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Mankind's War of Words

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The following has been organized at an alternate thread. If you wish to join the story make a comment in THAT thread. That thread is also to be used for Out Of Character comments and preferably also for any community feedback we may generate, if only to keep this thread uncluttered. The Following post will contain background information, character information and a timeline of major events within the plot.

So without further ado, let us begin the Collaboration of Inquisitorial Writer’s Work of Fiction – Volume One.



+++ Ordo Malleus System Update Request – Tralax System, Segmentum Ultima +++

+++ Acknowledged+++

Tralax I

• Promethean Rich planet

• Low atmosphere

• Planet has an orbital ring that is mineral rich

Tralax II

• Jungle Planet

• Atmosphere constantly racked by storms

• Home to an old archeological Adeptus Mechanicus Station

Tralax III

• Forge World

• Large Adeptus Mechanicus Experimental Facility

• Open rebellion of the population against the local Guardsmen Regiments and Mechanicus

• There are rumors of Eldar sightings on the planet but the Inquisition hasn’t been able to look further into such matters

Tralax Primaris

• Hive World

• Inquisition notes a largely devout Aristocracy

• Adeptus Mechanicus Weapons facilities are in the Northern and Southern pole of the planet

• Population: 25,000,000,000

• Ship Yards and Orbital defense stations are located above the planet

Caldoron – Rock planet. Houses four regiments of the Tralax Stormtroopers Regiment

Tralax Secundus

• Agriculture World

• Responsible for 80% of Food Income to the Sector

• Population: 2,000,000,000

• Sightings of Black Legion and World Eaters Marines across the planet

+++ Tralax system updated +++

+++ Astartes forces are being routed to system, the Emperor protects+++

The proximity of the Tralax system to the Eye of Terror makes it a valuable asset for the Imperium. During present battles of its neighboring system, the habron system, Tralax is at constant alert to Xenos and Chaos incursions. The Area was used as a staging point for several fleet actions in the 12th Black Crusade and has been marked as Priority-1 Importance by the High Lords of Terra, due to its strategic location and the weapons facilities located on the planets of that sector. Due to its importance, the Tralax system has been subjected to regular reports to the Inquisition, Cadian High Command and the Adeptus Praeses.

For two decades the Sub-sector reported an increase in Cultist activity on the Agri World Tralax secundus and Tralax III. The last few years, the Council of Tralax recalled all its regiments, which led to an increase of military presence on all planets. The regiments were mainly deployed to Tralax III to conduct a series of search and destroy mission against the Cultists. Five months ago, reports indicated a possible abduction of civilians on the planet. Two months ago, the Inquisition received a report containing information about an erupting conflict on Tralax Secundus and Tralax III led by Rogue Astartes matching the description of Traitoris Extremis, Black Legion and World Eaters. A general call for aid and intervention by Astartes Warriors in the area has been made. Three forces confirmed en route …

+++ Ordo Malleus Notable Individuals Report +++

Aquillus Dornius……………………Loyal Astarte,Reaper Legion,Captain (CMO)

Kael ……………………………………..Loyal Astarte,Ghost Warriors,Sergeant (Elias)

Reimund ………………………………Loyal Astarte,Black Templar,Techmarine Adept (Nuclear Fridge)

+++ Ordo Malleus Compiled Timeline Reports +++

Five Years prior to campaign start – Cultist presence on the rise

One year prior to campaign start – Military presence increased

Three months prior to campaign start – Eldar sightings reported, abductions of civilians increased

One month prior to campaign start – Chaos Marines sighted in system

Day Zero – Campaign Start

Day One – Astartes Warriors begin arriving in-system

+++ Tralax system campaign: Commenced…+++

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The Reapers Call


The first wave of drop pods landed around the capital at exactly 20:00 zulu time, the screaming jets of their retros bringing in on fiery pillars as they breached the lower atmosphere. Stormravens followed, like dangerously graceful birds of prey swooping in on some helpless victim. Black and scorched by the heat of re-entry, the thirty pods sent up great clouds of dust and earth from their impacts, their wide doors opening with percussive booms and clanging down on the steppe.


Three hundred warriors in thick, plate armour swiftly disembarked from their transports and fanned out with mechanical precision, quickly linking up with other squads, and forming a defensive perimeter around an unremarkable patch of ground in the centre of their landing pattern. Stormravens circled above in overlapping racetrack patterns, as though daring anything to approach.


At some unseen signal, the Stormravens broke formation and rose into the sky as the boxy form of a Thunderhawk descended from the clouds, its belly blackened and trailing blue-white contrails. The larger craft surrounded the smaller one, like mother hens protecting a chick, escorting it to the surface, where it landed in a billowing cloud of red dust.


The Stormravens screamed away on prescribed patrol circuits as the forward ramp of the Thunderhawk groaned open, the hiss of pressurized air gusting from within. Four warriors clad in Spartan style armour of the Reapers Legion marched from the gunship, cloaks of scarlet red billowing at their shoulders. Each carried a golden bolter across his chest, and their heads turned from left to right as they searched for threats.


Behind them came a living legend, his armour gleaming silver and black, with a cloak royal blue framing him perfectly. A single, carved V stared out from his chestplate and a wreath of laurels sat upon his perfect brow.


‘Tralax Secundus,’ sighed Aquillus. ‘I never thought I’d see this place again.’

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Warriors of the Emperor

The killing began in earnest as soon as the first warriors of the Reaper Legion emerged from their drop pods. Captain Aquillus killed his first foe without breaking stride. The dead Astartes armour was like blood, stricken with gore and covered with grizzled trophies. The mask was fashioned into a snarling daemon, the mouth grill lined with multiple sharp teeth.

Aquillus slid his gladius clear, blood smoking from its edge, as the Marine slumped to the ground. A curved arch of obsidian shone red in the dawn’s early light above him and a swirl of dust and debris drifted around the Thunderhawk that he just came from.

The Palace of Governance stood before him, vast and astonishing, a stone Flower with the spire at its centre like a spectacular twist of overlapping granite petals. Drop Pods were hammering into the ground behind him, the plaza around the palace’s south entrances the main objective of the Reaper’s Legion. A nearby drop pod blew open and five Terminators stepped from the red-lit interior, blasting with their stormbolters and assault cannons at the enemy.


‘Honour Guard!’ yelled Aquillus. ‘To me!’


Aquillus saw a flash of coloured glass from inside the palace, movement beyond the sweeping stone panels of the entrance hall. More Chaos Marines reacted to the sudden, shocking assault, but contrary to what Aquillus had been expecting, they weren’t falling back from them. With a howl of rage the Bezerkers charged and Aquillus laughed, glad to be facing enemies with some backbone. He leveled his Scythe and gladius and ran towards them, his honour guard following behind him, weapons at the ready. At least fifty World Eaters ran at them, resplendent in their red and bronze colours. They ran at them like a hord of Orks, not caring about their own safety. The Bezerkers leveled their Bolt pistols at the loyalists, firing without aiming howling while doing so. Explosive rounds filled the air around Aquillus, gouging the armour of his shoulder guard and leg. Aquillus lifted his Scythe arm to shield his head and the rounds spat from the glowing blade of his Man Reaper. Where they hit the stone around the entrance it exploded into dust.


One of the Marines from a squad fell beside Aquillus, one arm pulverized and his leg bubbling. “Death and the Emperor!” cried Aquillus, running through the white hot rounds of bolt ammunition. The Reaper Legion and the World Eaters clashed with a sound like a million crushed metal plating’s, the terrible screaming of chainaxes giving way to the clash of blade against armour and point blank bolter fire. Aquillus’s first blow hacked through a chainaxe haft and tore through the throat of the man before him. Eyes filled with hatred glared back at him, blood pumping from the Traitor Astartes ruined throat, and Aquillus tore the helm from his foe’s head to better savour the sensation of his death. A plasma pistol spat a tongue of liquid fire that wreathed an enemy from head to groin, but the Bezerker kept on fighting, sweeping his Chainsword down to cut deep into one of Aquillus’s men before another of his Marines ripped off his head with his powerfist.


Aquillus pivoted on one foot from a chainaxe strike and hammered the hilt of his gladius into his opponent’s face, feeling a tight anger that the faceplate held. The traitor staggered away from him and Aquillus reversed his grip and thrust the blade through the gap between the helmet and chest plate, feeling the blade’s energy field burning through the throat and spine. These Bezerkers were slowing the Reapers down, buying precious moments with their lives for something deeper in the palace. As much as Aquillus was reveling in the sensation of slaughter of his foes, he knew he could not afford to give the defenders such moments. Aquillus ran onwards, slicing scythe through limbs and gladius through throats as he ran. He fought as though following the steps of an elaborate dance, a dance where he played the part of the victor and the enemy were there only to die. The World Eaters were dying around him and his armour was drenched in blood. Warriors still fought behind him, but Aquillus had to press on before the Traitors were able to stall their advance with more men in front of them.


“Squad Calidus! Ramus! Kill these and then follow me!” Fire sawed from every direction as the Reapers forced their way towards the junction Aquillus had reached. The harbinger of souls darted his head past the corner, seeing a vast indoor seascape. A plume of blood, instead of water, cascaded through the hole in the centre of a colossal granite dome, and a shaft of red light fell alongside the water. Thousands of Cultists massed in the dome, splashing towards them through the waist deep sea of blood and taking up positions among the follies. Most wore plain Guardsmen issue armour others just had robes. Squad Calidus came into the dome behind Aquillus, their Terminators equipped with Assault cannons. “They’re massing,” spat Aquillus. “Where are the damned reinforcements?”


“We shall have to win the palace ourselves,” said Brutus, one of his honour guard, his voice grating and deep. Aquillus nodded, pleased that they would be able to shame the Black Templars. “Squad Cadilus, cover us. Reaper’s, break and cover fire! Brothers try to keep up this time!” The squad of Terminators stepped out from the junction and a spectacular wave of fire sheared through the air around them, a storm of heavy caliber shell casings and oil soaked fumes streaming from the cannon mounted on each Terminator. Their explosives shredded the stone of the foremost island’s follies, broken and bloodied bodies tumbling from the shattered wreckage. “GO!” shouted Aquillus, but the Reapers were already charging, their training so thorough that every warrior already knew his place in the complex pattern of overlapping fire and movement that sent the strike force sweeping into the dome.


Savage joy lit up Aquillus’s face as he charged, the thrill of battle and the sensations of killing stimulating his body with wondrous excess. In a swirling cacophony of noise, death itself had come to the Capital of Tralax Secundus.

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The High Intercessor's Precinct, three minutes later


Sparks and smoke filled the inside of the drop pod. Brother Reimund blinked, surprised that he had blacked out for a moment. It must have been an especially bad impact-landing, he realised.


He was half-buried under a tangle of smashed parts, crushed repair-servitors, and twisted stanchions. The drop pod was tilted at an angle, and his enhanced hearing could just make out the whistling scream-thump of artillery over the crackle and snap of damaged electrical spirits.


He had to get out. He was just a stationary target here, waiting to be killed. Reaching up with the servo-arm connected to his backpack, he tripped the emergency release on the pod's main hatch. The bent ceramite panel blew off with a dull bang.


Pausing just long enough to retrieve his thunder hammer and to check his guns, the Techmarine forced his way out from under the debris and climbed out of the wrecked drop pod. He looked around - and down. The scorched pod was jammed into the side of an ornate tower overlooking a wide district of Administratum buildings. He was thirty metres off the ground.


Reimund checked his vox-link. Static washed and sizzled over the primary channels, prompting an irritated grunt from the Techmarine. Heavy jamming in the area; he couldn't reach anyone. He had to get down on the ground, locate his brothers, and re-establish the tactical feeds.


He balanced himself on the drop pod's framework and clambered into one of the tower's offices, which lay open due to his crash-landing. As soon as he reached level, stable flooring, he drew his bolt pistol and readied his thunder hammer. He wasn't sure precisely where he was in relation to the main insertion zone, so he had to assume the worst.

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Tralax III


Inquisitorial stormtroopers and mechanicum skitarii were dwarfed by 5 astartes in dark purple armours. all around them sand was covered with corpses of cultists, stormtroopers and skitarri, not astartes, because no one of the emperor's finest died this day.


'sergeant' Kael heard woman voice, strong voice of strong woman.

'inquisitor' he replied. Lady Inquisitor Scarlett Jonos was shining in her white power armor. he took off her helm, showing her beautiful face to the world around. she has long blond hair and crystal blue eyes. Scarlett has force staff on her back and golden bolt-pistol on the belt. 'we must go sergeant, traitors mustn't take control over the main factory'


'agreed, but we are going very slow inquisitor,Factory will fell until we arrive. but there is one way, give me your best soldiers and I'll assist defenders' said Kael, he knew that it was dangerous, but there weren't other ways.


5 space marines and 15 elite stormtroopers have stalked shadows for 5 hours, evading enemies and finally reached main factory. they stood on the hill observing battlefield. countless cultists were sieging mechanicum factory. Skitarii, battle servitors, and turrets were killing enemies, but that wasn't enough for such amount of cultists.


'what to do my lord? I think we can't defeat so many enemies' said commander of stormtroopers, he was tall and muscular man with one bionic hand. Even veteran like him was shocked by amount of traitors.


'we'll attack their flank and destroy their morale, we can't defeat them, but we can force them to fall back, this is what we need.' answered Sergeant Kael 'Kain, you with troopers will cover us with fire. go, there's no time to be lost'


They hit like a hammer. Kael, Aclimedon, Mansen and Uller were butchering their way through cultist lines, while Anik was bringing promethean-inferno to them by his flamer. In several minutes traitors began to fall back and Mechanicum forces counter attacked breaking traitors' backbone with their heavy weapons.


In 3 hours Inquisitor Scarlett came with her soldiers. She took Kael and his warriors as honour guard and visited Genera-fabricator. Ruler of the Tralax III was taller than space marine, with many mechadendrits and several gleaming green bionic eyes, accompanied by giant praetorians, elite warriors of mechanicum. he thanked inquisitor for help. But Scarlett didn't lose time in ceremonies. 'where are titans general-fabricator? why they don't assist you?' she asked.


'lady inquisitor, it's horrible but not only citizens rebel against us. Legio androticus and legio baromus were sent to traitors' main city to destroy them in one blow. But near the city legio baromus titans turned their weapons against legio androticus. last message we received from androticus leader was that they're falling back in deserts. In three days horde of cultists and two warhound titans attacked gates of eternal eagle. we destroyed titans but there were too many traitors, and gates fell. Then for three days My skitarii have defended this factory until you assisted us .'

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Warriors of the Emperor (continued)

The red-armoured Mutants started flying. Surrounded by burning arcs of dark energy, they leapt over the advancing Reapers, gleaming, axes slicing downwards from wrist mounted weapons. Aquillus rolled to avoid a hail of blades, the red mutant swooping low to behead two of Squad Ramus, the charged axe cutting through their armour with horrific ease.


He slid into the water, finding that it only reached his waist. Above him, the heavy stubbors of cultists were spraying fire at the Reaper Legionaries, but the Astartes were moving and firing with their customary discipline. Even the bizarre sight of the Mutants and Cultists did not persuade them from their patterns of movement and covering fire. A body fell into the blood water next to him, its head blasted away by bolter fire. Aquillus saw that the Mutants were too quick and turned too nimbly for conventional engagement. He would just have to engage them unconventionally.


One of the Mutants dived towards him and Aquillus could see the inticate design of the blood god on the creatures armour. The corrupted creature dived like a bird, firing rounds from his las-gun. Aquillus turned the pin pricks of light aside with his gladius and leapt to meet the enemy. The mutant twisted in the air, trying to avoid him, but he was too close. Aquillus swung his Scythe and sliced the monsters arm from his body, his crackling blade searing through the armour. Blood sprayed from the smouldering wound and the creature fell, twisting back towards the blood pool. He fell with the dead mutant, splashing back into the lake as the Reaper’s finally reached their enemy. Volleys of bolter fire scoured the islands and his warriors advanced relentlessly on the survivors. The Cultists were backing away, forming a tighter circle. Red armoured mutants lay dead in heaps and the artificial lake was choked with bodies.


Squad Cadilus’s assault cannons sent fire tearing through the armoured monsters, whose supernatural speed couldn’t save them as the cannon shells turned the interior of the dome into a killing ground. Another mutant fell, bolter fire ripping through its armour.


Squad Calidus joined Aquillus and he grinned wolfishly at them, elated at the prospect of fighting more of the Mutants.


“They’re running,” said Aquillus. “Keep them on the back foot. Keep pressing on.”


“Squad Brennon reporting from the plaza,” said brother Augustus of his Honour Guard. “The Black Templars are fighting around the spires on the north side.”




“Sounds like they’re holding off half the city.”


“Ha! They can have them. It’s what the Black Templar are good at,” laughed Aquillus, relishing the certain knowledge of his companies superiority. Nothing in the Galaxy could match that felling, but already it was fading and he knew he would have to procure yet more opponents to satisfy his hunger for battle.


“We press on to the throne room,” he said.


“Squad Cadilus, secure our rear. The rest of you, we’re going for the Skull Champion. Follow me.” His warriors cheered as they followed Aquillus into the heart of the palace. Every one of them wanted to kill the Champion and hold is head aloft on the palace battlements so the whole Palace could see. Only Aquillus was certain that the Khorne Lord’s head would be his.

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The Lower Avenue of Pilgrims


He could smell them before he saw them. The stale, coppery stink of old blood and the tang of ozone. World Eaters. It sent a jolt of phantom pain running down Reimund's left leg: a memory of the day that saw his limb severed by a Skull Champion of the Blood God. He stepped out of the archway and levelled his bolt pistol.


The first rocket-powered shell smashed the Khornate warrior off his feet. His comrade, turning from the grisly task of dismembering a PDF sergeant, caught the second and third shells in his neck and temple. His exposed head burst in a welter of bone and brains. By that time, the first World Eater had scrambled back onto his feet and was lunging towards the Black Templar, his chainaxe screeching up to full power. Reimund took a step forward to meet the Traitor's charge, bracing himself for impact.


The haft of the descending chainaxe slammed against his thunder hammer. Howling in the grip of battle-frenzy, the Berzerker struggled to force Brother Reimund backwards.


That was when Reimund shot him through the left knee. Ceramite and strengthened bone blew apart and the World Eater toppled sideways, flailing for balance. Even before he hit the flagstones of the courtyard, Reimund was moving. He swung his thunder hammer in a great overhead arc and brought it down onto the Traitor's deformed faceplate. The concussive impact demolished the World Eater's helmet and skull with equal ease; the electrical discharge incinerating what little remained.


The Techmarine scanned the farther side of the courtyard, observing the ragged mob of mutants milling around there. They were slave-caste workers, owned by the barons and mining-lords of this world. Wretches who had spat upon the God-Emperor to follow the blasphemous creed of Chaos. They stared at the Black Templar with terror in their eyes. Reimund could see where they had daubed their pallid flesh with crude emblems of the Ruinous Powers, and the sight made his hearts seethe. He raised his bolt pistol to begin the work of the Primarch, and...


...Three of the mutants, at the back of the mob, screamed as a gout of promethium hosed over them. Their comrades looked around, horrified, as another mutant was brought down by a shotgun blast.


Reimund looked past the treacherous rabble and smiled briefly. "Well met, Brother Garren!"


The brother-initiate stepped into view and readied his flamer for another blast. At his shoulder, his neophyte, Tolias, racked the action on his shotgun. "Well met, Reimund. Show these scum no mercy!"


"Aye. In the name of Dorn!"

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The Power of Death


Aquillus skidded to the floor of what appeared to be some kind of throne room. Inlaid with the signs of the blood god, the floor was covered with body parts so tightly wound that it seemed to ripple with movement. Bolter fire stitched through the room, showering him with broken pieces of mosaic as he rolled into the cover of an enormous statue. Howls of rage, that were there since the dawn of creation boomed around him, filling the central spire of the Palace. Ruby chandeliers hung from the petals at the centre of the great granite flower, shimmering and vibrating in time with roars of rage and the cacophony of battle far below.

Statues filled the room, each one was draped with organs. Chain axes sang in time with the gunfire and the yells of hatred echoed as bolter shots ripped through the side of a statue. Storms of weapons’ fire flew, filling the air with hot metal and death.


Aquillus felt his limbs become energized just listening ot the crashing volumes of war, each voice and booming shot filling his senses with the desire to do violence. He glanced around the side of the construct, exhausted and elated to have reached so far, so quickly. They had fought their way through the palace, killing thousands of the mutants and heretics, before finally reaching the throne room. From his position of cover, Aquillus saw that he was close to the Throne itself. A mighty throne with its back to him sat upon a dais, a confection of gold and sapphire set in a ring of lecterns that each held a massive volume books.

Gunfire blew one book apart and a blizzard of sheet music fluttered around the throne. The rest of the World Eaters massed on the opposite side of the throne room, surrounding a tall figure in bronze armour with a collection of trophies that were hanging from its chest plate.

A storm of bolter fire flew and Aquillus saw yet more traitors charging in from the other entrances, a ferocious struggle erupting as these new arrivals charged the Reapers.


“They’re stubborn. I’ll give them that,” he muttered to himself.


Chainblades and bolt pistols rang from armour and plasma fire ripped between the patches of cover offered by the fallen statues. Each volley tore up the beautiful crafting of thee artwork and sawed through Cultists as they ran at the loyalists.

Aquillus glanced behind him. One of Calidus fell as he ran to join Aquillus, hot plasma rounds liquefied his skull. The body clattered to the floor beside Aquillus. Only three of Calidus Squad remained, and they were cut off from their leader.


“Squad Cadilus, engage!” yelled Aquillus into the vox.


“Get me cover! Tactical Squads, converge on the throne and draw the World Eaters in! Purity and death!”


“Purity and death!” echoed the Reapers Legionaries, and with exemplary co-ordination they surged forward. A red armoured traitor was shredded by bolter fire and flopped, broken, to the ground. Mutant bodies lay shattered on the red slick ground. The Reapers moved squad by squad, volley by volley, advancing through the fire as only the most perfect of Chapters could.


Aquillus broke cover and ran into the whirlwind of fire. Las rounds reflected against him. Behind him, Squad Cadilus smashed through the ranks of enemies, the destruction appalling as they opened fire on the traitors. Acrobatic mutants, clad in red armour wound with long streamers of silk, darted and leapt away from chainblades and bolts like dancers, slashing limbs with monofilament wire blades. World Eaters charged forward in solid ranks, hacking with their chain axes, yet none of the foes was a match for the disciplined counter charges of the Reapers. The slick perfection of their pattern-perfect warfare kept its edge even amid the storm of fire and death that filled the throne room.


Aquillus ducked and wove through the fire towards the bronze armoured figure, shrapnel flashing against the energized edge of his sword blade. The armour was ancient, yet gloriously ornate, the equal in finery of a chapter master of the Reapers. He carried a long axe, its shaft terminated at both ends by a howling ripple of lethal energy. Aquillus ducked under a swipe of the weapon, stepping nimbly to the side and bringing his sword up towards his opponent’s midriff. Faster than he would have believed possible, the axe reversed and a tremendous blast of raw power battered his gladius away before it struck. Aquillus danced back as a killing wave of dark energy from the weapons blades, a whole section of the mosaic floor ploughed in a torn gouge by the touch of its strength.


One of the traitors fell at Aquillus’s feet, his chest blown open by Cadilus’s fire, and another toppled as one of Calidus sliced off his leg. The Reapers surged forwards to help him, but he waved them back – this was to be his kill. He leapt onto the throne pedestal, the bronze warrior silhouetted in the light streaming from the distant ceiling. The screaming axe came down and Aquillus ducked to avoid it, pushing himself forwards. He stabbed with his sword, but a pitch of energy sent his gladius plunging towards the floor of the dais instead of its intended target. Aquillus hauled his gladius clear as the axe swung for him again, the power shearing past him and blistering the silver gilt of his armour. The battle raged ferociously around him, but it was an irrelevance, for Aquillus knew that he must surely be fighting the leader of this warband.


Only Restrus Bloodhound would surround himself with such fearsome warriors.


Aquillus pivoted away from another strike, spinning around behind Restrus and shearing his Scythe through the back mounted power pack. He felt a glorious surge of satisfaction as the glowing edge cut through the metal with ease. A terrific, booming noise blared from the severed pipes and Aquillus was hurled from the dais by the force of the blast.


His armour cracked with the force, and the power that was suffused within the back pack of the warrior leapt into clarity as he felt the surge of strength surround his body in a glorious wash of pure, unadulterated sensation. The energy sang in his blood, promising yet more glories, and the unfettered excess of slaughter and blood. Aquillus felt it in his soul and knew that he wanted it more than he had wanted anything in his life. He looked up as the bronze warrior leapt from the throne, seeing the energy as swirling lines of power and promise that flowed like water in the air.


“Now you die,” said Aquillus as the power of death took hold of him.

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The Commanders Descision


Kael, and his squad stood on the mechanicum factory’s walls observing the construction of defenses on the outer walls, watching for any signs that the enemy will return for another attack.

‘This place wasn’t built for sieges’ said veteran brother Aclimedon. He swung his arms around gesturing at the walls and the few defenses that were located along the outer perimeter of the facility. Looking across the inner courtyard he saw a few turrets were being repaired others were fed ammunition. The battle will be fierce, all of his brothers new that.


Around 15:00, the black sea of traitors appeared on the horizon. When they came closer Kael was able to see , countless cultists, mutants, traitor skitarii and servitors. They were a never-ending tide of corruption, stretching from one end of the horizon to the next.

The first wave of screaming heretics were put down with concentrated firepower, heavy bolter emplacements fired down upon the horde killing hundreds within the first few seconds. The second wave presented a challenge, fanatics that had explosives strapped on to their bodies ran at the walls tearing huge chunks out of the wall, traitor skitarri came in masses sending barrage after barrage of las fire against the defenders. Hundreds of loyalists died, but twice that number of causalities did the mechanicums warriors inflict upon the heretics.


The first day ended with minimal losses but more were expected in the coming battles, the traitors didn’t attack at night and the defenders received time to rest and restock on ammunition. Some inquisitorial storm troopers were standing guard at the gates others getting some rest before the next engagement. Apothecary Mansin was helping injured warriors along with inquisitorial medics. Kael and Aclimedon were accompanying Inquisitor Scarlett, General-fabricator Manten Khel and the commanding officer of the skitarii cohort.

‘Sergeant what do you think about the current situation of our defenses?’ asked Scarlett.

‘Moderate, if the enemy continues with their suicidal attacks against the outer walls, our defenses will be breached by tomorrow. Inquisitor, I would advise to evacuate the fabricator-general from this facility, he would be more of worth alive then dead,’ replied Kael, before the Inquisitor was able to say anything the fabricator general interjected.

‘Sergeant Kael of the Ghost Warriors, I will not abandon this facility. It is too valuable to leave behind for the blasphemous machines! There must be another way.’ Said Manten Khel.

'I'll stay with the General-Fabricator' said Commander Joman of the skitarri . He was a heavily augmented man, as tall as astartes. Armed with a giant chainsword and melta gun.

Everyone turned to look at the skitarri leader, he was silent for most of the conversation only giving short answers whenever he was asked a question.

'but without a leader the planet is doomed' replied Kael. He didn't like mechanicum. they were stubborn and fanatical.

'sergeant, It'll be doomed if we'll lose here anyways' interrupted Scarlett.

'well, then lets hope someone sends reinforcements.' Said the Ghost warrior and started marching to soldiers.

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Signal to Noise


"Well, brother?" Garren could not keep the impatience out of his voice as he kept watch over the access road.


Reimund adjusted the settings on his signum, scowling as the diagnostic runes flickered and shifted uncertainly. The jamming of the tactical channels had lessened, but he still had no contact with the support ships in orbit, or any long-range vox capability. He listened with one ear to the burst-transmissions from other Astartes elements deployed against the Chaos forces, comparing their progress with the hololithic map display glimmering in his helmet's visor.


"The source of the signal disruption is... that way," he said, gesturing with his servo-arm. "It is mobile, albeit slowly. Moving laterally. I believe it is flanking the secondary insertion point."


Brother Garren considered the news. "Can we warn them at all?"


Reimund shook his head. "We are too surrounded by the city's lower levels, and we cannot waste time trying to reach a higher point to obtain a clear line of signal. We should identify the nature of the foe."


"Agreed." Garren glanced at Tolias, who had just finished loading fresh shells into his shotgun. "We locate the foe and learn how to destroy him. Before he can attack the landing zone."

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Slayer of Kings


“Fool!” spat Restrus, his voice a disgusted rasp. “Have you not seen the powers of chaos? The wonders you could experience. This planet belongs to the gods!”


Aquillus rolled to his feet, still stunned from the powerful shockwave that had hurled him from the throne dais, but knowing that the power of death itself was helping him and him alone. He lunged, but Restrus batted aside his attack, bringing his giant axe up in a neat guard.


“This is the city of my enemies,” laughed Aquillus. “That is all that matters to me.”


“You are deaf to the powers of chaos. I have heard far more than you,” said Restrus.


“Perhaps you are to be pitied, for I have listened to the sound of the gods. I have heard their laughter and they damn this galaxy in their wisdom!”


Aquillus laughed in Restrus’s face. “You think I care? All I want to do is kill you.”


“The gods have whispered the future of the Imperium,” shrieked Restulus, his rage slowly building up. “It is a future of fear and hatred. I was deaf to their whispers before they opened my eyes. It is my duty to kill every single one of you!”


“You can try,” said Aquillus,” but even if you kill us all, more will come: a hundred thousand more, a million, until this planet is dust. Your little rebellion is over, you just don’t know it yet.”


“No, dog,” replied Restrus. “I have fulfilled my duty and brought you here, to this cauldron of fates. My work is done! All that remains is to blood myself in your guts.”


Aquillus danced away as Restrus attacked once more with the razor-sharp feints of a master warrior, but the Reaper had faced better opponents than this and prevailed. The power of death rippled behind his eyes and he could see every move Restrus made before he made it, the energy speaking to him on a level he didn’t understand, but instinctively knew was power beyond anything he had touched before.

He launched a flurry of blows at Resturus, driving him back with each attack and no matter how skillfully Restrus parried his strikes, each one came that little bit closer to wounding him.


The flicker of defeat he saw in Restrus’s eyes filled him with brutal triumph. The howling, razor edged axe gave off one last blast of energy before it finally shattered under the energized edge of Aquillus’s scythe. The Reaper pivoted smoothly on his heel and drove his gladius, one handed, into Restrus’s bronze chest, the sword burning through his armour, ribs and internal organs.


Restrus dropped to his knees, still alive, his mouth working dumbly as blood sprayed from the massive wound. Aquillus twisted the blade, relishing the cracks as Restrus’s ribs snapped.He put a foot on Restrus’s body and pulled the gladius clear, standing triumphant over the body of his fallen enemy.


Around him, the Reapers slew the remaining mutants, cultists and World Eaters, but with Restrus dead, the power in his blood diminished and his interest in the fight faded. Aquillus turned to the throne itself, already aching from the intense battle.

He stepped around the throne and looked into the glassy eyes of a mutant. Its tiny head was mounted on a large body, the size of an Astartes, it was riddled with holes, some of the limbs missing.


Suddenly angry beyond words, Aquillus brought his scythe down in a glittering arc, cutting dead bodies around him, blood flying in all directions and his armour was deep red like that of the World Eaters. By the time he was done, he looked around, easily taking back his composure from the recent anger that he sustained. Lifting the body of the Khorne champion by one hand, he took up his scythe and slid it across the neck. The cut was clean that it took a moment for the head to drop to the ground, looking at the head he dropped the body unceremoniously and grabbed it, lifting the face of the heretic high for all to see, he noticed that his warriors started cheering. Chanting his name he made his way up to the roof of the palace, so he can watch the rest of the war unfold.

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It was around 7:00 when traitors charged. This time they attacked with all forces they have. Kael stood on the walls, killing enemies with his bolter. When vanguard was destroyed main force of enemies came.


‘sergeant, at two hours’ kain shouted in vox channel, but Kael was already watching at that direction. He saw giant machine, even bigger than baneblade, its barrel has form of roaring daemon. Kael instantly understood where giant machine will strike.


‘Uller, jump! Jump from the wall’ Kael shouted over the vox. His brother stayed for second and than jumped, but this was enough time to the enemy. War machine roared and giant bullet hammered on wall making giant hole in it. At that time Uller was in air and was thrown in 30 meters by shockwave.


‘Mansen…’ sergeant voxed to apothecary.

‘on my way’ answered as always cold and emotionless voice.


Then Kael opened main vox channel ‘to all units, fall back to the second walls’.


Mansen run with all strength, dust was all around and he hardly found his brother. Uller was leaning against wall and holding hand at his stomach. Apothecary run to him. ‘show me what you’re holding’ Uller took off hand from his stomach and apothecary saw sharp metal that cracked his brother’s armor and go inside. He took off it and using his narthecium he pulled a lot of stimulators in Uller’s blood and sealed his wound by sterile clay. ‘come brother, we must go’


‘b…bolter, my bolter’ with weak voice said Uller.


‘shut up and come, or we’ll die here’ said apothecary and helped his brother to stand up. ‘come, come’ he said when heard roar of enemies, dropped Uller and took bolt-pistol from his belt. First enemy died as his head explode in wave of blood, brain, and bones. Mansen caught his fallen brother at shoulder and began creeping him, while killing enemies with bolter rounds. He was on halfway to the second gates when giant mutant emerged from enemy lines. He rose his axe, ready to kill space marines, but before death blow his head was clearly cut from body. Mansen saw Brother Aclimedon, with chainsword in one hand and gladius in another. Then other ghosts appeared staying as iron wall against traitors.


‘go Mansen, fast!’ Kael roared through the vox channel. 4 ghosts charged in enemy lines, tearing weak humans and mutants in parts. ‘press them, press! For the emperor, brothers!’ Sergeant roared again. He tore enemies with wide blows of his giant chainaxe. Four space marines easily press humans to the entrance.

‘sergeant Kael, fall back, we’re covering you’ It was mechanical voice of tribune Joman.


‘at three, run with all strength’ voxed Kael, when giant mutant appeared. It was fat, two times bigger than adeptus astartes. Fingers of his one hand were black claws, and another hand was organic maul. For second Kael have watched this monster with wide eyes ‘Three!’ he roared and ghosts fell back. Mutant was fearful, but easily died from skitarii laser weapons.


Soon the second walls fell and defenders fell back to main factory building. Heretics were fanatically charging but to defend building was easy work. Explosions and even heavy weapons didn’t damage it’s thick walls. Only way inside was giant gates defended by gun-servitors. 6 hours loyalist forces were defending factory until darkness fell and cultists stopped attacking.

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The Shadow of Death


It was Tolias who was affected first.


The neophyte coughed, spluttered, coughed again. Garren was about to chide the boy for his poor sound discipline when both he and Reimund saw the neophyte's face.


He was weeping blood. A thin trickle of gore leaked from his left ear, and he was wobbling on his feet.


Reimund caught Tolias by the elbow before his legs buckled under him. The neophyte was fighting the malign effect, but he was very unsteady.


"Reimund... look." Garren pointed at the cobblestones and the walls of the tithe-house they were passing. Delicate flowers of frost were blooming and spreading across the rockcrete in perfect, eerie silence.


The Techmarine tasted bile and blood in his throat. He knew what this was, all too well. "Witchcraft," he rasped. In response to his rising pulse and respiration, his armour's war-spirit began flagging the route ahead with target-sigils.


Garren murmured a swift prayer to the Primarch for guidance and fortitude. "We must be close."

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‘open the gates’ commanded Kael. He stood with other ghost warriors, skitarii and two praetorians in main corridor of the mechanicum facility. The heavy gates ornamented by mechanicum skull symbol slowly opened and warriors stepped in darkness . they were stalking shadows coming closer to enemy lines, ghosts were like shadows, surprisingly silent in their power armours.


It was like explosion to cultists when loyalist warriors opened fire, bolters, stubbers, plasmaguns and other deadly weapons were covering three space marines charging into enemy lines. Kain and Anik were holding giant shields while Kael was killing enemies with bolter. General-fabricator specially made this shields for this mission. Traitors’ lasguns and auto-weapons were useless against defence provided by shields. Ghosts went in the heart of traitors in place where their battle-leader stayed. Anik and Kain moved shields aside s letting their sergeant to charge into enemy lines. Like shade Kael passed battle-leader’s bodyguards, crushing two of them with his armor and reached enemy officer, heretic rose his power sword but astartes was much faster, ghost tear off his arm and crashed his skull with his fist. He quickly took officers corpse and got back in improvised defence line, ghosts fell back under the cover from skitarii and praetorian’s heavy weapons.


Kael used his combat knife to open officer’ stomach and his bare hands to broke his arms and legs. Then he hooked degenerated body from one of the windows to show enemies what is the destiny of all heretics.


Kael and Aclimedon stood in depth of mechanicum living room watching over the enemies from shadows. Their oversensitive occulubes allowed them to see in full darkness without other equipment.


‘they’re abandoning positions. You think your work feared them so much?’ Said Aclimedon. His noble features were covered by shadows.


‘I don’t think so. Maybe they’re making trap or something .’ Replied sergeant. Ghosts instantly reacted on the voice of opening door. Inquisitor Scarlett walked in.


‘what’s wrong?’ she asked


‘they’re abandoning positions’ said Kael. Turning to windows. Scarlett came close, but saw nothing but darkness.


‘what you’re planning to do sergeant?’ she asked.


‘maybe that’s only chance to defeat them. I think we must attack.’


‘this might be a trap’ said Aclimedon coming closer to Kael.


‘brother, we are already dead. Less than half of our warriors are alive.’


‘as you say sergeant, but I have an idea. Give me time to observe what they’re doing and attack if I give you a signal.’


‘going alone in enemy territory, with all respect brother-veteran it’s suicide.’ Said Kael looking at his brother.


Aclimedon laughed ‘not suicide young one, it’s sacrifice.’


Aclimedon was in black robe, his face hidden by hood, gladius mounted at his belt. his highly ornamented armor Aclimedon gifted to Kael, archaic bolter to Kain, chainsword to uller, his flaying knife to Mansen and his golden belt gifted to him by chapter master Aclimedon gave to Anik.


Ghost warriors were silent. Each of them knew that soon the best of them will be dead.


‘brother’ Kael broke silence, when Aclimedon was about to leave. ‘Die well.’ Said sergeant with weight on his heart. In response his brother only grinned and jumped into darkness.


Kael watched yards, but even with his nightvision he couldn’t find his brother. In several minutes he saw three blue flicks of power field. ‘attack…’ he hissed.


Loyalists hit like a thunder bolt thrown by the emperor himself. They were destroying enemies, butchering and tearing them apart. After defeating enemy forces Kael reached Aclimedon. Veteran was dead, with sword in hand and spears and laser burns in chest, a lot of cultists laid in circle all around him. Sergeant went to his knees and closed his dead brother’s wide opened eyes. He was watching him several seconds until apothecary Mansen put his hand on shoulder and said ‘He died well brother, we need to go.’ Kael stood up and return to his forces, letting apothecary to took fallen’s gene-seed.


They united army of space marines, mechanicum and inquisition attacked emerged from factory’s main gates. Kael was shocked from what he saw there. Corpses of billion heretics laid on the red sands. Only handful of traitors fought against black armoured enemies. Kael instantly recognized their helpers. Xenos, eldar from craftworld Ulthwé.aliens finished traitors and Kael with his forces met them.


The army of eldars was magnificent. Kael has never seen such amount of Eldar in one place. Their commander went closer to him. She was female xenos in highly ornamented armour, armed with long spear. Her voice was something strange, something Kael has never heard ‘who of you is Kael?’ she asked.


‘it isn’t necessary you to know, xenos’ answered Inquisitor Scarlett. ‘why you are here? Why you saved us?


‘ah, alien hunter’ xenos smiled ‘I don’t save you, I saved him’ she pointed to Sergeant Kael. ‘I should be pleased watching you die, mon-keigh, but future needs him alive’


‘why future need me alive?! answer xenos!’ demanded Kael. Stepping forward with his axe in his hand, ready to kill non-humans.


‘because only you can stop red knight.’ She smiled again ‘what you decided human, we can go or will fight here with you?’


‘this time xenos you saved us, and now I gift life to you, but remember alien witch, next time I meet you, I’ll rip your living heart out.’

‘as you say’ said Eldar.

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Engine of Darkness


Hissing pistons and whining motors. Rasping breath and groaning sounds. They were all issuing from the same... thing.


Reimund winced at the sight of the unholy machine. It was huge; easily the size of a Land Raider, clattering along on six oily, segmented legs like some augmetic spider. Dangling from its chassis were rusted tokens bearing the defiled icon of the Dark Mechanicus. The upper body was a gruesome blending of clone-farmed muscle and ceramite plating, all held together with flesh-staples and plastic tubing filled with harvested blood.


The worst of it was its head.


Reimund had seen many terrible things - the floating blasphemies of the Tyranid 'Zoanthrope' breed amongst them - but this was perhaps the very worst. Because it had been deliberately constructed. Bulging from the thing's forehead and extending back down onto its shoulders and upper spine was a grimy, transparent vessel in place of a skull. Inside the tank was a vast mass of brain tissue, threaded through with neural booster circuits. Just looking at the thing from their vantage point was making his head ache.


By contrast, the flanking squads of heathen infantry barely registered. They were armed with scavenged PDF lasguns and autorifles, and were clearly detailed to escort the machine. The tactical part of his mind evaluated their threat even as he considered how to destroy the flesh-metal monstrosity they guarded.


He summoned a municipal map to his visor display. The device was restricted to the wider access lanes and yards of this district. If it was going to flank - and destroy - the Imperial forces landing at the secondary zone, it would have to turn left... there... and then travel along the storage bays that served the Munitorum's central offices.


A sigil flashed into life on the map. The Black Templars had passed Bay 13 earlier, just after wiping out those benighted mutants. There were two abandoned PDF vehicles there - an ammunition truck and a Hellhound that had thrown a track. An idea came to Reimund.


Quickly and efficiently, he outlined his proposal to Garren and Tolias. Garren nodded in approval and the three Black Templars turned and hurried away from the balcony overlooking the advancing Chaos detachment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bay 13


As Reimund had hoped, the abandoned vehicles had not been touched... and by the grace of the Primarch, the munitions truck held everything he needed.

Working as quickly as he could, he unloaded a pair of melta-charges and remote detonators. One he planted out of sight in amongst the stacks of boxed ammunition in the truck's cargo bed. The other he attached to the underside of the Hellhound's prometheum tank. The detonators went onto his belt.


By the time he was done, the ache in his head was back, and growing worse. Reimund looked around and caught sight of Garren, who was standing watch. The brother-initiate pointed, then opened his vox-link.


"Sixty seconds, Reimund. Perhaps less. Are you set?"


"Aye," the Techmarine replied, moving away from the derelict vehicles. "Tolias?"


The neophyte's reply was immediate, if a little unsteady. The psyk-effect of the approaching monstrosity was pressing in on him. "Ready, Techmarine." Reimund had found a Guard-issue grenade launcher inside the munitions truck, and had given the weapon to the boy. Tolias was about to attract the warp-scum's attention.


The clatter-clatter of the machine-beast's legs was audible now. Garren fell into step with Reimund, slinging his flamer and drawing his bolt pistol. They had to make this look convincing.


The first fire-team of escort troops came into view at the far end of the loading yard... and Tolias opened up with his grenade launcher at the same moment. Three overlapping blasts sent shrapnel tearing into the troopers' bodies.


Shoulder to shoulder, Reimund and Garren took aim. As one, they began to recite from the Detestations of Dorn.

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The City


It was the third day since ghost warriors left mechanicum factory. Four space marines with inquisitor and her forces were in Tlamax, one of the biggest cities of Tralax III. Their transports they lost in terrorist attack of cultists. Only five warriors died, but nearly all vehicles were destroyed, and Sergeant Kael decided to abandon them, and continue their way on foot. After the death of Aclimedon, ghosts became cold, from hunting pack they transformed into vicious predators, and talked only about commands and battle.


Kael was stalking destroyed city, he saw a lot of cities attacked by arch-enemy, but this was something other, it wasn’t destroyed, it was killed. All life was wiped from city, but there were no bodies, since Ghosts arrived, they found nothing, but destroyed buildings and vehicles.


Tralax III was the nearest planet to the system’s sun, it was hot, very hot here. The high temperature was nothing to Kael and his warriors in their full enclosed power armours, but few stormtroopers had already died, Ghosts burnt bodies, don’t leaving them to the enemies. More inquisitorial troopers fell without strength and now their comrades were helping them to walk.


‘sergeant’ Scarlett voxed to Kael ’we need rest, or my warriors will die.’


‘not now inquisitor’ Kael answered with angry voice ‘we won’t reach loyalist forces if we continue like that.’


‘then go with your marines, we are standing here’ answered Scarlett.


‘well’ Kael calmed his anger‘ but we will march all night.’


Lady inquisitor smiled behind his helmet ‘agreed, sergeant’


Kael ordered Uller to find place to rest, and in five minutes ghost warrior led them into half-destroyed building. Warriors went into depth, to avoid high temperature. Kael took off his helmet and breathed air, it was very hot. Inquisitorial troopers sat on the floor and began eating nutrient rich food. Kael took one bottle with blue liquid inside, it was full of nutrients and was killing thirst and hunger at once. Enhanced body of space marine can live without food for weeks, but even emperor’s finest needed fuel for their enormous bodies.


Inquisitor Scarlett was sitting on the floor eating his food, when Jim, commander of stormstroopers passed, he had already eaten and now was holding lho-cigarette in his bionic arm.


‘hey, jimmy, give me that’ Scarlett called commander, Jim gave her cigarette and inquisitor strongly sucked it, he smiled when smoke came from her mouth and nose ‘that’s damn good’ she said giving lho back to the trooper.


It took 6 hours to humans for rest. And now, around 24:00 loyalist ‘band’ was ready for march. 5 hours they were marching, and finally reached peripheries, it was less destroyed than central part of the city, but signs of marauders were obvious.


Uller was in vanguard, stalking in shadows of giant living blocks and scanning area for life, as in main city there were no people, no bodies, only band of red robed cultists Ghost saw with his augmented eyes. He watched them walking straight to loyalist positions.


‘sergeant, around one hundred cultists are going to your positions, orders?’ Uller voxed.


‘received, brother, get closer to us and hide in shadows.’ Kael voxed back, then he opened main vox channel and said ‘enemy is near, make phalanx, weapons to maximal range.’


Soldiers to as he commanded, they divided in two lines, first kneeling, second staying. Space marines aimed their bolters to enemies, which when saw them began running and roaring. It was like explosion, when 80 laser weapons discharged into enemy lines. Dozens of cultists fell in first seconds. Kael was firing his bolter, mass-reactive shots easily killed unarmored humans. None of cultists survived the las and bolter fire wall, and only 4 of loyalists died. Kael thought they were done, but saw dust cloud coming closer and closer to them.


‘enemy transport?’ voxed Uller. He was reloading his bolter.


‘I think so’ Kael voxed back ‘break the lines, take cover, ghosts prepare to close combat’ he shouted in main vox channel. Uller took out his chainsword and plasma pistol, grinning beneath his helmet.


Dust cloud came closer and enemy battle transport revealed itself. It was black rhino, with symbol of opened eye, the black legion. Kain cursed in Diadochian language. At the mounted twin-linked bolter of black rhino stood traitor space marine with horned helmet. He died easily when Uller made perfect headshot with his pistol. Rhino stopped and black armoured astartes stepped out. With roar Kael and his warriors jumped from cover. First blood was splat by Uller. He charged black legionary, parrying his chainsword with his and cutting his head with Aclimedon’s golden chainblade. Sergeant Kael attacked in central line of enemy positions, he challenged Chaos champion with power sword. Renegade was fast, he attacked two times, and Kael avoided attacks, don’t risking his axe against power field. Third attack of black armoured champion wounded Kael in his hip, he roared in pain, and with all strength hit his enemy’s head with his elbow, this gave Kael only second, but it was enough for his axe to cut enemy’s head from shoulders.


Mansen always knew that he was born to be apothecary, his brothers knew him as cold and severe man, but he had an heart of medic, saw his brother in trouble he always was risking his life to save him. And now he was running to save Kain, Ghost Warrior was fighting with enemy more stronger than him. But on the road to his brother stood Black legionary with plasma gun aimed to Mansen. Apothecary stopped running and fell down, plasma bolt passed above him, and he fired his bolt pistol to enemy three times. Two bolts hit renegade’s chest, don’t penetrating it, but third hit bolt exploded in traitor’s head with wave of blood, brains, bones and black ceramite. In this time Kain was down and his enemy lifted his gladius for final blow, but was stopped by apothecary’s hand. Mansen hit his enemy with fist and draw his combat blade, he tried to cut black legionary’s throat but renegade was fast enough to avoid it, in response he hit with his gladius, but to be space marine apothecary meant not only to be medic, but also to be fighter, Mansen easily avoided blow in his stomach and broke his enemy’s hand with his elbow, traitor screamed in pains but shut up when Ghost’s knife cut his throat. Mansen thought this was over and helped his brother to get up, but he freeze, when saw chaos space marine aiming meltagun on him. On this range it meant only fast death. But before black legionary fired lethal shot fire bolt his him, psychic fire easily burned him. Apothecary glanced to inquisitor, purple lightning was dancing all around her, she lean to his psychic stave, but this didn’t helped her and Scarlett fell to ground.

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the Storm



"30 seconds till impact." voxed the monotone Machine-spirits voice. As usual Odysseus pondered what there is after life. He had some memories form his past as a human but so little faded in fact some say a Guards men has better recall then him. He flicked through his signatures vitals, Munitions, Armour integrity. " 10 seconds." said the spirit his Elite Torrent Squad reciting catechisms silently he ran through the deeds of his Gene-Ancestors and the enemies his Umbra Pattern Bolter slain. He then felt the drop-pods thrusters start giving a sudden jerk he must of not heard the Machine-Spirit count down. He voxed to his Squad

"May the emperor protect you brothers." his assault specialist Guy voxed back "you as well brother, May he guide us." . Now later than a minute later his squad formed outside jet packs roaring. He crouched down

one knee forward and one back his storm bolters in hand fed by belt in his armour he breathed in recycled air and exhaled a breath no mortal could of conjured. He raised his head and sprinted forward with determantion unmatched by any he after 30 meters crouched down and sprang into the air his jet-pack pushing him up and forwards. Shells firing flying by him and craters pock marking the ground flak guns firing at fighters las-guns blaring. He landed with a crack his hands raised above him his thrusters quickly dieing he scanned for enemies 5 reticules flashed up red locks a flow of information spilling fourth --World Eaters

Adeptus Astartes XII Legion Traitor Primarch Angoron.-- With Rage he raised his storm bolters firing full auto into a single world eater. As his comrades charged forward the world eater moved forward only a foot before he dropped dead riddled with bullet holes form his helm to his legs.pumping out blood and gurgling in rage. his comrades fell in the same way Guy walked forward to the first heretic he shot to near death.

he raised his right storm bolter and aimed it towards the primary heart. The heretic looked at him and spat in blood "Burn in the circles of hell of the true divine whore son." Guy Synced his vox channel with the traitor "Only if your first." Guy pulled the trigger and fired a burst of 2 bolter rounds killing the warrior with the explosion of the bolts.

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The Inferno


A las-round clipped the brim of Reimund's helmet. Crimson sparks flashed across his visor momentarily. He ignored the distraction as his hands reloaded his boltgun without conscious thought on his part. The instant his armour's display flashed up a green reloaded rune, he was firing again. Not at the flesh-construct looming out of the smoke; he was targeting its escort infantry.


"Now?" Garren voxed on the short-range. Between the clamour of their gunfire and the crackling distortion of the psyk-field, Reimund barely heard him.


"Almost..." He was out again. Reload. Fire. He kept an eye on the map hololith glimmering in the corner of his visor. The icon of the flesh-construct was nearly in place...




"Down!" He slung his bolter and hit the controls on the detonators.


The melta-charges went off within a micro-second of each other. Hundreds of litres of prometheum ignited as the stacked ammuniton - grenades, demolition charges, mortar rounds, and more - exploded.


The billowing fireball engulfed the flesh-construct and swept the remaining heathen infantry away. The heatwave surged across the two Black Templars sprawled flat on the rockcrete, and their armours' war-spirits chimed in complaint at the sudden temperature spike. Further away, neophyte Tolias shielded his face and huddled back into the doorway he'd chosen for shelter. He felt his eyebrows and cropped hair crisping even at this range.


None of that mattered now. Reimund looked up as he sensed a hideous, non-verbal scream of rage and agony in his head as the flesh-construct burned. It tried to scuttle forwards out of the lake of yellow-white flame, but the hydraulics lines feeding its legs had been cut. It crashed heavily down into the boiling fires and thrashed helplessly.

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