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How might I use GS to dress up bases?


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Title says it all. I've got some 40mm bases that need some pretty decorating and I've got me a host of bits. I can (and do) glue the sand on there, but I'd like to add more texture than just "flat dirt with grass flock on it". At the same time, I don't want to drop money on really fancy sculpted bases by 3rd parties. I do have a ton of GS though, and while I'm not the best sculptor, maybe "rolling plains...of Mars" are not as difficult as I might think.


My real question here is this: what kinds of things have you done to make your bases stand out? (GS optional.) Don't be shy about linking your favorite walk-thru. I'm looking for ideas and inspiration. ;) I want to base these guys this week.

don't have many walk thrus, but some of the thing I have done is simple things like using GS to smooth out the base, use thin plasticard to make a seem or two. then paint it up like a poloshed stone surface.

or what Ive also done is find a rock with great texture, make a mold, and voila! blasted earth terrain.


just a couple of thoughts....FP

Personally I love cork. I got some cork coasters (Y100 for 6. Super cheap), break them up and you can use them for large slabs of rock or sections of crumbling concrete depending on how you paid it. Or crumble it up really small for larger-than-sand rocks/debris.

I typically use all the unused portions of green stuff I have left over and use that as ballast for rock formations that I can pose miniatures on. I'll typically have a bunch of these little rolled up green stuff blobs that have hardened and use that as the center of a rock formation (waste not want not!). I then use green stuff to cover all the blobs in the shape of a rock formation, then when it's cured I use an xacto knife to carve it down to look like a rocky formation.


Some examples (Tyranid Broodlord Conversion):







dagerg, is that large rock all sculpted GS? That looks great. I fear my scultping skills are barely adequate at best, but I am planning a walk around the local reservoir here to pick up some real world rocks to help. :teehee:


Cork seems like a good idea and that came up in those linked videos as well; perhaps I can get that at the hardware store as that guy suggests...or just as cheap coasters at Target or on the net.


It is a big blob of green stuff which I didn't try to sculpt, but instead let dry. Then I took my hobby knife and carved it down at pretty sharp angles and made look like a big slab of granite.


I've seen many folks use cork to good effect. It has natural crags and crannies that make it look very rocky. I think the trick would be to make sure you get good, solid deep pins at the joins with the model as cork might be a touch crumbly and would need the support. But then again I've not used it so my perception could be off. I do plan to try it some day as I do like the effect.


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