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A look at Chaos Termy Champs and Precision

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I play Chaos Marines and orks and while looking at Kombi rokkits for Nob squads I thought about our termy champ squads and the precision shooting. Combi Plasma now seem even more viable than Combi meltas, since you'll have more chances of rolling a '6' and can still glance most vehicles to death. A squad of 5 termie Champs with Combi Plas have pretty good odds of killing not just PF Sgts and melta gun members (odds are with 4+ LOS! rolls, they will fail 1 of the 1-2 avarage rolls of precision plasma death), but can really knock down IC's (sure they have to fail the LOS! rolls, but anyone they bother putting in the way is dead from AP 2 Str 7 anyway....)
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I'm a personal fan of the twin-linked bolter still, something that is underrated within the circle of gamers I hang around. With all the low ap weapons people are more likely to take the hits on their characters confident that they will make the saves. Happened when I played a necron army. It didn't help that my opponent made all of those saves but regardless I think bolters are the way forward as they have always been :lol:
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In a game this weekend, I had an Ork Warboss with a T/L Shoota. Despite a BS of 2, I still managed 5 precision shots out of 6, all thanks to the twin-linking and some preposterous luck. Weirdly the lower your BS, the higher your chance of a precision shot when twin-linking comes into play. A Warboss ends up with nearly a 1/3 chance of a precision strike, for a Marine I think that it's around 22% instead.


So yeah, I think twin-linked bolters will be really nice in the new game.

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Those are also Khârn's new best friends. They'll answer challenges, they'll also provides good (2+ LOS with 2+ armor). They can provide precision shots from combi bolters and Reaper AC. Khârn protect them from psychic powers (2+ LOS). And they strike before Kharns (which means that Karn won't attack them before they kill a few), allowing him to kill important models.


Problems :

Cost (count 300 points)

Choice : run or precision shots

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