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FW lists and FOC changes


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If you are playing a Planetstrike game with the defender using a Siege Assault Vanguard list, should you used the FW SAV FOC, as per the army list rules, or the planetstrike defender FOC, as per the mission rules?


I'm guessing the Planetstrike, as that is the mission being played, but would like to check.


Similarly, when playing such an expansion to the main rules, should you ignore the Siege Objective special rule?

Either you should ignore it, as you are playing Planetstrike which is an expansion and has it's own rules, or you should use the rule because it a special rule specifically for the army list you are using.

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If you are playing a Planetstrike game with the defender using a Siege Assault Vanguard list, should you used the FW SAV FOC, as per the army list rules, or the planetstrike defender FOC, as per the mission rules?


I'm guessing the Planetstrike, as that is the mission being played, but would like to check.


Similarly, when playing such an expansion to the main rules, should you ignore the Siege Objective special rule?

Either you should ignore it, as you are playing Planetstrike which is an expansion and has it's own rules, or you should use the rule because it a special rule specifically for the army list you are using.


From my interpretation of it, you can use a siege list in a normal game, but if you choose to do so, you will ALWAYS be required to add the siege objective to the game in addition to all the other mission objectives. So use them as allies at your own risk.

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I wouldn't be using them as allies, it'd be a normal planetstrike game, so I'm not sure how the Siege Objective marries to the Planetstrike rules given the lack of deployment zones. I could understand it if the Siege list were the attackers - the entire board is the defenders deployment zone - but not as the defender.

It seems counter intuitive to put a siege objective on the very edge of the board where the attackers drop zone is, so I don't know how to resolve it.

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I'd imagine that if you're playing Planetstrike, you'd not only use their FOCs, but also their missions, and so wouldn't put down those objectives.


Or discuss it with your opponent and come to something mutually beneficial.

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