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Sanguinary Guard


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I'm hoping to start encorporating some Sanguinary Guard into my lists, but I'm looking for some good 'counts-as'



Right now I have left-over halberds and heads from a GK box and an unbuilt Death Company box, as well as TONS of various bits.


My initial thought is to use the DC bodies with JPs, but use GK power armor heads and halberds (isn't 'glaive' just a different term for 'halberd'? that's what wikipedia told me........)


Now of course they won't have the 'wings' with mono-jet on the back, and I wasn't planning on painting them gold either (so that they will be VetSgts in my RAS when not formed into a SangGuard unit).


Will all these differences make them too far away from what they should look like to count them as Sanguinary Guard?




And also, does anyone have some more good ideas on how to make them stand out more?

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I think so long as they don't look like another unit in your army or blatantly like something they are not (i.e. painted black like your DC or modeled to advantage or whatever) and your opponent is clear about what they are before the game starts then go for it, it sounds fine to me. I use Berzerker heads with the bunny ears cut & filed off for my DC models & everyone I play against is clear that 'Berzerker head = DC' in my army. I always make sure I explain my army before we even roll off. You'll always get counts as haters but at the end of the day the hobby is about 2 things, 1) having fun playing, 2) having fun modeling/painting - I've had a blast converting my army & incorporating FW bits. Plus sometimes I look over at my friends Imperial Guard army (not a single counts as) & spend a few minutes asking him, ':D is that unit?' & he uses all GW plastic box dudes!


PS. If you intend to play competitive or in organised tournaments then you might have more issues but I've never visited a tournament so I wouldn't know what their rules are, I imagine they all have different rules.



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Personally, I like seeing a clear difference between guys in Power Armor versus guys in Artificer Armor. This a pet peeve of mine.


I wouldn't complain in a friendly.

I wouldn't complain in a tournament.

But I might give your army a frown of contempt.

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Hmm, they need to look different than just being sergeants. A unit of sergeants put together sounds to me more like Honor Guard or Vanguard.


Using GK halberds helps. Do you have the death mask bits, that owuld help too?

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Id be looking for something else too.


Id strongly suggest painting them up a different colour, if not gold - but also, the conformity of the weapons may work to your favour. You dont want them just looking like fancy DC.

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Thanks SO much everybody--- I had been thinking it wouldn't really work too well. Thanks for confirming.


I made the models anyway, so I'll be running them either as VV or HG. Hence, the chainsword on some of them-- pistols in holsters are fine with me.


Here's how they ended up (sorry idk how to take good minis pics)





edit: umm apparently idk how to post them either.... i put the photo on facebook... linky not work... hmmm

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Upload them to your B&C gallery (the link's the "my albums" bit up at the top, create the album and stick the photos there), and then link to those. Just copy the image link (third one down of the 4 that appear on the right when you look at a specific image) and then put the link between the tags of [ img] and [/img] (only remove the space after the first square bracket). That should see you right.
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