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Grand Master Mordrak


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How about building an alpha-striking list around Modrak?


You have your great turn 1 Deep Strike without scatter into cover. Let's start shoving units into our opponents' face shall we?

Add in Dreadknights with Personal Teleporters and Incinerators. Shunt first turn and burn something.

Add in Interceptors with Psycannons/Incinerators. Shunt first turn and pleb something.

Ally some Drop Pods 3+ and have something like Sternguard, Meltagun Honor Guard or even a Dread land and pleb something.


Kinda fun!


Other than the allied units, that is how I play my Ghostwing. But its not all shock tactics, all the time. Mordrak is a GM after all, with Grand Strategy and Psychic Communion. Also, my squads are built to Combat Squad into equal units, if that is the strategy I want to use. Ghostwing is extremely flexible to play, opens up options for me to use to get inside my opponents desicion loop. To date, my only loses have been to Nid'zilla CC only lists (just too fast and hard to kill for my composition).


6th is seeing me take a more cautious approach until I can get up to speed on the changes in strategy inherent to the new rule set. Yet, an Aphla-strike inside my opponent's deployment area right next to a vulnerable unit with heavier reenforcements arriving every turn still sets the pace I choose, as fighting the entire battle on my opponent's side of the board with standing right next to them the whole time ... that's priceless.



haha I was referring to the players...not the insane fans

now am imagining what the fans do the the player, his family , his car , the team bus after he gets happy that the opposing team scored . I mean I remember fans beating up players who they thought played not enough , throwing bottles at players who got injured and couldnt play. showing sympathy for the opposing team would be like a death sentance . I mean sports are made to hate the other dude . table top games are of course more civilised you dont beat up the other dude [not realy effective in the end considering the small comunities and the higher income of people playing them] , but the best games are when both you and your opponent try to give the other dude as much of a NPE as possible . only then one can truely be happy . Specialy after the last study in eastern europe showing that we Russians get our pleasure centers working more when someone else gets hurt/fails/loses , then when we ourselfs win.

So technicly we are not even playing to win . We are playing to lose , well to make the other dude lose . This makes so much sense to me now .



christ the sand is killing me , I wrote this 6 times.

I'd be interested if you could go into some details on your list/tactics. In PM if you want but on here would be of help to others.


I've posted my list and attempted to discuss tactics a number of times on this forum, which generated little to no feedback from others except for the reminders on things that can go wrong with not taking Draigo/Pallies, paying the Crowe-tax, going full Cor-tease with spammed Psyfle-hench list.


My core 1750pt list is:


Mordrak + 4 Ghosts w/ 1 NDH, 1 NFH, 1 NFF


Librarian w/ homer, 2-3 skulls, 3-4 powers


2x 10-man GKT w/ 2 psycans, 2 NDH, 4 NFH, 1 NFF


1x 10-man GKIS w/ 2 psycans, 2 NDH


Basic strategy is to determine which units combat squad, which stay together, what point on the table is best to place Mordrak+Libby, which units will start on the board, which will deep strike, which will outflank, etc., all dependent on what my opponent is fielding, how the terrain is set up, and who goes first. In 5th, I've enjoyed reserving my entire army, dropping Mor+Libby inside my opponents army in a spot that favors me, while dropping in arriving GKT on turn 2, and outflanking GKIS to seize objectives if needed. 6th, however, has changed that a bit.




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