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Giving the Adeptus Mechanicus its due attention

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I'm working on a little project that will feature the Adeptus Mechanicus, and probably its evil twin, the Dark Mechanicus.


This project will live and die based on community participation and contribution - it will not succeed if only one person (me) or a very small number of people help.


Things this project will (hopefully) consist of will include:

  • Using existing codices to represent the Adeptus Mechanicus (as discussed here)
  • Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus (also discussed there)
  • The above, but for the Dark Mechanicus
  • Articles on converting models/units to represent the Adeptus/Dark Mechanicus
  • Apocalypse datasheets to cover both unique/legendary units and formations. Ideally, these datasheets can be used for both the adapted AM lists (i.e., using official codices) and for the homegrown list.
  • Some showcases of AM/DM armies. So if you have an AM/DM army that is fully painted/converted and you'd like to show it off, I'm interested in presenting it in the project.
  • In addition to the army list/codex, I'd like to explore how the various expansions (Cities of Death, Planetstrike, Spearhead) apply to the Adeptus Mechanicus. I've already covered the Apocalypse aspects. As far as Battle Missions goes, that would entail the possible development of up to three specialized missions that reflect how the AM/DM operate (potentially up to three missions for the AM and up to three missions for the DM).
  • And using the AM/DM in Epic Armageddon might also be discussed (assuming anyone has an interest in this). Note that GW has already provided rules for the AM in the Inquisitor and Battlefleet Gothic games. We might expand upon those, but we can't duplicate their efforts. We might provide information linking to those, however.
  • A visual guide to the AM/DM might also be included. This would require either converted/painted models or artists willing to create some artwork.
  • And all of this might be tied together with a small campaign.
  • If anyone has a battlefield/terrain that is based on the AM/DM, or if anyone is interested in building some, that would also be great.

Note that this project might be expanded to include other armies of the game universe that are related to the AM/DM. For the Space Marines, the Iron Hands and their various successors come to mind.


To repeat, this project will rely upon community participation in order to succeed. If you're interested in helping out, please reply here.



My force is AM hybridised with all other arms of the Imperium to one extent or the other, so I might be able to help. My painting isn't brilliant and the conversions are fairly simple, but I have quite a lot of completed guys. Also worked on the background on and off which may provide some ideas.

I'm very interested about this project. I always desidered to build an Adeptus Mechanicus army but I never had the chance due to the well known problems affecting everyone who follow the AM path on the table-top. :)


Anyway since I'd like to build an army that can be used even in "official events" I think using an existing codex would be the best choice for me. I'll read the linked topic as soon as possible.


You can count on me, Brother Tyler. I'm a huge fan of Adeptus Mechanicus and fielding an AM themed army is a desire I have from a very long time.

I would like to help on rules and unit ideas :)


As for including IH rules, Bannus is already organizing a project in creating rules for them, so instead of creating new rules why not merge the projects together?

Is the core idea here to create a Homebrew Rules Codex for AM and DM? Or is the idea here to use existing an existing codex (or two with Allied rules) for a lot of creative counts-as? Or both? :)


ADDENDUM: Answered my own question. (Both.) Happy to lend a hand as I'm able. I'll lurk, haha. <3 I very much want to see this project go somewhere, but I haven't the time or money to build an Ad Mech force. Yet.

As for including IH rules, Bannus is already organizing a project in creating rules for them, so instead of creating new rules why not merge the projects together?

Bannus' Iron Hands rules were included in the Eye of Terror issue of the Legio Imprint, so we won't be including them in the Mechanicus issue. If we include homegrown Iron Hands rules, we'll use somebody else's idea. It's much more likely, however, that we won't include Iron Hands rules. My comment about the Iron Hands and other Space Marine Chapters with close ties to the Adeptus Mechanicus was about background material and not about rules.

  • 2 weeks later...
I've been building a grey knight based space marine/admech army and some background for my specific army that ties into the Horus heresy book Mechanicum. I also have some nifty conversions and been making a possibility list for skitarrii units
  • 3 weeks later...
Will this project be dealing with some of the more arcane branches of the Admech, space allowing? Will the Adeptus Biologis or the Legio Cybernetica be featured? Will we see rules for psy-titans? Dear Omnissiah, I hope so(there is even rules precedent, with the super psyker machines of the GK)!
  • 2 weeks later...

I will pledge my allegiance, but any actual work may (will) be sporadic according to meatspace conditions, I'll give in photos of any successful models/artwork and would like to help in devising armoury, rules etc. I would really like to see a Dark Mechanicus codex, love them but haven't quite shaken of the AdMech need to have an at least halfway approved version rather than creating all on my lonesome.


Is there going to be a command-type thread for this where the subsections are linked to and where you will put in requests if you want us to focus on anything in particular and so on? A couple of files which will be the "approved" codices updated when you think that something good enough to justify entry has been created? Sorry if it already exists and I'm just being unobservant.


PS. Do you have scraps of the codices, such as page art and some units, if not I will get going on a proposed skeleton of the DM codex as I will likely be out of contact for a while. If you do have some bits, I will do this anyway but incorporate said gubbins.


EDIT: Reason for edit, added post script.

  • 3 weeks later...

The Horus Heresy books from Forge World will include the Adeptus Mechanicus, though it seems they'll be scattered about, so I'm holding off to see if a cohesive AM list can be synthesized from those rules. And since the rules are central to the project, that really puts the whole project on hold for now. :)


Still, we're finally getting official AM rules. ;)


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