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Game Color Reds


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Ok I seem to have a problem with Game Color reds it seems no matter how hard I try I can not get the bastards to thicken to any reasonable level and even when I get them to a decent level it takes very little time for them to turn back into an ink like quality. So what the hell am I doing wrong? or am I getting bad batches or is there some ancient ritual I need to perform?



[edit] Gory Red is the prime culprit.

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I had this happen to a different color in the game color range but don't own any reds. I shook it so much but still it was terribly thin so then I took the cap off and actually stirred it up with a bit of wire. All of the pigment had settled on the bottom and I was able to pull up clumps with the wire, so I mixed it back together and it improved the coverage. It might be worth a try, all I was doing when shaking was agitating the binder but it took using the wire to mix the pigment back into it.
I had this happen to a different color in the game color range but don't own any reds. I shook it so much but still it was terribly thin so then I took the cap off and actually stirred it up with a bit of wire. All of the pigment had settled on the bottom and I was able to pull up clumps with the wire, so I mixed it back together and it improved the coverage. It might be worth a try, all I was doing when shaking was agitating the binder but it took using the wire to mix the pigment back into it.


Similar effect could be achieved by dropping a small ball-bearing or two into the bottles to work as an agitator.


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