasma and on the eye lenses pops off the models due to it being on the opposite spectrum of the color wheel. HIGHLY suggest picking one up.

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You read how I pulled that off on the models right? Super easy ceramite white the using a detail (not fine) brush wash it on. I used blood letter mostly due to the fact that the red/orange glow it creates on my plasma and on the eye lenses pops off the models due to it being on the opposite spectrum of the color wheel. HIGHLY suggest picking one up.


I only caught the end of the thread, but thanks for repeating it. :) I haven't had a chance to play with the new paints, but I had my eye on the glazes for plasma coils possibly...

As it happens, my partner is very arty, so we have a few colour wheels about the place, but I generally like red plasma for CSM... It has that wonderful cartoon evil thing going for it, red beams vs blue beams. ;)

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good morning brothers and sisters,


autocannon spam isn't a bad idea at all, really, but i face a lot of land raiders in my area, so i want the S9 option.


for the havocs i'm looking for survivability. my guard playing buddies know to crack my havocs over the head to feel more secure, nurgle marks don't help against ap2 stuff, haha, so at least tzeentch gives me the chance to save something. i usually don't give them vets of the long war or the 2nd ccw, because they're almost always so far into my backfield it doesn't really matter, so they don't get terribly expensive. just looking for ways to increase their staying power and testing them out.


thanks for the welcome! seems like a nice place to post, so far. :D


Welcome to the topic! I like the sound of your army. I had considered going along the mark route but figured it wouldnt fit my "clean" army theme. However using marks to represent different skills they have learned (like you used to be able to do) sounds a good idea. Would sort of make sense from a background pov. I like it.


As for the armour, i like the idea of scavanged armour and dont see why you couldnt use a different mix. Iv seen images of ba squads with different marks of armour which looked quiet good. It also fits in with the scavenger side of the nl protrade in the books. I prefere using all the same mark though. I really like the mk v, i think it looks quiet good painted up in nl colours. Thats just my preference though. Iv seen them n mkII before which looked amazing!


Iv just looked at your link spaz431 and i must say they look fantastic! I too especially like the pasmer weapon bearer. Very nice!

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I had considered going along the mark route but figured it wouldnt fit my "clean" army theme. However using marks to represent different skills they have learned (like you used to be able to do) sounds a good idea. Would sort of make sense from a background pov. I like it.

yeah, it's helped my army a lot. especially with all the loyalists i face. mark of khorne on raptors, votlw, charge. that is ugly. part of me wants to go MoS like my chosen so they go faster, but the extra attack from MoK is hard to turn away.

does anybody have any MathHammer on which is more effective at killing? i mean, going first is pretty obvious because it's less attacks in response, but like 10 more attacks on a full squad is hard to ignore, even if you're going simo.

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Would a ratio of one box of Space Marines (with Aquillas defiled) to two boxes of Chaos Marines be correct to give the scavenged armour feel that was in ADB's Novels?

It's definitely a possibility. I can't say right now because I'm in one place and my minis are in another but I do believe there are noticeable differences between Loyalist Marines and Chaos Marines other than spikes. I know the Chaos sprue has more than ten different heads per box.

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I agree to the idea of salvaged parts, if you have friends that are not using some of the specials from BA, DA, SW, hell even Eldar and DEldar, you can make some nice scavenger troops. DEldar have great spears for raptor models to charge in with. I utilized a CSM sorcerer power staff for my raptor lord to use as a power lance. He needed something special.
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Heck i am a firm believer of using bits from across the power armour codex...i have night lords with blood angel and chaos parts...i have fallen wolves with space wolves and chaos...if it fits it works


Also never hurts to get a warriors of chaos box from the fantasy system for some helms and close combat weapons...

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Heck i am a firm believer of using bits from across the power armour codex...i have night lords with blood angel and chaos parts...i have fallen wolves with space wolves and chaos...if it fits it works


Also never hurts to get a warriors of chaos box from the fantasy system for some helms and close combat weapons...



Seconding both suggestions; I made an entire army of Chaos Space Wolves, partly to upset hardcore SW fans and partly because I find vanilla SW kind of boring... I sold them when I got out of the hobby for a year or two, but the many, many spares, especially the fur and teeth parts and chainswords, are making their way into my current Chaos build. Plus, the knives are great for WYSIWYG on Bolter+BP+CCW CSM now the 'dex has changed. The odd DA or BA part as a trophy is nice too, the spiked BA heads and chained BT parts in particular tend to not look out of place on CSM in my experience. Spare WoC heads and weapons have been kitting out my CSM for a long, long time... I have some Fallen Angels using lots of those in particular.


I have a bunch of DE heads, chains and blades left over from when I made an army of those guys, I've been toying with using them on Slaaneshi CSM or Raptors in particular. Not sure why, but they seem to fit, particularly the predatory masks from the DE Scourges. The skulls on chains in particular might be nice for NL models, as they're small and wonderfully detailed.

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