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Signum Interceptor Quad Gun


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I do not have my books handy right now and I have not every been a fan of a whole lot of devestators. Can you use the signium in your opponents turn to give the Quad Gun gunner BS 5?
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... for that shooting phase.


he's talking about intercepting flyers if I get this correctly, you couldn't use your signum for that.


Ah, sorry. Missed that it would be in the opponents phase.

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The signum can only be used in your own shooting phase, so you have to use the quad gun at normal BS not 5.


But its twinlinked so BS4 with a reroll is pretty good anyway.


I got to shoot a flyer with a dev squad with a bolter guy to fire the quad gun. 3 ml at BS1, a lascannon at BS5 and the Quad gun at twinlinked BS4. Works very well for taking down a flyer.

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The signum can only be used in your own shooting phase, so you have to use the quad gun at normal BS not 5.


But its twinlinked so BS4 with a reroll is pretty good anyway.


I got to shoot a flyer with a dev squad with a bolter guy to fire the quad gun. 3 ml at BS1, a lascannon at BS5 and the Quad gun at twinlinked BS4. Works very well for taking down a flyer.


Now that is what I wanted to hear! I haven't had a chance to test this combo yet and I know of several players in my area who will be fielding at least two Ravens in their lists as well as others with Vendettas.


Was it an SR you took down and where you able to do it in one game turn? i.e. Flyer comes on, Interceptor shots on opponents turn, then firing Quad and MLs on yours?

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You cannot use the interceptor gun again on your turn though. It is not allowed to fire in the next shooting phase.


Ah, thanks for that clarification Zed. That would be a little over powered if it did.


Either way, I am still curious as to how James1 fared and whether it took one complete game turn or several.

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