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locator beacon 6" stretch?


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Ok guys, remember in 5th edition when you would disembark from a transport you'd be able to place your models up to 2" away from an access point? Remember you could just place the tip of the models's base within 2" of the access point and be able to say it was within 2"? Well, I'm wondering if you're able to do that with deepstriking units that are using a locator beacon that's on the table. Say I have a drop pod deployed on the table with a locator beacon that has been there since my last turn. Now I have another deep striking drop pod that is using the locator beacon for it won't scatter. It says in order for a no scatter I have to deep strike within' 6" of the model wtih a locator beacon. Now can I stretch that 6" so that only part of my deep striking pod is within 6" of the beacon? Thanks in advance!
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