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Bat Rep 2k


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Rough outline at a bat rep.


LGS finaly let those of us with armies rather than units off the leash for a "proper" game.


Me, with three tactical squads, ML/F, a 7 man termie squad with an ass cannon and a captain with claws in termie armour.

No idea when or why I wrote that list, but it was the only one I brought....


My ally, space wolves, had a unit of rocket marines, a big squad of foot slogging scouts (like 20), a ten man squad of jet pack scouts (WS 3 anyway), an ass cannon dread and a marine squad with psyker


Tau, vespids, stealth, battle suits, 2 squads of fire warriors and a transport


Chaos, plague marines, normal marines, terminators, defiler, flying prince.


One Objective, dead centre



Turn One

Chaos general advance, defiler shoots my termies misses, and kills 5 bolter marines from my rocket combat squads.

Everything else opens up on my terminators, no effect.

Tau move forward and strip some hull points from the dreadie


Blood angels move towards the mid table and unleash everything on the prince, who dies to the final shot of the turn, a krak missile

Wolves move forward, psyker deep strikes his squad towards the Tau, scatters badly, presumably to another sub sector or something. Blood Angels berate wolves for playing with the warp.

Wolves blow apart defiler in response, assault stealth suits and wipe them out


Turn Two

Chaos Advance further, open up on my terminators again, to no effect.

Plague Marines attempt to assault, blood angels point out that the marines can pre measure and are clearly out of range.

Chaos attempts to assault with Terminators, blood angels again point out pre measure, 10", they roll, they miss, and one dies.

Tau slaughter the wolf jumpers and the dread, remaining three jumpwolves die in hand to hand with vespids, blood angels look over and ask where they went.


Angels pour fire onto the plague marines toughness 5 causes problems, but the shear volume of fire brings some down

Terminators open up on their opposites and charge in, shooting killed one, captain caused a horrific FOUR wounds with his claws, AP3 bounced right off. 1 kill each side leaves the combat dragging on for three whole turns.


Wolves blow apart Tau transport


Turn Three

Plague Marines and Vespid seize objective

Angels use fire and bolter to drive them off, causing casualties, but not panic.

Wolves charge, Angels join in, until they remember they cant fire bolters AND charge, whoops, wolf cubs dont do well.

Termie Combat drags on


Turn Four

Tau battlesuits and firewarriors join the melee over the objective, wolves are almost exterminated, butr hold on.

Terminator Combat ends, with Victory for the Angels, they consolidate 6" right next to the objective.


Turn 5

That which isnt engaged shoots to little game changeing value, Terminators and flamer combat squads charge, battle suits and plague marines are wiped out, terminators pile into fire warriors, a lone bolter marine is left holding the objective.

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