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Corbulo rules question


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So i've finally gotten my head round the wound allocation rules. Correct me if i'm wrong:


wounds are allocated BEFORE Look out Sir, if the character's armour save is different from the rest of the squad.


wounds are allocated after failed armour saves IF the squad and character have the same armor save. i.e:


A regular sanguinary priest, standing at the front of a tactical squad fails his 3+ save and takes a wound from a bolt pistol, he can LOS on a 2+ and move the wound to one of his accompanying tactical marines who then dies.... right?


now the same situation happens with Corbulo standing at the front.... does he get to take his 2+ feel no pain First... and then LOS? fnp isn't an armour save.


technically he has the same armour save, so a failed 3+ save on corbulo can be LOS'ed... but is that wound moved onto a regular marine before or after his redonk 2+ fnp?


Thanks! (hope I explained myself well enough! ;)

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IMO I would say that the way that LOS reads is that an unsaved wound can be reallocated.


FNP reads that FNP can be used after an unsaved wound. So both FNP and LOS will be at the same time.


at the same time? So..... :)

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"Look Out, Sir!

When a Wound (or unsaved Wound) is allocated to one of your characters...", BRB, Pg.16

"Feel No Pain

When a model with this special rule suffers an unsaved wound...", BRB, Pg.35


It seems clear to me that you allocate the wound to Corb, try his Look Out, Sir! roll, and failing that he suffers the wound, which then gives you your Feel No Pain roll.

He's not suffering the wound until after you fail to re-allocate the wound.

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I had a lot of fun with Corbulo, terminators and a terminator librarian with storm shield yesterday. If the shots came from one angle, the libby was closest, and if they were regular bolter shots I'd LOS them to Corbulo and 3+/2+ them away. For ID stuff then went to terminators and their saves or the libby risked the storm shield. They ate so much firepower.
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