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Need Inspiration For Slaanesh Contemptor

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o, many agree that the Contemptor dreadnought is one of the coolest models out there. I personally certainly agree with that. The great thing is, Chaos get to use them too! *squee*

But I'm a slaanesh player. I've seen many Khorne ones, and nurgle conversions are easy in concept (add boils, rust, slime, etc). However, short of attaching a sonic blaster I have no ideas on how to convert it to look more slaaneshi!

So I go to the imaginative people of B&C. Please, help! I'll even post pictures when I'm done. Any ideas would be really helpful. Thanks.

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It really all depends on whether you want your model to represent and the limits of your abilities. What does it represent for you on the battlefield? What are your warband like? Is it deprived of sensation, and therefore crazier than your average chaos thing, or has it found a way of worshiping Slaanesh in its own special way?
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With the Basic bodyshape I'd imagine something crossbred with the Dark Eldar painengines, very Giger like

Or insectoid/crustean like Adam Smith Artwork


Or Lots of leather and chains with a KISS Army paintjob;)

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Brother Nihm - I am so sorry! I posted this topic to both forums, hoping to glean as many responses as possible, and accidentally confused them! Don't worry, i dd the same on Dakka: So I go to the imaginative people of B&C.... I'll fix that.


Here's what I'm thinking so far.


1. The relic contemptor body, with additional chaos trim and slaanesh icons.


2. The fingers of the close combat claw replaced with the tendrils from the Dark eldar Cronos parasite engine.


3. The blank faceplate from the Cronos swapped with the contemptor head (the sleek, smooth, porcelain faceplate seems quite slaanesh-i to me.


4. A large banner mounted on his back, made from flayed skin, depicting Fulgrim or some other EC hero.




6. The trophy racks from the Cronos attached to its bodykit.


7. Sonic blaster arm.


8. Alternating patches of black. purple, and gold.


What do you guys think of these ideas?

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1. The relic contemptor body, with additional chaos trim and slaanesh icons.


2. The fingers of the close combat claw replaced with the tendrils from the Dark eldar Cronos parasite engine.


3. The blank faceplate from the Cronos swapped with the contemptor head (the sleek, smooth, porcelain faceplate seems quite slaanesh-i to me.


4. A large banner mounted on his back, made from flayed skin, depicting Fulgrim or some other EC hero.

Good thus far.
Dunno, I don't see how gemstones are Slaaneshi. Maybe if you make them look convincingly like tortured Eldar spirit stones, perhaps.


6. The trophy racks from the Cronos attached to its bodykit.
Trophy racks are overdone to hell and back. Better leave it free of them. It'll also give you more room for the flayed skin banner.


7. Sonic blaster arm.
Why? They're not that useful compared to a dread's standard loadout.


8. Alternating patches of black. purple, and gold.
Also good.
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It was an Epic-scale daemon engine. I very much doubt that there's a current model beyond the Epic one and after a quick check on the GW website, I'm not sure if even that is available.


I wouldn't worry too much regarding scale of the thing, Epic always seemed a little ... flexible in regards to scale. It can always be a similar, though different model of engine if anyone asks.

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I really like the prototype, and I very much support the idea of going all "Giger" on it.


ADDENDUM: I recommend sticking to the more family-friendly side of Giger. More horror less...non-family friendly type stuff. <3

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For some reason, I've always associated Slaanesh with asymmetry, maybe its the half boy & half girl body that Slaanesh supposedly has.


With that in mind, I'd remove one set of the spikes and break up the paint scheme a little more.

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That's... actually something I'd never managed to realise as a motif in Slaaneshi stuff until now, Minigun. That idea works really well. It's still beautiful, on the surface, but due to the lack of symmetry, there's something just not quite right about it. I think the mock-up looks really good, but I think the Talos "trophy racks" will be too large to fit on the shoulderpad of a Contemptor, at least not without being cut-down. Talos aren't small things, you know.
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  • 2 weeks later...

noooooo! NOT family-friendly slaneesh, thats why the official slaneesh models have become so boring bland and bad.


also i agree on the talos racks, they will be WAY too big (and honestly i dont like the look of them on the shoulders, it makes it look alot less sleek and streamlined, something slaneesh things must be... same goes for the back-banner)...

things you must have though:

leather straps (one way or another)

studs (you know... pre-heresy style)

a grinning demonic face with an abnormaly long tongue on its crotch-plate (saw a DP with that once, it was awesome)

spikes... lots of small spikes (rather than racks of spears which tends to look bad on everything but tanks anad buildings)

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