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Rhinos, Combat Squads and The Relic


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All three of these have to do with this question to bear with me! I know squads that split into combat squads can take the same Transport now but I have a question on embarking and disembarking. How many times can you embark and move in a turn? Do you have to move and disembark? Or can you move, disembark, move the rest of your movement then disembark the second combat squad? On the same leg, when playing the Relic, can you drive up your transport, disembark your squad next to the Relic, grab it, then get back in? I realize you wouldn't be able to move again, but otherwise is that possible?


Whew. This is all from my last game.

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A squad can only embark or disembark a transport in a turn, not both. Exception is if the unit embarks and the transport is destroyed, then disembarking in the same turn is allowed.


You can either:


move a unit with 2" of a transport and embark, the transport may then move if it has not already. If the transport already moved at all, it cannot move any further.


disembark a squad within 6" of a transport, the transport may then move if it has not already.


move the transport and then disembark a squad to within 6" of their transport. The transport cannot move any further.


Movement is always done in complete for each unit at a time. You cannot move this squad 3" then move something else and then come back and move this squad another 3" to finish its move.

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Arg! Book-reading is important! (see sig) ;)


Everything you need to know is on page 78/79, under Embarking and Disembarking. To answer anyway...


1. How many times can you embark and move in a turn?

Answer: You can only board one vehicle once in a player turn, and that vehicle can only move once. (p.78)


2. Do you have to move and disembark?

Answer: Of course not, you can disembark and then move the transport. (p.79)


3. Or can you move, disembark, move the rest of your movement then disembark the second combat squad?

Answer: No. Units can only deploy from a transport either before or after their movement, not during it. (p.79)


4. On the same leg, when playing the Relic, can you drive up your transport, disembark your squad next to the Relic, grab it, then get back in?

Answer: No. You can only voluntarily embark or disembark in a Movement phase, not both. (p.78)

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