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Malal/Malice Demons?

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Hey guys,


currently working on Malal/Malice lore and i was wondering what would his demons be?


Looking at warhammer models there are options:


Skaven,like malal a parasite




Beastmen, they also have enough units to make a demon list/army




Maybe Lizardmen??

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Whatever you want.


But if you want to use the back-stabbing nature of Malal Malice, I would recommend Skaven first and Beastmen second. Use the HPA as the GSD (if you want one).


But as one note, Summoned Daemons are rumored to not be present in the next codex, so you may be looking at Chaos Daemon analogues instead after it is released.

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I would go with Lizardmen conversions.


1) Because Lizardmen are awesome


2) Because it would look different from the stereotypical Chaos conversions... I mean Beastmen are already the children of Chaos in their background, and so are Skaven, but to a different deity. Lizardmen are much more different


3) Because Lizardmen are awesome


I'm sure there was a fourth reason... ;)

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I'm trying to remember the source but something at the back of my mind tells me that the daemons were lizard-like, for some reason the idea of a crocodile keeps popping up.


Use my mad ramblings at your own risk. ;)

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But if you want to use the back-stabbing nature of Malal Malice, I would recommend Skaven first and Beastmen second. Use the HPA as the GSD (if you want one).

I was under the impression that GW was trying to work Skaven into their own separate faction instead of having them be just another Chaos race. That's why the army book featured a Skaven creation myth, back around '02 or so and didn't have the old Vermin Lord in it.

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But if you want to use the back-stabbing nature of Malal Malice, I would recommend Skaven first and Beastmen second. Use the HPA as the GSD (if you want one).

I was under the impression that GW was trying to work Skaven into their own separate faction instead of having them be just another Chaos race. That's why the army book featured a Skaven creation myth, back around '02 or so and didn't have the old Vermin Lord in it.

I was referring to their natural nature/character rather than their form of creation.


A Skaven has as much chance to be killed by the rat behind or next to them as {insert racial enemy here} in front of them. Beastmen aren't much better, but they at least try to have a pecking order.


Lizardmen, though, don't fit that profile.


That doesn't mean he couldn't use Chaos Dinos if he didn't want to.

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I would go with Lizardmen conversions.


1) Because Lizardmen are awesome


2) Because it would look different from the stereotypical Chaos conversions... I mean Beastmen are already the children of Chaos in their background, and so are Skaven, but to a different deity. Lizardmen are much more different


3) Because Lizardmen are awesome


I'm sure there was a fourth reason... ^_^


And IIRC, Malal himself got some crocodile like features ! ;)

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well there are other options, such as I remember on a xbox game called Halo there are the "flood"


They are referred to as a parasite, for example: Flood kills person 1, infects the body, gets back up and kills person 2


This would work as a parasite??

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Some of the Tomb Kings models could be quite cool. Hateful souls that can't rest etc.


Sure, you'd have to deal with Thousand Sons comments, like the Nurgle ones the Dark Apostle mentioned, but with a Crocodile theme it'd work quite well.


Even, a mix of Lizardman and Tomb King would accentuate the Crocodilian, and not provide such an easy hook for people's imagination. They'd have to ask you what it was, and then you've got 'em ;)

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Don't forget, Malal has the features of both a crocodile and a wolf. Lizardmen with fur?


I know this pic has been around for a long time, dunno how official it is:



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That would imply skaven/lizardman conversions, which would certainly be an ambitious modelling project.


The "Skaven Creation Myth" has always been that a 'mysterious figure' used sorcery to turn a city into skavenblight and turn the rats that lived there into Skaven. Whether that mysterious figure was a Chaos Sorcerer or something worse is anyone's guess, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was the last priest of malal.

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I'm trying to remember the source but something at the back of my mind tells me that the daemons were lizard-like, for some reason the idea of a crocodile keeps popping up.


Use my mad ramblings at your own risk. ^_^


You may be thinking of the HH novel Legion where there is a bunch of lizardy/crocodilian daemon-monster-creatures.

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For a rat-lizard you could possibly hint at a lot by just painting mottled green legs. I think that the Lizardman models are fairly modular so a bit of greenstuffing might get something on the battlefield.
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